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I'm in need of a bit more WvW advice.


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I've asked on here for some WvW advice before (might have been old forums), and the info I got was really useful in helping me get started with WvW. So I'm hoping I can get a bit more advice from you all on the following to help me try and understand a bit more.


1) Far as I can tell the WvW ability points are just awarded each time you increase your WvW level? So is there any optimal/recommended way to boost levels quickly in WvW to get these? Or is it just a case of load up on every WvW exp booster I can find and just keep doing what I've been doing? (mainly I just follow a comm/zerg and do what they ask/are doing).


2) I'm quite keen to get autoloot, then after that some of the advanced gliding ones. Once those are done, as someone who mainly follows a comm/zerg I assume I'm best focusing on supply & repair related ones for contributing to things, rather than the siege weapon, arrow cart ones etc?


3) Are there any WvW maps available anywhere which show the location names in the shorthand/nicknames that players refer to them as in chat? I often see things like "help needed at hills" or "blob at borderlands cliffside" (or something like those terms) etc, and I never have a clue where these people are talking about. I can never see any place labelled on my map that matches what they call out, so I assume it's some sort of WvW shorthand for places, but I've no idea where. Half the time I'm honestly not even sure they are talking about the same map I'm in! (map chat covers all WvW maps?) Sometimes they've even said x borderlands/map, and I don't even see that as one of the ones I can select in the WvW menu, so all the location stuff confuses the hell out of me. So if there's a map out there with location names based on what players commonly refer to them as then that would be really useful for me.


4) Lastly, far as I can gather from the wiki, the timer at the top is a 2hr skirmish, and those points go to the weekly score of the server in the match? But I can't see any mention of if there's any relevance/bonus to winning a skirmish, or for the server being top at the end of the 'match'/week. Is it just for server bragging rights? Or is there actually a bonus/benefit/buff that players who participated receive as well?


Think that's all for now, I'm sure I'll have another batch of questions on things I don't understand at some point XD

Thanks in advance.


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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> I've asked on here for some WvW advice before (might have been old forums), and the info I got was really useful in helping me get started with WvW. So I'm hoping I can get a bit more advice from you all on the following to help me try and understand a bit more.


> 1) Far as I can tell the WvW ability points are just awarded each time you increase your WvW level? So is there any optimal/recommended way to boost levels quickly in WvW to get these? Or is it just a case of load up on every WvW exp booster I can find and just keep doing what I've been doing? (mainly I just follow a comm/zerg and do what they ask/are doing).


> 2) I'm quite keen to get autoloot, then after that some of the advanced gliding ones. Once those are done, as someone who mainly follows a comm/zerg I assume I'm best focusing on supply & repair related ones for contributing to things, rather than the siege weapon, arrow cart ones etc?


> 3) Are there any WvW maps available anywhere which show the location names in the shorthand/nicknames that players refer to them as in chat? I often see things like "help needed at hills" or "blob at borderlands cliffside" (or something like those terms) etc, and I never have a clue where these people are talking about. I can never see any place labelled on my map that matches what they call out, so I assume it's some sort of WvW shorthand for places, but I've no idea where. Half the time I'm honestly not even sure they are talking about the same map I'm in! (map chat covers all WvW maps?) Sometimes they've even said x borderlands/map, and I don't even see that as one of the ones I can select in the WvW menu, so all the location stuff confuses the hell out of me. So if there's a map out there with location names based on what players commonly refer to them as then that would be really useful for me.


> 4) Lastly, far as I can gather from the wiki, the timer at the top is a 2hr skirmish, and those points go to the weekly score of the server in the match? But I can't see any mention of if there's any relevance/bonus to winning a skirmish, or for the server being top at the end of the 'match'/week. Is it just for server bragging rights? Or is there actually a bonus/benefit/buff that players who participated receive as well?


> Think that's all for now, I'm sure I'll have another batch of questions on things I don't understand at some point XD

> Thanks in advance.



1.guild may assist you by guild buffs to increase wxp bonus for your levels. eotm or following a zerg will get you there fast.


2. go for provisions trait first. adds extra for gaining wvw stuff. then siege bunker. then ac and cata mastery.


3. most are shortcuts, like nec northeast camp. instead of names since they are always at the same part of the map.


4. wvw's meaning is up to you. for now because we have no tournaments its just another dungeon but with npc and players as enemy. you gain some by defending structures, killling enemiss or capturing stuff.


for more info, check metabattle.com or wvw wiki. they are more in depth

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1- You do get one ability point for each level. Consider joining a wvw guild to enjoy your time spent more and with a group that you get along well with. Boosters and rapidly flipping objectives and/or getting lots of fights (kills) will level you pretty quickly.


2- A lot of the order depends on personal preference, and your preferred class and build. Autoloot, gliding, supply master, siege bunker, defense against guards, guard killer, siege might, supply capacity would be my priorities then it depends after those. You can reset and respend your ability points now if you mess up and really want something different first.


3-Light red chat is map chat and specific to the map that you are on. Dark red chat is Team chat and covers all maps, in chat options you can check channel tags which will preface each line with the source; for team chat it will show ebg for eternal battlegrounds; rbl, gbl and bbl for red, green and blue borderland respectively.


It takes time to learn the names of all the objectives. Hills is east keep on alpine borderland, Bay is west keep on alpine borderlands, garri is garrison on alpine. The easiest method is when people call using cardinal directions for borderland maps ie nwt for northwest tower.






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