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[NA][PvX} We don't have a guild....we have a family

Magical Things.8465

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I'm interested in joining a larger guild to help me learn more about the game. I'm a returner, but there was MUCH I never bothered to learn. I just finished Path of Fire, and am working on my Griffon mount. I'm not able to be on ALL the time, I do have other MMOs and school that suck up some of my time. But when I am on, I'd rep the guild 100%.



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> @"Evildemoncat.2087" said:

> I'm interested in joining a larger guild to help me learn more about the game. I'm a returner, but there was MUCH I never bothered to learn. I just finished Path of Fire, and am working on my Griffon mount. I'm not able to be on ALL the time, I do have other MMOs and school that suck up some of my time. But when I am on, I'd rep the guild 100%.


> --EDC


Sorry I've been away....yes we are still recruiting

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> If you have not yet closed recruitment, could I get an invite? Could I also get an invite for Astrial Dragonous.1038?


> Thanks


> @"Evildemoncat.2087" said:

> I'm interested in joining a larger guild to help me learn more about the game. I'm a returner, but there was MUCH I never bothered to learn. I just finished Path of Fire, and am working on my Griffon mount. I'm not able to be on ALL the time, I do have other MMOs and school that suck up some of my time. But when I am on, I'd rep the guild 100%.


> --EDC


> @"RabydDonkey.9614" said:

> Are you still recruiting? Your guild sounds awesome and I would definitely like to join. Thanks!



You all should have received the in-game invite. Contact me if you have any problems accepting.

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