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[NA] LFGuild on IoJ (Willing to transfer) (PvX, casual, Mountain Time)


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Hello ^_^

I am looking for a guild on hopefully IoJ, but willing to transfer if the guild definitely fits the environment I'm looking for.

I'm a laid back, friendly type of player. 23 years of age. I play casual due to work and such. My experience in MMOs range from your good old fashioned WoW to Aion, Tera, BnS, BDO, and now finally joining the Gw2 family. I'm aiming to have one or two main characters in this game. One being my druid (I was a healer in all other MMOs) and the second I really haven't decided yet. :x

Helpfulness, family/community oriented, and a place to grow. I am a new player to this game, but I have desire to grow with a guild. I really do enjoy this game and it's content.

Regardless, I need a guild that wants to grow their members, as well as treat them like family and a community. In the future, I am interested in participating in PvP, Fractals, Raids, and WvW. Anything I can get my healer hands on I'm definitely game for :)

As stated above I've no problem switching servers if I find a great guild to join. VoIP isn't a problem. I prefer discord, but if you guys use something else that's fine too.

If you do use discord, feel free to message me there ^_^ Quenche#5131

If not, I'll regularly check back on this post. Hope to find a new family in this game :D

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> @katkota.7956 said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12558/eu-pvx-haven-of-the-wanderers-oath-were-a-family/p1 check us out :)


I gave you guys a try for a few days on the EU servers, but sadly the ping and timezone difference is just too overbearing :(

However, I do want to give a shoutout to these guys and gals. Very friendly EU guild for any EU players ^_^

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