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Hybrid Druid Build?


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I am searching for a "hybrid-druid-build" (Dps-healing).

I just started playing after 2 years of break and want some good builds to play with

until I have enough knowledge about the builds that were played now that I can make my own build.


I would prefer to play with staff. The second weapon set is variable.


Thank you :)



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To clarify here, hybrid means normaly power-condi dmg mixed dmg. You mean a dmg and healing focussed build if i am not mistaken.


Well id say go with zealot gear (power, precision and healingpower)


Take staff for heals and mobility (id say this is a must for your gameplay).

And for second set either GS or Sword+WH.

GS gives good mobility, a block, some CC and some burst.

Sword gives more DPS, many evades and WH gives boons n bursts.

Traitwise you should find your own preferences but Nature magic seems pretty mandatory uf you wanna go into the supportish dmg route.


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