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Unhappy with new Reaper Shroud?


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I'm starting to think that the person working on the Necromancer is biased against it, like they are a Jehovahs witness or something, because the word "magic" is taboo to them, so the dark arts in particular must set their alarms off.

But anyway **this is not the answer ok?** The damage of the RS AA is still lower than the Greatsword AA so it's not exactly a State of Empowerment.

For this explanation I will compare Reaper Shroud to other states similar to it like Celestial Avatar, Photon Forge and Berserk.

For starters the requirment to use Reaper Shroud is harder to acquire than Astral Force and Adrenaline, but the results are inferior no matter what.

But listen to me and listen well ANET! **The Life Force Necromancers generate is literally absorbing the Souls of their victims.** And you are telling me THIS is the BEST use you can come up with for such kind of power???? A backup health bar really? It's a stupid idea and here is why:

Even if you boost the damage sky high it will still suck, because unlike the other States of Empowerment like the Druids Celestial Avatar the Necromancer **CAN BE FORCED OUT OF IT!**

Due to the Health bar switch Life Force Replaces Health so any damage taken reduces it and once it reaches 0 Shroud ends.

Berserk, Celestial Avatar and Photon Forge have **fixed durations,** Shroud however **DOES NOT** as it's duration decreases due to recieved damage, so it can end before the Necromancer has a chance to use all of it's skills.

Now of course Druids, Holosmiths and Berserkers can be forced out of their forms if they go down, but since they can be healed while they enter their forms it doesn't matter much.

The Necromancer however gains no benefit from healing effects while Shrouded, so their form is the ONLY one that can end prematurely unlike the other ones, with the exception of going down. **So boosting it wont make it any better the way it is now.**


**Ok so here is what you need to do ANET:** First separate Reaper Shroud From Death Shroud, so it no longer swaps health bars but instead it will only be possible to activate it when Life Force is at 100%. And then make it into a real State of Empowerment like it could change the Necromancers weapons like the Ritualists "Weapons Spells" did in GW1 into Ghostly Weapons with boosted effects. For example the Scepter AA would gain a "Bounce" effect allow it to hit multiple targets on it's own and the only weapons that would turn into a Scythe would be the Greatsword, due to it being the Reapers weapon of choice. **And since Reaper Shroud would no longer swap health bars it would also have a fixed duration of 15-20 sec due to it being independent of damage taken.** Not to mention the Necromancer would gain benefit from healing effects from now on.


While I'm here I may as well talk about the Scorge too, It also sucks in PvE, **BUT strangely enough someone did have the right idea about Necromancers when it comes to the Awakened.** Remember "Enemy of My Enemy" Mission? When you prove your worth to the Beastmaster you get to use **"Joko's Grasp"** which boosts your speed at the expense of your target and Awakened Occultists also use such effects on us where they drain their enemies to buff themselves and their allies? So my question is **why can't the Scourge do that?**

Instead of playing around with Shades why not just give the Scorge a mechanic called "Parasitic Bond" or something like that were it drains the targets power to boost the user and it could also be used on party members to buff them too?

I mean seriously the Scourge concept is to "protect" the sould from Palawa Joko's influence, who cares about that? The Scourge should be using exactly same powers as Palawa Joko only for their own benefit. **Quit turning Necromancers into Saints ANET they are suppose to be a necessary evil at best. In Diablo 3 the Necromancer won't even perform the dance emote due to the developers deciding it's a too serios class to do something so silly. So take example from them if you please and make them evil too.**



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There are plenty of ideas around, but time is crucial, i would start with a rollback since what we got now is just an immense pile of junk, then they can think about what to do and then operate once they got a decent idea. This would as last give us paying customers what we payed for, SOME FUN, which is totally lost from the patch on.

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