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How to make pvp fun again


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I figured out to how to make pvp feel fun and not a chore to do

1.) Nerf scourge and mirage condi spam (specifically their cover condis that cover up their damaging ones)


2.) Have plat players get paired against/with other plat players (longer queue times would for sure be worth it)


3.) Add a proper game mode ( 3v3 skirmish would be nice)


4.) Remove getting rewarded if you lose (why is this even a thing?)


5.) Actually ban people that use bots, afk, or cheat


6.) Go back to the old serves, these new amazon ones can be really laggy and annoying


7.) Encourage new or pve players to pvp, (this is a tough one to do cause pvp has a really toxic community, but it would add more much needed population to the mode)


If anybody feels like these suggestions are bad or has something else to add feel free to do it, this list is open to all


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Which cover Condis on Mirage specifically? Tbh I'm a Mirage Player myself, and the only way i can generate a lot of Covers is with Staff + Chaos, specifically Chaotic Interruption. Means a big part comes from interrupting enemys, which is Skill depended and therefore i think evolving cover condis with this is ok.


Havin a total amounts of 7-8 conditions onto ur enemy, while 3 or 4 of them deal damage is actually a bit over the top, i admit to this, but i don't think Mirage is the real Problem of this. Chaos storms CD is arround 28 when traited and interrupts are again a skilled thing. We have Chaos armor too, but that's a weired one honestly.


Scourges on the other hand can permanently keep an AoE up, which u can't go into. Those AoE's stack 7-8 condis, without any skill needed. Enemy is in Shade? - Spam F"x"

If we compare interruptions and blind AoE spam i think the first one sounds rather balanced.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> Which cover Condis on Mirage specifically? Tbh I'm a Mirage Player myself, and the only way i can generate a lot of Covers is with Staff + Chaos, specifically Chaotic Interruption. Means a big part comes from interrupting enemys, which is Skill depended and therefore i think evolving cover condis with this is ok.


> Havin a total amounts of 7-8 conditions onto ur enemy, while 3 or 4 of them deal damage is actually a bit over the top, i admit to this, but i don't think Mirage is the real Problem of this. Chaos storms CD is arround 28 when traited and interrupts are again a skilled thing. We have Chaos armor too, but that's a weired one honestly.


> Scourges on the other hand can permanently keep an AoE up, which u can't go into. Those AoE's stack 7-8 condis, without any skill needed. Enemy is in Shade? - Spam F"x"

> If we compare interruptions and blind AoE spam i think the first one sounds rather balanced.


Yea scourge rn is far more broken then mirage tho once it gets nerfed people will start qqing about mirage, when i watch top mesmer players stream like Helseth for example, i notice its very easy for him to stack all kinds of condis on 1 guy and just watch that player melt. Although ill be fair myself and say holosmith could use a dps and cc nerf (right now its just too much)

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