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[NA][PvX} We don't have a guild....we have a family

Magical Things.8465

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Hey, if your still inviting I'd like to join up. Your guild description checks a lot of boxes for me. Ive been playing since beta, every class at 80 and can play them but can only truly say I main a critical thief, condition engineer & heal/condition druid.

Ive just gotten back into the game after taking roughly a year off and since launch ive played with a few friends but mostly solo, im really excited to meet some good people, help others and (kinda most importantly for me) build something as a group. Be it contributions to the guild hall or conquering fractals and maxing out gear or whatever, i guess im just looking for a community cause what's the point of being awesome if your awesome alone right?

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I'm also interested in joining. I started playing again a few ago for the first time since before the HoT expansion; as I recall, Dry Top had just been released.


I'm generally pretty quiet, so you probably won't hear much out of me, but I've been looking to start doing some fractals, since I need them for my Dusk collection.

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> @"KoalaStomper.8570" said:

> Hey, if your still inviting I'd like to join up. Your guild description checks a lot of boxes for me. Ive been playing since beta, every class at 80 and can play them but can only truly say I main a critical thief, condition engineer & heal/condition druid.

> Ive just gotten back into the game after taking roughly a year off and since launch ive played with a few friends but mostly solo, im really excited to meet some good people, help others and (kinda most importantly for me) build something as a group. Be it contributions to the guild hall or conquering fractals and maxing out gear or whatever, i guess im just looking for a community cause what's the point of being awesome if your awesome alone right?


Invite sent in-game. Let me know if you have any problems.

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> @"Varthorne.2306" said:

> I'm also interested in joining. I started playing again a few ago for the first time since before the HoT expansion; as I recall, Dry Top had just been released.


> I'm generally pretty quiet, so you probably won't hear much out of me, but I've been looking to start doing some fractals, since I need them for my Dusk collection.


Invite sent in game. Let me know if you have any problems.

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> @"dolfie.3508" said:

> should i be on the same server as you guys?

> Returning player here who def need some friends.

> Would liketo join if possible im on far shiverpeaks tho



You have to be on an NA server to join as Anet doesn't allow cross-region play. Certainly you could join but could never join in any activities.

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Greetings: I've been playing GW2 for over a year now and I STILL love this game. I'm running 3 characters (Druid/Tempest/Scourge), play on a nightly basis, and need a fun group of game friends to pal around with. I'm pretty laid back personality wise, work well in groups, and you'll usually find me at the back of the pack helping out new players. Your guild sounds great and if you're still looking for new members I'd like to join. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, I am a returning player of...4 years? (Played even pre-HOT days haha..) It has been quite a while and I am still getting used to the new stuff and mechanics. Very interested in joining a guild with family and helpful culture. Largely interested in PVE and World Bosses to gear up, but am keen in exploring PVP in the (very distant) future. May I join?

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> @"Vaiz.7698" said:

> Hi there, I am a returning player of...4 years? (Played even pre-HOT days haha..) It has been quite a while and I am still getting used to the new stuff and mechanics. Very interested in joining a guild with family and helpful culture. Largely interested in PVE and World Bosses to gear up, but am keen in exploring PVP in the (very distant) future. May I join?


Certainly. Contact me in game for an invite

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