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Advanced Turrets trait


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Can we get the reflective bubble to appear as soon as your place the turret? As it is now, the bubble doesn't appear for like 1.5s after placing the turret.

The delay in the bubble appearing really makes it quite useless in many scenarios.


And, it would be nice if the bubble could have a functionality change. Rather than disappearing after 4 seconds, make the bubble remain for as long as the turret remains, but give the reflective bubble a "threshold" of projectile damage that it can sustain before breaking; have the bubble appear as it always has until it takes damage, as it takes damage, change the colour of the bubble until it breaks, similar to how the Holosmith turns red the longer it remains in photon forge mode.


That would be a pretty sweet change to turrets.


And for humor... make the power wrench trait with wrench auto attack have the ability to restore the reflective bubble lol.

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> @Toolbox.9375 said:

> Love the Toolkit portion of the idea; anything to make it actually worth keeping turrets out instead of near-immediately detonating them.


I'd love the idea of keeping turrets alive if they used your stats, and there was a risk/reward with your build. Thematically, it's cooler to keep them alive. However, it's more fun and more fun to play against when you're NOT being plinked on by 3 A.I turrets while the Engineer does a few dodges and backpeddles. The Engineer player may be happy if the A.I plink away and kill a player for him, but will he really feel rewarded?


Turrets should never be worth keeping out if they remain dealing static damage (which they always will :( ) So, I'd say embrace using Turrets as very short term allies, and using the blast finisher. It'd actually be pretty fun if we had our Accellerant-Packed Turrets trait back, so we could time our detonations for more engagement.

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I've always thought turrets should be like GW1 Rit Spirits, and quite honestly never understood why they weren't. Temporary but meaningful stationary cannons. Please note I did not PvP much at all in GW1 but I don't recall hearing these spirits were broken in PvP so I don't think that would be a concern. The durations were the balance point for most of them when split for PvP, just browse [the GW1 wiki Ritualist skills](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_ritualist_skills "the GW1 wiki Ritualist skills") and note how perfectly the spirit related skills would fit Engi turrets.


Skills like [Painful Bond](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Painful_Bond "Painful Bond") and [Draw Spirit](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Draw_Spirit "Draw Spirit"), both a big part of Rit spirit builds, could easily be made to thematically fit with Engis and turrets and make the turrrets a fun and active gameplay style. Honestly the functionality of Draw Spirit should have been in game for turrets from day one.

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> @Adamantium.3682 said:

> I've always thought turrets should be like GW1 Rit Spirits, and quite honestly never understood why they weren't. Temporary but meaningful stationary cannons. Please note I did not PvP much at all in GW1 but I don't recall hearing these spirits were broken in PvP so I don't think that would be a concern. The durations were the balance point for most of them when split for PvP, just browse [the GW1 wiki Ritualist skills](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_ritualist_skills "the GW1 wiki Ritualist skills") and note how perfectly the spirit related skills would fit Engi turrets.


> Skills like [Painful Bond](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Painful_Bond "Painful Bond") and [Draw Spirit](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Draw_Spirit "Draw Spirit"), both a big part of Rit spirit builds, could easily be made to thematically fit with Engis and turrets and make the turrrets a fun and active gameplay style. Honestly the functionality of Draw Spirit should have been in game for turrets from day one.


Debuff people so they take an extra hit from turret attacks, and pull turrets to your location. Interesting mechanics, no idea how to implement.

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"Temporary" might actually be a means of allowing turrets to be usable without having the power the old turret build had in PvP. ArenaNet has already taken steps in that direction (by making the overcharge happen right after deployment and only right after deployment, and by removing the self-repair trait): making turrets having a limited lifespan might allow them to be balanced so that they are an effective DPS boost for the period they're out rather than having to be balanced on the assumption that they'll be out indefinitely.


One approach that could work is for them to have a limited number of times they can fire before they run out of ammunition and self-detonate: that would mean they could be used to 'fortify' a position in a similar manner to traps, but won't have the potential to remain there plinking away throughout a battle. Whacking it with a wrench might restore ammunition, but that requires additional commitment.

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> One approach that could work is for them to have a limited number of times they can fire before they run out of ammunition and self-detonate: that would mean they could be used to 'fortify' a position in a similar manner to traps, but won't have the potential to remain there plinking away throughout a battle. Whacking it with a wrench might restore ammunition, but that requires additional commitment.


This is a really good idea, Draxynnic.

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