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Question About Physics in Armors and Proposition


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So i've been playing for almost a year now, and i was thinking why is it that most tunics, robes or leather jackets are quite static, dont react to movment and tend to clip through mounts/some scenery(the clipping is inevitable, but you get my meaning), especially considering that some pieces like the Foefire gauntlets or the Protector's Leggings do in fact have pieces that hang in a realistic way, as i understand it, the game already makes a difference about different materials in the way it shows colors and tints, i.e: the same green shade will look different if it's on metal, cloth or leather. Why not extend this to the movement/physics engine of every fabric?

I understand the fact that it might raise the system requirements to run the game, as physics on games are quite demanding, but why not enable it as an option? you already have the "lower tier, with only some (arguably) special pieces of clothing with physics. but you could make a "high tier" option, for the newer systems, which would enable realism to every fabric, so dresses and cloth robes will move around freely, leather will have a more "stiff" movement to it but still adjust to the shape of the body and/or legs, and those parts of heavy armor sets with fabric will "move to the wind". More on this point, you could actually add a "Wind" to the game, so in certain dungeons or in deserts or during sandstorms you could have air currents actually changing the shape of some clothing items, it would be cool to see your robe fluttering to the wind on verdant brink while you glide or see your armor in place while those little belts and tabards move furiously against it while fighting a dragon or while riding a raptor through the desert...

I believe this would be quite challenging and of course i'm not demanding anything but i just thought it could be an interesting addition, particularly as the times move forward and the graphics will become more and more dated, i do believe that the new maps look beautiful so i feel like the engine can handle it, i might be wrong though...

I would love to hear any comments from the community , is it a good idea? a bad one? why?

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