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Ascended gear in WvW


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Every time I die in WvW fights (roaming or zerg), it's almost always my fault. Not my build, not the opponent's build, not their gear nor mine. Once in a while, there's a fight that ends up depending +/- 5% health or +/- 5% DPS. Most of the time, the outcome is never in doubt.


This is the truth. Every now and then when both of us get downed then I get the rally and he doubles the extra stats might be meaningful, but generally speaking when I die, it's because the other player is more skilled than I am.

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> @Kaiser.9873 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Every time I die in WvW fights (roaming or zerg), it's almost always my fault. Not my build, not the opponent's build, not their gear nor mine. Once in a while, there's a fight that ends up depending +/- 5% health or +/- 5% DPS. Most of the time, the outcome is never in doubt.


> This is the truth. Every now and then when both of us get downed then I get the rally and he doubles the extra stats might be meaningful, but generally speaking when I die, it's because the other player is more skilled than I am.


Or other player is playing scourge

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I've been getting carried by my exotics scourge quite well for a couple of months now. :3

(Though admittedly not against competent thieves & rangers.)


Everyone has access to the same tools. If you want that extra 5~7%, earn it. Otherwise deal with the fact that 1/20th of the time you might lose a fight you'd have otherwise barely won. Honestly, I don't notice the difference. (I ran, of course, an ascended cele reaper prior to PoF.)


~ Kovu

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> @LaFurion.3167 said:

> > @jaif.3518 said:

> > I think it does make a difference, as it's +5% offense and +5% defense. Having said that, it's in the very narrow area of an even fight, which almost never happens. The roaming thief with an exotic burst build is going to blow up the ascended necro backliner struggling to get to his group, and that's just a one-v-one.

> >

> > Also, remember that it's pretty easy to get ascended jewelry, and that helps to narrow the gap considerably.


> See thats what I mean though, I think stat wise, 5% offense and defense is true. But it adds more performance wise, and that is what I am asking you guys. 5% more stats doesnt mean 5% more damage, it feels like 15-20% increase sometimes....


Now ofc it all comes down to actual skill in response to your opponent's attacks. But if number crunching a 5% increase in base stats for a power damage build for example can stack like 300% increase in damage due to crit and conditionals etc. That's what does the damage and yes that 5% will be amplified 300%

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Part of the problem is that you pretty much need full marauder, minstrel, trailblaizer or dire to stand much of a chance, and until you do a few reward tracks for exotic gear that can be hard to get, as your only realistic other option is ascended.


It's a long painful 30 hours to get a full marauder exotic set that way. And in those 30 hours, you could have cleared multiple raids, fractals, etc and gotten ascended anyway. Meh.

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It adds up TBH. I use full asceneded with all +5 power infusions and food/utility. Infusions would be +90 power, while your main stat/secondary stat/secondary stat/armor

would be +244/+140/+140/+47 advantage. Add another ~+9% modifier with utility and +170 stats from food then your well over 900 difference in total stats. The difference increases if 4-stat armor is used and traits with % stat modifiers are present too. Exotic with no infusions or food just doesn't cut it in 1v1s. Maybe in zerg fights it's slightly less noticeable.


edit: I noticed you mentioned ascended trinkets. It alleviates the problem but try your best to get ascended. PvP and WvW both have access to it relatively easily and it's affordable. +5 infusions can be obtained from laurel vendors. Fractals also tend to drop tons of ascended chests (although you need some AR for higher level fractals). Unless you enjoy it, avoid trying to play at a disadvantage. Every advantage helps vs. REAL HUMAN BEINGS who will try their best to beat you.

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> @ChivalrousKnight.7201 said:

> It adds up TBH. I use full asceneded with all +5 power infusions and food/utility. Infusions would be +90 power, while your main stat/secondary stat/secondary stat/armor

> would be +244/+140/+140/+47 advantage. Add another ~+9% modifier with utility and +170 stats from food then your well over 900 difference in total stats. The difference increases if 4-stat armor is used and traits with % stat modifiers are present too. Exotic with no infusions or food just doesn't cut it in 1v1s. Maybe in zerg fights it's slightly less noticeable.



There's no sense in assuming that only people with ascended gear eat food and use utilities. That said, it can add up, and the +10% base damage on ascended weapons is also nice, but it's not chiefly responsible for the massive power creep that the OP is experiencing.

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> There's no sense in assuming that only people with ascended gear eat food and use utilities. That said, it can add up, and the +10% base damage on ascended weapons is also nice, but it's not chiefly responsible for the massive power creep that the OP is experiencing.

Oh definitely. I kind of wish last balance patch only consisted of nerfs rather than nerfs + buffs. PoF brought massive power creep and a lot of the HoT + core specs remain sub-optimal for PvP. But I suspect that'd cause everyone to complain about their professions being nerfed.


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