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The flow of the "Brawlerstyle" spellbreaker.


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_Once upon a time the Warriors of Tyria rediscovered the fighting techniques of the Spellbreakers of Elona._

_The season of Hate was upon us, and different fighting styles were developped using the ancient elonian teachings._

_While the more popular **"Choppah style"** And **"Tether style"** are well known , the **Brawler Style** lurks in the shadows..._






Hello war forum.

Since buddies have asked, it is my pleasure to give a little rundown of the "brawlerstyle". It's simply a different way to organise things away from the greatsword-centric "Choppahstyle" and have a build that's well rounded to deal with the multiple threats of the battlefields of spvp.






Weapon set : Dagger/shield + Axe/Dagger

As the name implies, this is a short range build setup . The primary bar of **Dagger/Shield** is setup to synergise for the most interrupts possible ( via bubble combos and builtins, like sh4 and dag3) which allows you to do surprising lightning dagger spikes ( via sun&moon quickness ) while the secondary setup, **Axe/Dagger** is designed for big numbers, medium range harassment and ranged reflection ( via axe3 & dag5).Sun&moon here offering a 7% heal on damage dealt)




Features and shenadigans:

- _Double cleanse on weapon switches_ : ( via brawler's recovery + sigil of cleansing)

- _Triple Stunbreaker_ : All your utilities are also stunbreakers. On top of defense builtins.

- _Boonsteal AND boonrip on interrupt_ : Boonsteal on dagger/shield via sigil of Absorbtion , boonrip on all interrupts via Dispelling force

- _Classic Discipline/Defense setup_.

- _Triple bump movement_ : Don't forget to chain your primary set to do double and triple leaps for movement (via f1, dag2 and sh4).

- _That Golden bubble_ : Winds of disenchantment is a greatly undervalued elite. It nullifies all enemy pews. It melts their boons. It prevents them from getting new ones. It changes clutch fights in your favor if deployed smartly. What's not to love ? But the best part is, it's a lightning field. Which means that any leaps in the gold bubble turn into a dazing strike.

- _The multistun combo_ : Deploy **Winds**. If someone foolishly fights you inside or at the edge of the bubble, Use your **leaps** to create a chain of multiple short stuns ( primary bar stuns on 2-3-4-f1 AND FC, secondary stuns on Evis and FC.) The bubble will melt your opponent's boons and stability while your stunning hits will deliver more boonrip and microstuns they won't be able to escape from. Use your ten seconds of golden bubble well and setup that reversal spike.

- _Featherfoot Shenadigans_ : Never underestimate the superspeed from featherfoot. It's literally going from frozen in battle speed to instantly running away in pve city speed before people can realise what's up. As a movement skill it's also extremely surprising and allows you to do quick disengages from caps ( running and leaping away behind some corner) before people realise what's going on. Also excellent as a stomp skill against necros, as their antistomp is fear based.

- Stun cha-cha : Know your stuns well and remember to time them right so a shorter stun doesn't overwrite a longer one. Every stun on primary weapon set gives you some quickness, so **USE IT**. Stun, then do 2-3 quick slices of dagger 1. RESTUN, repeat. Keep the pressure up. Lighter classes often get surprised by the speed you can deliver those quick dagger hits and often panic as the numbers pile up.


Well that's it for now.

I hope you enjoy the fun antics and shenadigans of the Brawlerstyle.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> Question though, how often are you sitting in axe/dagger?


Axe/Dagger is the "heavier" set, and i find myself in it when i'm juust out of reach but still want to keep the pressure up. Axe3 is on auto ( ctrl+click on the skillbar to change it) so once you're in fighting mode, it automatically starts chuking for you as you maneuver.


I tend to keep the Dagger 5 reflector/fan aoe for reflecting and closing range on ranged enemies. While reflecting in general is nice ( and great to have without having to gimp defenses), reflecting **AND** hitting people _while you use the skill_ is where you want to be. It's also great because it damages while allowing you to maneuver into your next moves .... a straight dag4 facestab ? or a riskier Evis+ axe2 _( since evis positions you for axe2 doublehit )_ ?


The cleave on the axe chain is also really good on people trying to revive. If you can't quite switch to dagger/shield yet, being able to drop evis and start chopping into immobile bodies forces your enemies to **make choices** , and that's where you want to be.


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> @Kaga.7629 said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > Question though, how often are you sitting in axe/dagger?


> Axe/Dagger is the "heavier" set, and i find myself in it when i'm juust out of reach but still want to keep the pressure up. Axe3 is on auto ( ctrl+click on the skillbar to change it) so once you're in fighting mode, it automatically starts chuking for you as you maneuver.


> I tend to keep the Dagger 5 reflector/fan aoe for reflecting and closing range on ranged enemies. While reflecting in general is nice ( and great to have without having to kitten defenses), reflecting **AND** hitting people _while you use the skill_ is where you want to be. It's also great because it damages while allowing you to maneuver into your next moves .... a straight dag4 facestab ? or a riskier Evis+ axe2 _( since evis positions you for axe2 doublehit )_ ?


> The cleave on the axe chain is also really good on people trying to revive. If you can't quite switch to dagger/shield yet, being able to drop evis and start chopping into immobile bodies forces your enemies to **make choices** , and that's where you want to be.



Yes and for me it feels like if I've got axe mastery running I can get my evis charged up faster for more damage.

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