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LoL @ 3 top 15 players on the same team


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Against a few high gold/Low Plat players on the other team........... score ended up being 125-500.


How is this even close to balance match making within the same league lol? Just remove leagues and tier IN general and base the system of Rating alone only because this shit aint working out at all.

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That's strange, cause that would mean Anet is still creating teams of 5 from the queue and then finding another team of 5 for them to face. I was under the impression that they were going to find 10 players in the queue within acceptable range of eachother and balance them out between 2 teams. Anyone know for sure?

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> Quaggan would guess, they had two bronze players in team, and average MMR of both teams were close.



The population in queue would have to be abysmally low for 3 top 15 players to be teamed up with 2 bronze players. That would be a completely ridiculous way to balance out the teams in that match.

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I have no way of knowing if this is true. Based on another post Anet answered I think the way they make teams is this:

Pick 10 players , make teams that are close in MMR avg.

Send out match is ready to everyone of those 10 players

At this point teams are made. However if 1 player decline the match ready request another random player in the player pool get subed in on the team with the declined spot.

So how to cheat this system if you have high mmr? Have 1 or 2 bot account with absolute shit mmr que at the same time as you. So when the system pulls 10 players and make the teams you will be on the team with the bot that have shit mmr. Now the bot then decline match ready and get replaced by a random player . Chances are any random player will have a much higher mmr than the bot which means you end up on a way better team than the system wanted you to have in the first place.

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Not new, been matched with and against top level players since I started PvP in 2013. Things like this happen when there are too few players online at a given time in an MMR bracket. Hell, I remember queueing with some friends late one night and facing a 5-man of various pros, and one of the guys on our team hadn't passed PvP level 20.

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> @Hooglese.4860 said:

> Not new, been matched with and against top level players since I started PvP in 2013. Things like this happen when there are too few players online at a given time in an MMR bracket. Hell, I remember queueing with some friends late one night and facing a 5-man of various pros, and one of the guys on our team hadn't passed PvP level 20.


What OP describes isn't a population issue though. That would simply be a complete failure to create two balanced teams. Even with low population, the matchmaker should evenly distribute players between the two teams based on their rating. The only reason I can see for this not working is if the matchmaker is making a team of 5 and then searching for another team of 5 and then starting the match.


> @Mogar.9216 said:

> However if 1 player decline the match ready request another random player in the player pool get subed in on the team with the declined spot.


Anet identified this as an issue in the past and supposedly fixed this so that it no longer happens that way.

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> @huehuehueh.5106 said:

> > @zoopop.5630 said:

> > > @huehuehueh.5106 said:

> > > Do you have a screenshot of the players n the game?

> >

> > ** it's up


> Yeah that was me on my alt #34

> Poc

> Primal #2

> Liderisimo #13

> and a random


> vs


> zohr

> shadelang

> and three randoms


> I did not feel like that was a fair matchup


match making did not do me any good after that , played against a few more top 20 players. I'm clearly not at that level of play yet lol and I love the challenge and all but i lost a fairly good amount rating that night.

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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> Any matchmaking will be bad if the player base is too small. Best way for it to improve is severely increase the player pool.


But match quality is so infamously bad. To the point even a lot of the well invested GW2's pros and vets are leaving in droves.


When the game mode is just simply not fun, not competitive at all, and most of all no longer even supported by the devs, or upper management? How do you increase the player pool in this case? The answer is you really can't until the devs start to make strives, towards getting the ball rolling.

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