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[Suggestion][Idea] Armor. Outfit. Skins. Customizing. Gem Store. Players+Arenanet Benefits

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The first idea came from the feedback topic. Sell the Black Lion Universal Outfit Ticket alone and set it as a permanent gem store item.

Before you question on "Why would they do this? It's fine the way it is.", yes... it is but hear me out on this.

**Set the item at 1200 gems.**

This will set it to help both Arenanet and of course players out there. There might be players who wants the Chef outfit, but they missed out a few months ago. There might be some interested in some of the missed halloween ones or maybe want to get in early on Christmas outfits before they arrive? For 1200, while it's more than all of the outfits available out there... you're paying for an instant service to get the outfit you like right now. Of course as they stated, the Zealot will not be available as of yet, but any others prior you can choose from.

Of course if that price is too high for you, you can simply wait until the outfit you want to come back into rotation.

This helps players to get the item they want for a price and Arenanet will get a sale.

The current set up is a bit of a gamble on Arenanet's part. Someone might want let's say the Bloody Prince outfit and missed out on it during Halloween. Now... they might say "I'll wait until next year", but when next year come... how do you know if they would buy it then? They might in that time stop liking the outfit and maybe buy something else... or nothing at all. With this setup, they could get the outfit they're interested now and if in the future that item originally they would've bought instead of the Bloody Prince outfit? They will get it now too... two sales for Arenanet.

Outfits are account bound anyway and are a one time deal so I'm not seeing any cons to the situation as someone won't buy the same outfit twice either way, unless of course it's for a friend... which could help as well as people would gift those outfits more often to friends maybe for a celebration or birthday or whichever and they get to choose something of their liking.


My second idea is more of a random thought I came up with a few days ago... Armour Outfits.

You might ask, "What the hell is an armour outfit? Outfits are already armour that we use as skins over our current armour."

What I'm proposing is a way for us to save an outfit setup AS an outfit skin. Here me out before you call me a lunatic (which won't be a surprise as everyone calls me that... or other words that would come out as "kitten" on the forums, but anyway...)

You designed/set up a look you like (of course you have to have the skin unlocked obviously), but also want to change your look to something else for the time being.

Yes, you can use transmutation charges, and most of us do, but it could be a bit bothersome to try and get this set up back again.

**Armour Skin Slot - 1500 gems**

When you purchase this item, you will get a new tab unlocked under your outfit settings. From here you can select the slot and decide to save your current look as an outfit. Because it's armour, it will still keep the colour palette and won't be locked into the 4 as the original outfits.

When you decide to save to the slot, a window will let you know it will cost 12 Transmutation Charges to set it. Yes, twice the cost of changing a whole armour look... but as long as you have that setup saved, you won't have to use Transmutation Charges.

You can of course remove/delete an armour setup if you like, but if you want to save another set back in t hat same slot, it will cost you another 12 transmutation charges. If that's too tedious, you can simply buy more slots if you like.

What are the benefits? It's now an outfit, which means... you can use this set up on any character you like.

You have a look you can get on your Warrior, but would like it on your Necromancer? Maybe a "Dark Knight" look? You have a look your Elementalist can get, but want to look that "majestic" or however you would call it on your Guardian? You can do so too. Same for a heavy armoured Scrapper carrying a hammer and gadgets, because safety first around all those things... right?

Let's say yes, it's impossible for whichever reason to mix and match armour... I don't get why, but let's just say whatever the issue is... we can't and Arenanet has no way of doing so or see no benefit for them in doing so. This way, you're not still but at least can use different weighted armour looks on other classes.

Outfits already makes classes look not the way they do like Fallen Balthazar on a Thief or Wedding dress on a Revenant or the Bandit outfit on a Mesmer. I see no reason why this couldn't be allowed and might get people to buy at least a few slots as they might've had ideas of what they wanted their class to look but wish they had the choices of another weight. This way you can.

This will not hurt the cost in transmutation charges either I would assume because let's be real honest here. The majority do not buy these directly. Non-free accounts can get at least 1 transmutation charge quite easily under 5 to 10 minutes by 100% Rata Sum or The Grove on a new character and at that same time get a weekly key out of it. Then there's map completions which is most of the time a transmutation charge, then the daily logins we get quite a bit monthly, and then you can get them from bundles already in some Gem Store packages and then of course Black Lion Chests. A lot of people are swimming in them.

Free players won't have as many and I personally would find it odd if they would quicker spend all their money on let's say transmutation charges than to just hold the money until they can get HoT or PoF, but I don't know...


What do you think? I'm sure it might need some tweaking with this, but what are your thoughts?

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Both ideas have been discussed before. I like them both, although I think they require some tweaking and adjusting to really be in the correct spot.

I think you should try to be more concise when you explain these suggestions, a lot of people will not read so much text.

Aside from that, I support.

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**The universal ticket could be a thing.**

Players could decide if wait for the return of the item or pay twice the price for unlock it.

I see no issues ( unless bad behavior from ANET, which should grant a retourn at least 2x year as it currently is even with this new one ), but i would eventually like to discuss about.


**About the second i disagree.**

I would prefer instead to put transmutation charges from GS to vendor ( lower price ).

Currently 150g x 25 charges ( which are 4 reskin ).


Charges should imho be something cheap like 2g per charge from vendor.


* affordable

* gold sink



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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> Both ideas have been discussed before. I like them both, although I think they require some tweaking and adjusting to really be in the correct spot.

> I think you should try to be more concise when you explain these suggestions, a lot of people will not read so much text.

> Aside from that, I support.


Yeah... tried to go into a bit of detail to not seem confusing, but I guess it's in a "tl;dr" now.


> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> **The universal ticket could be a thing.**

> Players could decide if wait for the return of the item or pay twice the price for unlock it.

> I see no issues ( unless bad behavior from ANET, which should grant a retourn at least 2x year as it currently is even with this new one ), but i would eventually like to discuss about.


> **About the second i disagree.**

> I would prefer instead to put transmutation charges from GS to vendor ( lower price ).

> Currently 150g x 25 charges ( which are 4 reskin ).


> Charges should imho be something cheap like 2g per charge from vendor.


> * affordable

> * gold sink




The only problem I see is that I really don't think people spend much (if at all) on these transmutation charges. Don't think they would spend gold on them.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> The only problem I see is that I really don't think people spend much (if at all) on these transmutation charges. Don't think they would spend gold on them.


It is classic that players do want things without giving anything in exchange ;)

From 38g to 12g per set would be indeed better, but probably a lower cost would be even nice ( the lower the cost, the more the uses per player ).


Transmutation charges cost too much ( 25 charges = 150g ), and i am sure we do all agree on this point.

Through SPvP and WvW you can earn some of em, **but** since the fashion is priority in this game changing the appareance should be easier.


As said before, maybe 2g per charge is way too much, but i think it should have a price.

We do have a infusion removal tool for 24s, so something for changing skin for the same price could be ok.

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