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One of the things I didn't like in the PoF story (SPOILERS)

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I have not played GW1 but I have got the feeling that I should have in order to be able to appreciate the story of GW2 to its full extend. In fact, I do not bother about Tyria, about its main characters and not even care about my avatar, since it just seems to be the always wanna be a side kick of the great Tyrians he is running with and whom he he commands nevertheless. He is not getting enough spot light for character development, personal feelings or fate that could make me care. There is no hidden agenda, no dark temptation, failure nor redemption. It's just the dumb commander of the pact who commands much mightier companions (Rytlock, hello!). He continuously sends them of to nowhere do some research about important stuff that has no purpose but to excuse the fact that we cannot consistently run a 10 man squad of mighty NPCs who otherwise would steamroll all opponents in the living story without our doing.


This could work if at least the story of the NPCs would be interesting enough (thinking of Arthas at Warcraft) but I do not care about them either. I do not care about the love relationship between Marjory and Kasmeer, Taimi's fight for recognition and yes I found Trahearne rather annoying. It's just so not epic. The story has its moments with more appealing elements (e.g. Rytlock returning from death, Eir's death and her funeral) but most of the events seem to happen without proper arc of tension. Most of the time events appear random and either without need to happen or without meaningful impact (e.g. the commander's death and return to live). In short, I find the whole story of GW2 poorly told. I would never pay money(=gems) to unlock living story chapters and although I have them unlocked, I'm reluctant to finish the living story season 3; Just to be thrown on new maps just to join the mindless grind for just another currency. Been there. Done that.


The reasons for posting this: I want more meaningful an interesting story! Please write it!



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Meh, I couldn't care less about the QQing. I've been fine with most of GW2 stories. I liked Vlast's memory crystal monologues, but can clearly understand the wish for a proper interaction (at least once). The Dragon Killing Spear was obviously there as a false friend after we learnt that killing more Elder Dragons might not be the best idea anymore.

The Underworld part was for me quite neat in terms of atmosphere and mood. I never played GW1, but from what I read I'm very sure I wouldn't have liked Joko there, and was glad his useless amount of temper tanturm remained where it should (not counting whatever LS4 may bring forth). The reactions afterwards were indeed a mixed bag, but apparently we didn't stay dead for a very long time. I'm actually rather indifferent about the whole stealing Joko's army for our cause and the PCs acting skills.

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They keep making forced plot twists and killing characters, yet can't see they are doing it so mechanically they lack any impact.

No matter the strategy you, as a storyteller, choose to show the sequence of actions that conform the story. No matter if it is something direct and simple, a racconto, a testimonial or an indirect sum of discoveries, the construction of the story and the characters needs to focus on just one objective: to REACH EMOTIONAL EFFECT.


You need to fulfill the emotional promises: if you put a weapon in the path of the Hero, that weapon HAS TO BE USED SOMEHOW. You can destroy it, yes, but it HAS TO BE MEANINGFUL. It can't be a mere routine task. If you put a legendary dragon ally in the Hero's story, you have to reach a concordance. Even if it dies, there has to be a visible connection. Not circumstantial, not indirect, not "deductible". Clear, close, meaningful. If you kill the protagonist YOU NEED TO MAKE IT COUNT. EMOTIONALLY.


Stories are NOT about what could be rationally justified "a posteriori" (Hermeneutics are interesting... for a lecture, not for a story) . They are about what produces an aesthetic, intellectual and emotional impact.


Just compare Tybalt and Vlast.


While Tybalt story was more a happy coincidence than a well constructed story, it wasn't just a gimmick, it wasn't a mere handwave (Jory's sister, I'm looking at you). They made a good character, pulled us to feel something for him, and THEN made the twist. This is basic storytelling. Elemental. 101. All the 3rd season an most of PoF and HoT tried to be way more advanced, but failed miserably. Because they lost sight of the objective. They thought that just tossing narrative tricks at the screen would be enough. But you can't just add story elements as mere check-boxes. IT DOESN'T WORK.

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> @nembool.5981 said:

> As for Tahlkora and our GW1 characters, we all knew Joko would try to conquer Elona again without an Ossa to stand against him. The fact that it happened says that either our GW1 characters never bothered to go back to Elona after Nightfall to see how things were developing and kick Joko's butt OR Arenanet simply discarded any potential ramifications in favour of their canon (which disrespects our efforts in Nightfall - why save Elona from Abaddon, simply to drop it right into Joko's hands?).

I agree, for what it's worth, but that's the direction the writers decided to take it.


(also I think there was originally supposed to be another story arc, like War in Kryta and that Canthan one I forget the name of, for Elona that might have tried to address this, had it actually been made)

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @nembool.5981 said:

> > As for Tahlkora and our GW1 characters, we all knew Joko would try to conquer Elona again without an Ossa to stand against him. The fact that it happened says that either our GW1 characters never bothered to go back to Elona after Nightfall to see how things were developing and kick Joko's butt OR Arenanet simply discarded any potential ramifications in favour of their canon (which disrespects our efforts in Nightfall - why save Elona from Abaddon, simply to drop it right into Joko's hands?).

> I agree, for what it's worth, but that's the direction the writers decided to take it.


> (also I think there was originally supposed to be another story arc, like War in Kryta and that Canthan one I forget the name of, for Elona that might have tried to address this, had it actually been made)


^^Exactly. Pretty much trolling us old GW1 players, whichever way you cut it. Never thought Arenanet would do something I'd expect of EA.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> There's an interesting [summary of Path of Fire](

) on Reddit. Mostly meant as a joke, but rather accurate as well. Reading it reminded me of one of the things I didn't like about the storyline: it often removed things from the world instead of adding to it. For example...


> We heard that Glint had a son before Aurene. That sounds like it could be an interesting story! Where is he?


> * Gone. Killed.


> So we finally hear about the Human Gods? They have always had very interesting lore. Where are they?


> * Gone. Went away from the world (for real this time).


> Destiny's Edge used a magical spear made from the dragons to try to kill Kalkratorik. Looks like it could be interesting! Where is it?


> * Gone. Destroyed. That part of the storyline was so kitten (not a nice looking kitten, no, one of those evil looking ones) I almost refused to go along with it.


> Balthazar, the God of War and Fire, murderer of his father, champion to the humans, possible destroyer of the world. The only one who successfully killed the main character. Sounds like that could be the basis of a long story. Where is he?


> * Gone. Dead.


> ...I mean... PoF's story is very simple. Someone said here a while ago, and I agree: it feels like a story written by young people for young people. Ignoring the lack of emotional impact (our character dies in one chapter, and in the next is laughing with Canach about getting carried away in pretending to be one of Joko's minion), the storyline managed to make the world of Guild Wars 2 far smaller than it was before PoF.


> Imagine the possibilities, for example, if, instead of killing Balthazar, he had been depowered and made a prisioner (before someone says that arresting a NPC is not fit for a PG-13 game, remember Mai Trin and Canach). We would finally have had a moment to give him some depth and allow players to see his point of view. Even the Herald of Balthazar had the beginning of a personality before she, too, was gone.


> The storyline could have been a lot better, and a lot deeper, if its answer to character development weren't to remove things and characters from the world.



GW2's story now feels like a run of the mill young adult book series now. That's the writing quality.

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