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Pets need an immediate update


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Now after PoF and thus Soulbeast was released we got a new feature exclusive to Soulbeast that should be available to every ranger: Pet Natures.

Not that a Ranger should get a buff depending on its pet but rather could decide which nature his pet has. This would have an effect on pet cappabbilities and buildcraft.

The base stats of Pets should stay the same but they get additional stats depending on nature. Depending on Nature they will obviously give another F3 in Bmode, thus giving even more variety.


In addition to that the formula to calculate crititcal chance should be streamline to match the formula of a player or atleast should be viable and consistent through all pet classes.




Overhaul the pet skills. Not entirely revamp them but reduce CD, bump up modifiers, apply more boons, increase range etc etc.

Just buff base pets and bring them in line with Expac pets atleast utility wise.


Special case Porcines: Just change the F2 already to a steal behaviour already. they are cool pets with nice abbilities but the F2 is kitten garbage.


Any other proposals are welcome i will put them here.

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> @leasm.1279 said:

> Just would like to see all vanilla pets boosted to the level of HoT and PoF pets. Drakes and some felines are the only ones that are close IMO.


> As a start, *ALL* melee pets need a good cleaving auto-attack. Then the devs can starting reviewing the vanilla skills from there.


The spiders are also on par with the other pets I would say: the spiders compensate for their lower personal DPS by buffing the ranger's damage via the poison field (and the F2 of the forest spider) and they provide useful debuffing conditions via entangling web (and the F2s of every spider except the forest one). They also attack at range which gives them an advantage in some situations. The murellow bear has a similar poison field that makes it good for tanking: if you send the bear into a fight first and use F2 it will draw the aggro of every trash mob in the field which can be useful in some situations. And the pink moa of course is always useful for CC.


If we're taking Soulbeast merged form into account there's also the black and brown bears: the black bear will let you chain Defy Pain, Unflinching Fortitude, Stone Signet and/or Lesser Stone Signet in order to have extended damage immunity; and the brown bear will give you condition clear + resistance.

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> @"Professor Sprout.1560" said:

> > @leasm.1279 said:

> > Just would like to see all vanilla pets boosted to the level of HoT and PoF pets. Drakes and some felines are the only ones that are close IMO.

> >

> > As a start, *ALL* melee pets need a good cleaving auto-attack. Then the devs can starting reviewing the vanilla skills from there.


> The spiders are also on par with the other pets I would say: the spiders compensate for their lower personal DPS by buffing the ranger's damage via the poison field (and the F2 of the forest spider) and they provide useful debuffing conditions via entangling web (and the F2s of every spider except the forest one). They also attack at range which gives them an advantage in some situations. The murellow bear has a similar poison field that makes it good for tanking: if you send the bear into a fight first and use F2 it will draw the aggro of every trash mob in the field which can be useful in some situations. And the pink moa of course is always useful for CC.


> If we're taking Soulbeast merged form into account there's also the black and brown bears: the black bear will let you chain Defy Pain, Unflinching Fortitude, Stone Signet and/or Lesser Stone Signet in order to have extended damage immunity; and the brown bear will give you condition clear + resistance.


Yes tgey have some use but tgey just underperform expac pets. In addition to tge spuder part: Tge poisonfield is bugged in beastmode. It cant hit anything except pointblank.


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> @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> Now after PoF and thus Soulbeast was released we got a new feature exclusive to Soulbeast that should be available to every ranger: Pet Natures.

> Not that a Ranger should get a buff depending on its pet but rather could decide which nature his pet has. This would have an effect on pet cappabbilities and buildcraft.

> The base stats of Pets should stay the same but they get additional stats depending on nature. Depending on Nature they will obviously give another F3 in Bmode, thus giving even more variety.


> In addition to that the formula to calculate crititcal chance should be streamline to match the formula of a player or atleast should be viable and consistent through all pet classes.




> Overhaul the pet skills. Not entirely revamp them but reduce CD, bump up modifiers, apply more boons, increase range etc etc.

> Just buff base pets and bring them in line with Expac pets atleast utility wise.


> Special case Porcines: Just change the F2 already to a steal behaviour already. they are cool pets with nice abbilities but the F2 is kitten garbage.


> Any other proposals are welcome i will put them here.


This thread needs to be merged with the bug thread for this error


Quickness is not working on most pets.


Some skills are not working - one example is the jacaranda lightening in WvW - when the heck will it ever go off like it does in other game modes?

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