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Increase Stamina bar and nerf Vit + Tough in wvw

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> It's not fair that when you play full zerk that you can only hit someone who is wearing full vit + tough for a small fraction of the amount of dps you output. I don't get it If someone dumps all of there stats into damage, why should a player be able to mitigate 4/5ths of the damage but still be able to hit and kill you in a couple of hits. I usually do 4-5k damage with auto attack against a full zerker person, why against someone who is in full vit + tough i only do about 800-1k damage and they still have power stat to kill me way faster then I can kill them.


> If someone is in full vit + tough + power, and another is in full power + prec + fero, they should both kill each other at the same exact time. This would be balanced but instead the person who stacks vit + tough will win in an auto attack battle every time. Vit + tough is used a crutch to supplement skill, and it makes for very boring tanky meta builds that shouldn't exist.


> My suggestion is to nerf the effectiveness of vit + tough by about 20-50% but add in an extra dodge roll for everyone. This would make it so that damage mitigation is based on skill rather then just being a damage sponge and stacking stat combos that are grossly overpowered.


Sounds like a troll to me

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