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Stealth Disruptor Trap rework and new trap creation


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Stealth trap is not effective, you have to place it before and wait for the foes step onto it.

I sugguest to rework it like disable trap aoe so you can predict where they goes, 1200 range, 900 radius.


The creation of "Marked" trap, once you step on it, like the supply trap, it activates and the foes are marked,1200 radius.

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i dont quite understand what your problem is with the current ones and how this will fix it?


i mostly see this trap from groups of people that want to gank me poor teef and suprisingly i saw like 4-5 times this weekend people placing them 1 on 1 in open field as soon as i mark them with my DE.

so apart from tring to hunt thieves i dont see them being used.


a 'Marked' buff like the one from keeps / sentries wont help in that regard as your position on the map does not update while in stealth or like once in a minute. or is it that you see them not really usfull for anything right now so you want to remove them and add a marked trap to scout the map for you so you can join the zerg? for this purpose i would actually like the trap unless they get like spammed everywhere and it gets impossible to capture with a smal group( but supply traps also are not used thaat much IMO).

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Back when perma stealth thieves were all the rage, I personally suggested you should be able to toss stealth traps at a specific location like you can disablers. The idea of course was ignored.


The fact that you're limited to where you can put these traps, you can only place one at a time, it costs supply to place, only affects 1 target that may not even be a target capable of stealthing, and any smart stealther will always know where you're putting the darn thing, has made it an outdated trap for awhile and it is certainly eligible for some sort of modifications in my book.


A good place to start would be no supply cost for use, afterall stealthing in itself doesn't cost supply, so why should reveals? This item costs badges and money to purchase in the first place (unless you obtain them through skirmish chests), but either way it costs something so that should be enough. Secondly, if the placement is going to remain only where the placer is standing, then it shouldn't take 5 seconds to deploy. I have no qualms about only being able to place a single trap at a time per person, because otherwise I could see it being abused, but as it is now, it doesn't come close to doing what it was designed to do.

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Do away with the cast time, cut the supply cost in half, cut the cooldown to use another one in half, cut the radius by 2/3, cut the duration by 5/6ths, allow it to be thrown like a physical projectile.

Lets face it, this is a trap we use in roaming situations to deal with stealth spamming asshats, not against enemy zergs. It should be treated as such.


~ Kovu

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Those changes are suggested precisely _to_ make the traps useful in those roaming situations.

No thief, (or mesmer) is going to stop what they're doing and prep a sandwich whilst waiting for you to put a trap down for them to walk through, and they're certainly not going to intentionally trigger it if they know its there. The suggested change would help counteract one of the advantages the kite-y classes have in a large open world setting.


The stealth trap is currently useless in _all_ situations as no commander is going to call for stealth traps when the enemy blob veils.


~ Kovu

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> @Kovu.7560 said:

> Those changes are suggested precisely _to_ make the traps useful in those roaming situations.

> No thief, (or mesmer) is going to stop what they're doing and prep a sandwich whilst waiting for you to put a trap down for them to walk through, and they're certainly not going to intentionally trigger it if they know its there. The suggested change would help counteract one of the advantages the kite-y classes have in a large open world setting.


> The stealth trap is currently useless in _all_ situations as no commander is going to call for stealth traps when the enemy blob veils.


> ~ Kovu


actually if i see someone place it , i enter /laugh, trigger it , shadow meld , kill the person. that is when playing deadeye. when daredevil i still enter laugh, go far away, place shadow trap, trigger the stealth trap and use shadow trap. and by the time they catch up i can already stealth again OR just u know headshot cause PI.


but i am not sure the trap was made to hunt single individuals that stealth too much, but back in that time alot of zergs tried to sneak up on yours and it was alot more successfull than nower days, now you know like allways when another zerg is comming. thats why i am not sure if they are willing to change it to more useful against single targets. i mean if you want traps against single targets to deal with them, then you need to be prepared with other funny trap ideas like one with uncurable cripple for 30s for fast ones , one with uncurable 25 stacks vuln for tanky ones, one with uncurable poison for too much healing ones and so on... cause i dont think they will stop at stealth when they start giving us traps like that.


edit: nearly forgot .. people placing those are rarely ones that would have slightest chance if i didnt use stealth anyway.

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That's why I suggested to cut the duration be cut by 5/6ths. Though I wouldn't be against other nifty trap ideas. I was thinking about that earlier, actually. Countering the mobility of certain professions is an issue in this gamemode, so I was thinking a 'snare' trap to shut off the movement effects of mobility-based skills for, say, 6 seconds would be a nifty idea. Or perhaps a thrown net. Call it what you will.


That said, I've never in the thousands of hours I've put into this gamemode in the past several years, had a commander or anyone in parties/squads suggest a stealth disabler as a countermeasure to enemy groups trying to sneak up on my own. And yet the other two tools have found their way into everyday use. ~~Except on FA where no pug can afford disablers apparently.~~


~ Kovu


edit-- and yeah, shadow meld would get around that. But, I mean, that's kind of why the skill exists.

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> @Kovu.7560 said:

> That said, I've never in the thousands of hours I've put into this gamemode in the past several years, had a commander or anyone in parties/squads suggest a stealth disabler as a countermeasure to enemy groups trying to sneak up on my own.


thats correct, havent seen such a thing. but i have seen zerg of 50 people spam them inside a keep for me. and everyday use..well i pretty much step into one of those stealth traps everyday tho i am not a zerg or a group.




> @Kovu.7560 said:

> That's why I suggested to cut the duration be cut by 5/6ths. Though I wouldn't be against other nifty trap ideas. I was thinking about that earlier, actually. Countering the mobility of certain professions is an issue in this gamemode, so I was thinking a 'snare' trap to shut off the movement effects of mobility-based skills for, say, 6 seconds would be a nifty idea. Or perhaps a thrown net. Call it what you will.


then the trap will reveal for 5s thats less than most reveal skills BUT it only has a 5s cd, and you want to cut that in half.. if it gets half the cooldown of a Siege Disabler and be doggable(cause current trap is not doggable, while class skills that are traps can be dogged) then id be fine with it.



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Certainly. My initial thought had it as a physical projectile as well, in addition to being blockable and dodgeable. More along the lines of a targeted thrown item, than a trap per se.

There should definitely be counterplay. It would be neat to give wvw supply some minor combat utility that _everyone_ can access, especially if these effects can be used to counterbalance some of the elements that are more potent specifically in wvw due to the open world nature of the gamemode. Perhaps bind some improvements to a wvw mastery, like cast times, supply cost, cooldowns and effect potency or duration.


Now I'm just letting my mind wander, though.


~ Kovu

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First, about the stealth one, I suggested a change, if you watch some ppl place a trap, wud you be that stupid and step on it? An AOE projectile wud make it work better, giving it lots of possibilities.


Second, about the marked trap. It’s for scouting. And remember that you can place one supply trap per character only, so will be the same for marked one. It won’t be a big problem for small groups unless there are a group of no life scouts that decide to renovate trap every time they are triggered.


Thief glass pride. All changes that wud affect the stealth make some of them break their heart. Sad

If you wud spam /laugh once you trigger it, then do it. I’m fine with that. But at least stealth trap wud be effective at least.


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> @len.7809 said:

> First, about the stealth one, I suggested a change, if you watch some ppl place a trap, wud you be that stupid and step on it? An AOE projectile wud make it work better, giving it lots of possibilities.


> Second, about the marked trap. It’s for scouting. And remember that you can place one supply trap per character only, so will be the same for marked one. It won’t be a big problem for small groups unless there are a group of no life scouts that decide to renovate trap every time they are triggered.


> Thief glass pride. All changes that wud affect the stealth make some of them break their heart. Sad

> If you wud spam /laugh once you trigger it, then do it. I’m fine with that. But at least stealth trap wud be effective at least.



as long as that projectile is doggable its even better for me as a thief. the only times i have problems with it is in keeps when like 20-30+ people place them everywhere cause altho i can remove the effect of it a few times, i still wont want to use those charges and you can lock down a place with the traps as they are not doggable. now if you make them doggable and just a projectile then people would not only need to know where i am but i also can avoid it with dogging wich has a 10s cd only instead or rather ontop of 45s cd from shadow meld.

yes i mostly do write /laugh, not spam. because often those people trust in the one trap to save their life and magically kill the thief and that trust is actually killing them IMO. especially when you decide to troll a bit and just trigger the trap restealth, wait for another , trigger and restealth and then when bored after 10th trap a DJ, they wont dogge.

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Since it's come up, iirc, stealth trap was introduced when people hiding in keeps that were lost was a major thing (before the introduction of Marked, and I think before the 5 min rez clock).


One thief (or typically 2-3, maybe a mesmer) could keep an entire zerg hunting them for a long time, or the zerg would just leave and lose the keep again as soon as RI was up.


Anet introduced the stealth trap as a counter to this problem. I think it's when revealed was added to the game.


Now it's pretty much how Kovu said... just used for roamers abusing stealth. It's not especially effective for that, but it has its uses.

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> Since it's come up, iirc, stealth trap was introduced when people hiding in keeps that were lost was a major thing (before the introduction of Marked, and I think before the 5 min rez clock).


> One thief (or typically 2-3, maybe a mesmer) could keep an entire zerg hunting them for a long time, or the zerg would just leave and lose the keep again as soon as RI was up.


> Anet introduced the stealth trap as a counter to this problem. I think it's when revealed was added to the game.


> Now it's pretty much how Kovu said... just used for roamers abusing stealth. It's not especially effective for that, but it has its uses.


but mark didnt change anything, the only thing you know now is if they are in mark range during the 5 minutes*, the dot on the map is not on the right position while in stealth and moving. most people leave the keep after 5 min when marked is over thinking the thief is gone tho, that is a nice thing.

and i am still not sure if the trap was for a zerg to gank on a few stealthy classes to get them out the keep, i think anet never said what their intention was behind the trap.


*keep in mind there are ways to be inside during the 5 minutes without being marked. and i am not talking about zones without mark like all the blistering undercroft lordroom. same with watchtowers, you can be inside their radius and not marked i am not sure if i am allowed to say how, so.. just know that its possible and you should not rely on the map.

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