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New high end machine acting weird


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I just built my new machine, 8700K, 1080Ti, 16gb 3200 ram, win10 64. Obviously I intend to play in 4k at max settings and at first it was insane, im talking 140+ fps anywhere i went. Then all of a sudden it dropped to single digits and acted as if it was capped at 10 fps in an open world scenario with no other player in sight and a few random mobs just wandering around me. I cant imagine I need to overclock this build to run gw2 at max settings. Im not talking huge zerg with player detail settings maxed, this was as undemanding as it should get. I think its the fxaa setting because when i change it to the fxaa I believe from the one with "??aa high" it hasnt done it yet. All drivers are new, the machine was built yesterday, temps dont even break 45c. What could be wrong, is this normal?

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Came on here to complain about the exact same issue... glad it's nothing wrong on my end because i'm certain there's NOTHING wrong on OUR end's.


Drops of less than 13 FPS randomly **- rather -** after long periods of play time.


I'd say, after about 2 or 3 Conquest games would this happen... so about, 30Minutes to 45M of gaming time... (16g Ram) i'm half-certain it's memory leakage related..... and the **Operating System (Windows 10)** is reallocating RAM but is not efficient on this old Guild Wars 2 game. Thus, Memory Leakage.... it fixes itself after a time but then the 13 FPS issue happens every 10 minuets or so




.... same for everyone else, i'm 100% sure of.

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You can see on the above picture that i'm gaming at 3 FPS.... I don't care if it's A...

"WELL YOU NEED TO ADD X, Y, and install Z ....."


This is unacceptable in today's gaming age.... No other game has this debilitating issue.


100% an issue with Anet and 1080 GPU's and/or Windows 10 and/or Ram Leakage.... They know what the issue is.... THEY need to Fix It...

Fix your string programming game......

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> @Trae.2384 said:

> What could be wrong, is this normal?


Ive seen others complaining recently on similar issues, check to make sure that your GFX card is running at PCI x16 , I seen a few times where it got changed, and will have the affect you are describing.


I run a 1080 GTX and an older i7 and have no issues in game with FPS other than the usual zerg vs zerg in WvW.


Saiyan what is your CPU?



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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @Trae.2384 said:

> > What could be wrong, is this normal?


> Ive seen others complaining recently on similar issues, check to make sure that your GFX card is running at PCI x16 , I seen a few times where it got changed, and will have the affect you are describing.


> I run a 1080 GTX and an older i7 and have no issues in game with FPS other than the usual zerg vs zerg in WvW.


> Saiyan what is your CPU?




@"Ok I Did It.2854" An i5 6600k.

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@"moonstarmac.4603" It's set at x16 3.0 / x16 3.0


I'm running the Render Test now for 30m - 1hr time to mimicking gw2 gaming (though the 1080 isn't being pushed anywhere near 100% load on gw2) to see the temps.


Still like to add I've gamed on PUBG for hours and have no issues. When the FPS gets down to 3 frames on GW2, the rest of my computer is 100% fine and unaffected when alt-tabbed. I can stream music, videos, etc. during the occurrence.


Previously I had an older SSD with a free W10 OS, all drivers updated and had the issue. I recently upgraded to a new Evo SSD and bought a new Windows 10, issue still persists. If it's only GW2 then it could be a driver issue but if I'm on the newest Mobo and gpu driver, what else could it be?

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> @Yamazuki.6073 said:

> In the case of fps cap, is VSync enabled in the client? It has been bugged lately and rather than sticking to your primary refresh limit it will randomly limit it down to a lower number.


Ill check that when I play tonight, im sure it is though because I think everything was checked, or slid to highest performance. When I choose auto detect vs highest performance the only thing that changes is the aa goes from the ??aa "high" to fxaa. With everything completely chosen to full pimp mode except choosing fxaa it runs as expected 100+ fps anywhere. I was experimenting with the character quality and limit in a wurm event and world boss train last night and it runs fine with character limit at high and quality at highest which makes the random hits in a calm super low demand area quite puzzling. Glad it's not only me which leads me to believe its either game or driver side and not faulty components.


It was the first and only game installed so I cant comment on how anything else looks or runs, I will install destiny 2 that came with the card tonight to compare. I was wondering if theres an antialiasing setting in the nvidia global setting thats interferring with the gw2 aa high setting or making it double dip, temps are fine in game right as the fps hit was happening so nothing is over 50c, fans dont even bump up to their next level when playing gw2 lolz. The memory issue mentioned by saiyan makes a lot of sense because it happens randomly but goes away and it starts after playing a bit. Is there a fix for that or do we need anet to address it? Thanks


Also the card is in x16 mode.


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I took a screen around the time my fps dropped to 3 again.




Not sure if anything looks funny but I do see an "idl" on PerfCap Reason if that means anything.

Also I read that setting my Manage 3D Settings in Nvidia Control Panel to > Prefer Maximum Performance helps when preventing the gpu from idling (or something) so i'm gonna run with this for a bit and see if it comes back.


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Welcome to the grand mystery bug that has been plaguing a lot of players. I'm suffering from the same issue: everything is fine, but randomly the ping more than doubles and FPS drops to 5 for several minutes. This makes the game unplayable until the crunch passes. This all started after the most recent balance patch. Nothing else on my computer lags. I've attempted several things, and nothing fixes the problem:


Update graphics card driver: No effect

Backdate driver: No effect

Delete local.temp files: No effect

Minimum settings: No effect

Repair client: No effect.

Reinstall client: No effect.

Fiddle with graphics card settings in endless iterations: No effect.

Update Computer to Fall Creators update: No effect.


Right now, all I can do is hope that Anet can figure out what the problem is.

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> @Saiyan.1704 said:

> I took a screen around the time my fps dropped to 3 again.


> https://imgur.com/a/J2HAu


> Not sure if anything looks funny but I do see an "idl" on PerfCap Reason if that means anything.

> Also I read that setting my Manage 3D Settings in Nvidia Control Panel to > Prefer Maximum Performance helps when preventing the gpu from idling (or something) so i'm gonna run with this for a bit and see if it comes back.



You could try preventing your gpu from going idle by using MSI Afterburner and locking the GPU Frequency.

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I am one of the players who has been having the FPS issue since last month. Apparently they recently switched to amazon servers, moved from Dallas to virginia. I never had FPS issues til they moved servers. According to the dev some ISP's don't work well with this change and it doesn't sound like Anet is in any rush to find a fix on this problem... or to make a public statement on the server change/issue. You can read up on the reddit thread.



And here is a forum thread of everyone having this issue most likely due to the server change:


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Check if Hyper-V is actived (optional functionality of windows). Removing the Hyper-V from windows 10 resolved all my weird FPS issues.


If you use software like Visual Studio, Hyper-V can be installed (any software using emulation/virtualization can required it).


More informations on the memory issue caused by Hyper-V [here](https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/virtual_pc_guy/2009/11/16/understanding-high-end-video-performance-issues-with-hyper-v/ "here"), How to remove it [Here](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-windows_install/how-do-i-uninstall-hyper-v/7d268911-47cd-4c52-bfe5-ea41e58067ab "How to remove it"))


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> @oso.3107 said:

> Check if Hyper-V is actived (optional functionality of windows). Removing the Hyper-V from windows 10 resolved all my weird FPS issues.


> If you use software like Visual Studio, Hyper-V can be installed (any software using emulation/virtualization can required it).


> More informations on the memory issue caused by Hyper-V [here](https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/virtual_pc_guy/2009/11/16/understanding-high-end-video-performance-issues-with-hyper-v/ "here"), How to remove it [Here](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-windows_install/how-do-i-uninstall-hyper-v/7d268911-47cd-4c52-bfe5-ea41e58067ab "How to remove it"))



How or why would Hyper-V give GW2 issues?> @Unknown.2189 said:

> I am one of the players who has been having the FPS issue since last month. Apparently they recently switched to amazon servers, moved from Dallas to virginia. I never had FPS issues til they moved servers. According to the dev some ISP's don't work well with this change and it doesn't sound like Anet is in any rush to find a fix on this problem... or to make a public statement on the server change/issue. You can read up on the reddit thread.




> And here is a forum thread of everyone having this issue most likely due to the server change:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6253/latency-ping-fps-issues-merged/p5


That makes a lot of sense, especially if they did this move over the summer because that's when a lot of people had ping issues (including myself). Doesn't explain the low fps issue players are having on higher end graphics cards.

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So after last nights session I have narrowed it down to 1 setting. When I have everything maxed to highest possible performance/appearance EXCEPT I put the antialaising setting from smaa high to FXAA Im fine running well over 200 fps 90% of the time which is what I expected from this rig. I do have character limit to high though ,character detail is highest. The only global Nvidia settings I changed was putting the one option to "prefer maximum performance" so everything there is default as of a 2 day old clean install. Now could this be a coincidence and I got really lucky last night and the change did nothing I cant know at this point. The really weird thing is I cant even visually tell the difference between "smaa high" and "fxaa" which had me thinking the nvidia global settings were overriding the in-game ones. Temps are fine, reading 45c 6 hours into a session for cpu and out of the 3 graphics card sensors the highest one hit 62c for a few seconds and the fan kicked it right back to low 50's so I know and knew then it couldnt have been a temp/throttling down issue.


Im curious on exact settings you guys are using with newer rigs, have you tried swapping the AA if not give it a shot and let me know what happens, like I mentioned I couldnt tell any difference between the 2 and I tried real hard to find one. I did notice my ping would go higher than ive ever seen it when these fps hits were happening, I always though they were 2 different things so I didnt really think it was a connection problem but im no expert so hearing about the different servers is quite interesting. So as of now Im satisfied with the performance so far and we will see how tonight goes.

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