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Putrid Defense [Suggestion]


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So, I had an idea that originated from Divinity: Original SIn 2, and how there poison heals undead, wanted to see how people feel about it put into the context of this game and the necromancer.

Putrid Defense is the obvious place implement this, as the trait is weak, and fits in theme as well.


So first thing to change is the name, which I would change into:

**Putrid Mending**

- When Poison is inflicted on you, gain health and Regeneration. This traits cooldown is reduced based on how much health you have.

- Health gain: 105 Baseline + 0,1 scaling from Healing Power (1000 Healing P. translates to 100 more health)

- Regeneration (2s)

- Internal Cooldown above 75% health: 4s

- Internal Cooldown below 75% health: 2s

- Internal Cooldown below 50% health: 1s

- _With 1 proc counting both the health gain and full duration of regen, this would give 365 hp back at 0 Healing Power, or 715 at 1000 Healing Power._


I'm happy to get rid of the damage reduction in favor of this. It is a bit situational but I wanted to consider where it would fit, and the best synergies IMO here are found from Blood Magic and Reaper. Consider the trait in regards with existing condi builds you encounter, as 80% - 90% of them use poison in some way. If nothing else, they probably have a Sigil of Doom at least. It would probably most heavily counter other necromancers and condi thieves. Obviously, I had PvP in mind while making this post.


Numbers can be adjusted to fit a sweet spot, I tried to consider a reasonable tradeoff in terms of traitlines and sacrifices in terms of balance with offense, defense and healing potential. I imagine this would be played with either Avatar or Sage amulets depending on build. Maybe you could even go support if you get enough self healing sustain out of it.


Now, gimme feedback! :bleep_bloop:

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based on my 15+years experience with mmorpg i think that traits who proc on specific conditions are always not optimal and end up being not used.


In PvP can be avoided easy by good players (i noticed it proc when i poison you so i stop to use poison skills)

In PvE can not trigger at all (if the monsters you are fighting do not apply poison)

Can also be abused if you have some way to auto apply poison to yourself.


Then, as GW2 trait system is done, you also have to contestualize the other traits in the same line and ask yourself, "it is worth to drop other traits to get this one?"



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> @ilmau.9781 said:

> based on my 15+years experience with mmorpg i think that traits who proc on specific conditions are always not optimal and end up being not used.


> In PvP can be avoided easy by good players (i noticed it proc when i poison you so i stop to use poison skills)

> In PvE can not trigger at all (if the monsters you are fighting do not apply poison)

> Can also be abused if you have some way to auto apply poison to yourself.


> Then, as GW2 trait system is done, you also have to contestualize the other traits in the same line and ask yourself, "it is worth to drop other traits to get this one?"


> :)


Say if you have a Sigil of Doom on your other weapon-set, you wouldn't change weapons then? Wouldn't that be a good situation for me? Forcing you to play in a certain sub-optimal way I could then take advantage of. Which is the better trade-off?


There are 2 self-proccing poison traits, Corrupt Boon and traited Plaguelands. You could proc those but abusing is rather unlikely. Purposefully standing in poison fields might also not be good because 3 stacks of Poison is already enough to off-set the healing gained when at 0 Healing Power. It is meant more as plug, not a full counter as this is only an Adept trait.

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> @Yannir.4132 said:

> > @ilmau.9781 said:

> > based on my 15+years experience with mmorpg i think that traits who proc on specific conditions are always not optimal and end up being not used.

> >

> > In PvP can be avoided easy by good players (i noticed it proc when i poison you so i stop to use poison skills)

> > In PvE can not trigger at all (if the monsters you are fighting do not apply poison)

> > Can also be abused if you have some way to auto apply poison to yourself.

> >

> > Then, as GW2 trait system is done, you also have to contestualize the other traits in the same line and ask yourself, "it is worth to drop other traits to get this one?"

> >

> > :)


> Say if you have a Sigil of Doom on your other weapon-set, you wouldn't change weapons then? Wouldn't that be a good situation for me? Forcing you to play in a certain sub-optimal way I could then take advantage of. Which is the better trade-off?


yes ofc, but for the other points i listed? :)

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In PvE you can also swap traits freely between encounters, so you could maybe run this for Slothasor(just an example, you wouldn't) and when you progress, swap it for something else. There are plenty of enemies that use poison in the new maps, counting from HoT and after, I can name a few annoying examples such as the shortbow frogs, Itzel or Mordrem. Spiders also use poison. I could go on but you get the picture.


PS. Edited my previous comment for the abuse part just as you posted. :lol:

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