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[SC] feat [LN] benchmarks.


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Snow Crows and Lucky Noobs just released their first (I think) global benchmarks and their page has a ton of good info, tips and videos on every class: https://snowcrows.com/builds/


For engineer, this is what they wrote on Reddit (





*This patch saw a significant buff to Power Holosmith’s DPS. The Rifle build, already meta, got stronger with this patch thanks to various traits buffs. Even though the main focus of the balance patch was buffing Sword, it’s still a bit behind Rifle in terms of burst and CC abilities. The changes made to combo finishers in Photon Forge also increased, even so slightly, the DPS potential. Condi Engineer was unchanged and saw a drop in its DPS due to the removal of Grace of the Land. At the moment, Power Holosmith remains overall better than Condi Engineer.*


And the most updated benchmark can be found here:




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Anet fix the sword.


I like this site a lot, the builds generally have a good explanation of how to play them which makes jumping into a new progression less daunting. There are also some additional builds bring just dps like support Rev.


Holo is somewhat high on the list which is good but not good enough for me. It's still risky and you still do damage to yourself every 15 seconds, and you have no sustain when moving around or dodging like condi builds do.

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> @Lunateric.3708 said:

> About to finish my predator so I hope sword gets outperformed anyway!, and yeah their web is pretty good and more "noob" friendly overall. I still use qT's and dT's resources but I found this new release the most polished for current balance.


No worries, seeing how toolkit scaling works, rifle will be our go to weapon forever xD


I actually like that engie got a competetive dps spec which doesn’t make you want to kill yourself when playing it - see condi engie.


As far as healing goes, in an organised group, which is what these builds are for, you don’t have to worry about the overheating. The benchmarks were done with an ele healing the engie as well.


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