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[EU - Piken Square] Lodge of Sorceresses - Recruiting for Various Long-term Initiatives


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![](https://i.imgur.com/7oBfww4.png "")


[General Guild Introduction](http://lodgeofsorceresses.com/topic/423-guild-introduction-lodge-of-sorceresses "to Lodge of Sorceresses website") | [Discord](https://discord.gg/hV7RjWb) | [Youtube Channel](http://youtube.com/c/LodgeOfSorceressesGaming) | [Google+ Page](http://google.com/+LodgeOfSorceressesGaming) | [Twitch Channel](http://www.twitch.tv/lodgeofsorceresses)


> Please be advised that Lodge of Sorceresses is open to all classes, races and genders and isn't restricted in any fashion, especially in respect to players' genders. The name of our guild is strictly RP originated and only!



## Briefly ... ##

[Lodge of Sorceresses][url_guild_forums] is a multi-game community with *semi-hardcore* approach, who value commitment and progress.


We all have a life to live, mostly working-class, who don't want to waste their time in MMOs we play, but instead benefit from. Meaning, we prefer steady (even if it is slow) progression, to a mindless, rushed grind without plan and vision. We are project-oriented - meaning we run projects (be it PvX or RP) within the guild to achieve certain goals and milestones. If you are a type who values organization, goals and plan to reach them, who wants results and spend fun few hours in company of friends and do something that matters at the end of the day, Lodge definitely is the guild you are looking for.


## Who Are We Looking For? ##

We are looking for people like-minded to us, who in general know the value of team-work and who realize what the ends (fun, accomplishments) and means (gear and riches) are, and which is more important. We need players from all classes, and all roles, to fill our ranks for a very long term. We don't want people coming and going - so no "guild hoppers" please; we need caring members, for a caring guild, who value, love and cherish their guild and guild-mates.


## Why Lodge? ##

* We aim to create a guild with great focus on in-game activities: we generally recruit on Project-basis - for our PvX & RP initiatives. We want steady, existing progress regarding the content we play. We are against pointless grinding day after day, with illusion of "we are having fun time". To that end, Lodge runs these projects, sometimes in parallel (especially when they are established), where we gather skilled veterans who share our vision. We train and advise with our experienced members in a regular basis, to excel during our limited gaming-time. We value patience and perseverance, the attitude of player always comes before his/her skills. And we hate elitism!

* From time to time, we open certain limited number of slots in our Roster for *Social Casual players*. By "social", we mean it literally: i.e. players who participate in day-to-day guild activities, such as dungeons, questing, crafting etc and are vibrantly active in guild-chat and our Discord channel. Lodge never recruits for the sake of recruiting, we never want players who join us either just to be part of some guild, or just for the name of the guild, or just to seek some help, never contributing anything back to our community. If you are joining us as a Social Casual, your guild-mates must become your "buddy-list" with whom you'll do daily content: we hate the concept of "guilds within guild".

* To assist with our goals, our guild comes with *Strong Organization*, proven to work in other MMOs in past 5-6 years. We have an *Officer team* who ceaselessly work on new projects in a daily basis.


## What Now? How to Join? ##

Like the idea? As I mentioned above, we recruit for limited slots, either in project-basis, or social-casuals. To join us in these slots, [please register at our forums][url_guild_forums], completing your profile fully. We will get to you as soon as possible.


[logo]: https://imgur.com/7oBfww4

[url_guild_forums]: http://lodgeofsorceresses.com

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## Projects in Lodge ##

Since day 1, every type of activities in our guild has been project-based, including PvE and PvP, Crafting and Trading, even RP whenever we had it. And every project generally has an Overseer who creates, manages and runs that project. When it comes to that specific activity, the Overseer is the boss and has the final say during an event. Even the Guild Leader has to follow his/her rule during the activities. And of course in other times, it is Guild Leader's duty to oversee all his Overseers (i.e. officers) in general. This way, our Projects become autonomous entities within the guild and Overseers become free with their decisionmaking. Even if it is the Guild Leader who puts the Overseer in position, it's the guild who in most of the cases relieves him or her off their duties.


E.g. PvE activities which ultimately means a progression in the endgame content, is a project where the Raid Leader rank is the Overseer role, who organizes everything raiding-related, including picking people for our Raid Core from our general Roster, training them, organizing them and leading them during the event. During raids, everyone including the Guild Leader are mere raiders. Everyone follows one person's lead. The same goes for any other type of project, be it PvX, Crafting, Trading, RP etc.

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# contact

If you have questions and need more information, please contact me in game. In game username is same as it is shown here on forum - serialkicker.5274.

You can also join our discord channel (link in the first post, as well as our website) and ask questions there. Everyone is welcome, new and veteran players, as long as you fit the description and share our goals.

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I'm a returning player with alot of raiding experience mostly in World of Warcraft and some in GW2 wings 1&2. Due to my busy IRL schedule I don't have that much time to game but the time I do have I want to dedicate it to a great guild/community in which I can grow and who can help me get back in the game. I have a condi soulbeast fully geared and gearing a weaver. Willing to respec and regear if needed, also willing to train any other of my characters to support the guild.


Message me in game if possible

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## First-Ever PvE In Lodge - Rift Era ##

As you might already have guessed, Lodge is a multi-game guild. It was founded in late 2010 in Rift (during Beta events). Few years later, in mid 2013, just before the game went free2play, we disbanded there. During our time in Rift, especially towards the end of 2012, we had quite successful PvE raiding experience as a guild. We applied the methodology I explained above (Projects in Lodge) and had very good progress despite being a semi-hardcore guild (we managed to down 13 bosses of Tier-1 and -2, in first 13 weeks of the release of Storm Legion expansion, with our rather relaxed, yet disciplined setup). We also had a loot distro system totally unique to us, which was based on concepts of performance, activeness, and contribution. Our forums still have records of that time, so feel free to take a peek.


## Our History, Post-Rift Era - Elder Scrolls Online ##

After Rift, we existed for small periods of time in SWTOR and Guild Wars 2, but decided to settle in Elder Scrolls Online. We recruited a lot before its launch, and founded our guild there on Day-1. Due to very poor launch performance of the game, Lodge in ESO was temporarily suspended for more than a year. We resumed our operations almost half a year ago (around May'17).


In ESO, we recruited towards our PvE Raid Core for 4-5 months non-stop, training and inspecting our Core members. Unfortunately, due to the casual majority that comprises ESO community, we couldn't establish reliable, long-term Core. As a result, as of late November 2017 we had to disband our standing PvE Core and shelf the project for another 6 months.


Currently in ESO, we are working on PvP Project, hoping to build a strong PvP AD legion. PvP as I envision it, should be grand, with several squads led by their corresponding "Lieutenants", who altogether will be lead by our PvP General (an Overseer role, similar to PvE Raid Leader). This practically means recruiting ca. 50 very skilled PvPers to fill these 12-man squads. I believe this will be the largest project we've done so far, and possibly the hardest one. Our PvP will originate from Aldmeri Dominion front.


As to RP: Our guild has RP roots and I want that flourish in the guild. RP always brings quality to any guild, both roster-wise, and content-/activities-wise. So, that must be revived as well. I think this project will be done in parallel with PvP one.


## Guild Wars 2 Revival ##

Disbanding our Raid Core in ESO, Lodge started reviving it's Guild Wars 2 guild as well, in order to replenish our numbers as a community and prepare for upcoming Ashes of Creation launch. Currently we are heavily recruiting in GW2. Once we have viable numbers, new projects will be started there as well.

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## Ranking System in Lodge ##


Ranks from *Initiate* to *Adeptus Major* are for our Social members who have decided not to join any guild projects. Ranks ranging between *Dominus Liminis* and *Rector*/*Philosophus* are considered our projects-based ranks. Social ranks have an order into them, whereas Project ranks do not. Social ranks generally get Guild Bank access as you reach *Adeptus Minor*, but Project ranks get that access after 3 months into the related project's success.


Following ranks have been established throughout the guild:

* **Initiate** is the lowest member rank in guild with no privileges. New members who are to be initiated come to our guild as Initiates. If initiation fails, they will leave guild; otherwise will be promoted to next rank of *Neophyte*. "Initiation" can mean different stuff in different stages of the guild, currently it means "performing membership prerequisites", i.e. registering at forums.


* **Neophyte** is the lowest member rank in guild.


* **Practicus** is the second member rank with increased privileges to Invite people to the guild. Only members who have been with us for 1 (one) month, are considered for this rank. Additionally, absence for more than 30 days, will result in demotion back to *Neophyte* rank.


* **Adeptus Minor** is the rank for members who have been around for 6 months. Members of this rank who later become absent for more than 30 days, get demoted to *Neophyte* and their Adeptus status resets. Adeptus Minor members, in addition to their former privileges, also get an access to our Guild Bank.


* **Adeptus Major** are those who have been with us for 1 year or more, without any absence breaks (i.e. without breaks longer than 30 days).


* **Dominus Liminis** is the rank for our PvE Raid Core members. Actual Core members who raid with us in a regular basis, progressing in vTrials/raids, are Dominae Liminae.


* **Centurion** rank is dedicated to our PvP Initiative. Members checked and accepted by our PvP Generals, to our PvP Raid Core, will have this rank. Being our PvP champions, they have permission to Claim Guild Resources during WvW and similar grand campaigns.


* **Rector/Philosophus** rank is dedicated to our RP initiative. Members who take part in our RP activities regularly will have this rank.


* **Magister Templi** - Officers within the Guild. These people are very important part of our guild, as they actively participate in maintenance of Guild. Person of this rank cannot be absent for more than 10 days (without notice)!


* **Ipsissimus** - All-caring, all-powerful Guildmistress, person-in-charge of Guild.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

**Guild Hall Claimed**

Last week we successfully claimed our Guild Hall. Lodge is rapidly growing in Guild Wars 2 (around 50 members and growing fast) and we are still focusing on swelling our numbers before we start our guild Projects (PvE raiding, PvP campaigns and potential RP as well). The goal is to reach 70 members. We project to reach this number by the end of this month.

So don't wait and apply today! Join our forums (link on OP above) and Discord to start the process!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are still in progress of recruiting more members to our ranks! Currently we are holding regular guild events to level our guild. Guild Hall also is getting upgraded slowly.


In coming days we will be starting our guild projects, starting with PvE Raid Core. Stay tuned for more on this one!

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## Recruitment Plans ##

We aim to create a vibrant gaming community and to that end, our goal is to create a fun and lovely environment comprised of people who want to be part of such community, continuously participating and contributing to it. To that end, we talk to the players before inviting them to our community - call it an "interview" if you will - to make sure the applicant and the guild are good matches. And naturally, people not fitting to our style tend to leave our community over time - through which, we hope to achieve well saturated roster with members who know how to have fun together and create something valuable over time.


Right now our applications are still open to new members. Please feel free to register at our forums if our goals align with yours. During registration you will provide your in-game name through which we will reach out as soon as possible. Also don't hesitate to join our Discord server if you have any questions: any GW2 officer will be happy to answer your questions. All necessary links can be found at the original first post I made above.



## Guild Plans ##

Our current plans for our GW2 guild is to organically grow our roster and create a tightly-knit community first. Once we feel we have reached that goal, we will kickstart our guild Projects (PvX Raid Cores, RP initiatives etc - read **Projects in Lodge** above) with our existing roster and continue recruiting towards those projects on need-basis. We aim for a moderate-sized community in our MMO guilds (no more than 100 members).


Have fun and hopefully see some of you folks again!

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> @"Shehi.9753" said:

> Thanks @"Lonewolf.4692" and @"Sombra.3246" . If you guys are interested in joining us, please join us at our forums :)


I would be but very low level at the moment, currently levelling a mesmer, don't imagine it will take me long to level it up, but is this something that fits your mould?


I did use to play GW2 at launch but not played it in ages and looking forward to experiencing all the new content and get into endgame PvE, WvW and PvP

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> @"Lonewolf.4692" said:

> > @"Shehi.9753" said:

> > Thanks @"Lonewolf.4692" and @"Sombra.3246" . If you guys are interested in joining us, please join us at our forums :)


> I would be but very low level at the moment, currently levelling a mesmer, don't imagine it will take me long to level it up, but is this something that fits your mould?


> I did use to play GW2 at launch but not played it in ages and looking forward to experiencing all the new content and get into endgame PvE, WvW and PvP


Of course. We would be happy to have you!

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### Plans for Future ###


We are still recruiting to grow, with following focus-topics in mind:


* Guild will continue to grow, initially as a Social guild for at least 6 more months to come. No special projects (such as PvE raiding, RP etc) will be initiated, as I want an organic growth for this guild, instead of a rushed one, with projects hastily started without proper member-base.

* Since we will be recruiting only for Social purposes, only the social members who choose to participate on active Discord chat will be recruited. Voice chat will have strong place here, not just the text one.

* All-time guild representation remains in force.

* Since open-world adventuring, especially HoT zone questing is a very popular type of activity in the game, people who are interested in this aspect of the game are especially welcome to join us. Of course fans of other types of activities are desired as well. In general, we need people who want to do in-game activities in a regular basis with their guildies.

* We need 2x Dedicated Social officers to organize weekly guild events, in order to level up the guild, to help with recruitment and in general, to help me to maintain our GW2 community.


Thanks everyone and hope to hear from you soon!

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We are still recruiting to grow, with following focus-topics in mind:


* Guild will continue to grow, initially as a Social guild for at least 6 more months to come. No special projects (such as PvE raiding, RP etc) will be initiated, as I want an organic growth for this guild, instead of a rushed one, with projects hastily started without proper member-base.

* Being relatively recently revived, Lodge in GW2 is very suitable for, and welcoming towards returning and new players. So don't hesitate to join us, even if you are new to the game.

* Since we will be recruiting only for Social purposes, only the social members who choose to participate on active Discord chat will be recruited. Voice chat will have strong place here, not just the text one.

* All-time guild representation remains in force.

* Since open-world adventuring, especially, but not limited to HoT zone questing is a very popular in the game, people who are interested in these aspects of the game are especially welcome to join us.

* We need 2x Dedicated Social officers to organize weekly guild events, in order to level up the guild, to help with recruitment and in general, to help me to maintain our GW2 community.


Thanks everyone and hope to hear from you soon!

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