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Revert F5 change ?


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I would like to know how the community feels about the way the engineer fifth toolbelt skill is treated. Now that the devs realised they gave core engineer too many keys with the addition of the F5 skill, they're going back for the most recently Elite Specialisation : the Holosmith. And I personally feel like taking Holosmith comes with a little punition : your F5 is replaced by the Photo Forge no matter what and you basically lose a skill if not playing Prime Light Beam. I know it's not a big thing and I would understand that no one cares xD But wouldn't it be better to revert the change and come back to a four skill toolbelt ? This would allow the devs to get creative and add a key for the new mechanics for current and future Elite Specialisation. How will they do for the next one ? Same as before ? Either replacing skills we would normally have or adding a new situational skill on F like for the Scrapper. And I find this irrelevant of an Elite Specialisation to reduce the possibilities of the core profession when its job is to open new horizons.


You will tell me that we'll lose some skills like throw Elixir X or the detection wave of the Scrapper. That's true, I and don't have any idea on how to replace this for now. Orbital Strike is bad since the change of the Grandmaster trait that was related to it, so I don't care for this one but those last skills really helped the engineer to shine in PvP, especially the Scrapper. But concerning it, we could build a new F5 skill that every Scrapper would have that could fuse the two aspects of Function Gyro and a detection mechanic. I truly don't know and would like to know your position.


Good day to you ^-^

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Well elite spec are about introducing a new gamplay style for a class. See mirage, for example. You can’t dodge in the normal sense of it.


Chrono adds an F5 to mesmers and is entirely built around it.


Now with engie, the whole spec is built around entering forge. Also, I don’t think I’d like to have forge added as an F6 xD


You gain some, you lose some. True that it makes the non holo elite skills redundant in some way, but not entirely.

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