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People complained/complaining about PoF precursors but... what about HoT?

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I can't find the topic no more (a few are still there, but one that I was looking for I can't find), but I do recall one where people talk about how it's not right to have a precursor hidden only in a one time only chest and then have to pray on RNG to get it from unidentified gear and almost never see them drop ever.

Which it's funny as now you can get them in a better chance in doing Serpent's Ire but many seem to not want to even touch that... but that's not the point of the topic.


I'm one that's usually low on money so I at times don't try to aim for some of the ascended weapons as I can't usually afford to make them all, but seeing how I was really close to completing one of the HoT ones for a weapon I would like to use... I came to an issue.


I want a staff for one of my classes (not Thief or Ranger, but I do have Daredevil and Druid unlocked so whatever...) and saw for the Bo I was missing only 3 items. The headpiece as I never aimed to complete the Daredevil line as I was never going to play as a Daredevil, the Mystic and Machined staff.

The headpiece I'm okay with. The Mystic just costs money to make (or buy) but no problem...

Then comes the machined staff...


People complain about the RNG set up for the precursor for PoF but um.... why the skritt does "Machined Staff Shaft" have to be from only the Noxious Pods? Which I usually need a cutlass to cut open (which is fine that I have to use past map currency to get so I can't complain there much anyway as I have a good bit of it) but then as the wiki say "Extremely low drop rate"?


In PoF you can get any of those items like unidentified gears from simply killing things or events or chests or whichever. Yeah it's an "Extremely Low Drop Rate", but I can get it anywhere in PoF.

Dragon's Stand I'm at the mercy of doing the meta (or get like 5 pods only in a map that is dead/empty/reset) and then might not get anything out of it and wasting the currency for even more of those cutlass that if Grenth forbid if I run out of any of the currency I would then have to go back to other maps to farm more of those then back to Dragon's Stand to do the meta again and HOPE for an "Extremely low drop rate" collection junk to drop.

What? Could've just made the machined staff the same as the named Sunspear weapons and simply make them like 80+ gold for those that just want to flat out buy it.

Don't like being at the mercy of RNG to simply get an ascended staff like this.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Using precursor really confused me.

> I think many players use the LFG to find a map that completes Dragon Stand, and then has access to more chests.

> Regardless, maybe the acquisition method was changed due to the 'extremely low drop-rate'; I dunno. /shrug


Don't think it did as after opening about 50+ of them in one meta I still have not gotten the thing.

Which is fine and all, but it still made me think of "How much more of these cutlass do I need to buy and maybe drain a good bit of my resources that I would have to go to other maps to try and get back up... before I even get that one "Staff piece" I need. that... won't help as even that Machined Staff is worse than the current staff I'm using... "

And even then it's pointless on it as I'm aiming for the ascended one meaning in less than no time that exotic/rare I need for a precursor only going to turn into salvaged food.


Like the Mordant Torch I made when I got the Scourge torch which right away I got the Ascended Torch making the Mordant one obsolete the moment it got in my possession.

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You might want to try it before complaining. I needed the Machined Staff for the Yggdrasil collection and had no trouble getting the shaft. Maybe I was just really lucky, or maybe the drop rate is not as low as the wiki currently says.

I believe you do need to have the Plated Staff finished to open the Machined Staff collection before you can get it to drop.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> The tooltip is a lie - you don't get it from noxious pods, you get it from the world boss chest at the end of the meta event. Or maybe they fixed it, I don't know. I just know I never got those things from noxious pods.


They still drop from Noxious Pods, but the chest at the end of the Dragon Stand meta drops it also.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> You might want to try it before complaining. I needed the Machined Staff for the Yggdrasil collection and had no trouble getting the shaft. Maybe I was just really lucky, or maybe the drop rate is not as low as the wiki currently says.

> I believe you do need to have the Plated Staff finished to open the Machined Staff collection before you can get it to drop.


I do. That's the only way I knew it's from the pods which then after not getting it from like 50+ of them and checking the wiki where it say extremely low on the drop rate.

Have the plated staff and didn't try to get the other items yet seeing as I could just purchase those from npcs.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> The tooltip is a lie - you don't get it from noxious pods, you get it from the world boss chest at the end of the meta event. Or maybe they fixed it, I don't know. I just know I never got those things from noxious pods.


If your statement was true then I wouldn't have received any from noxious pods. I received many from noxious pods, therefore your statement is false.

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> @DarcShriek.5829 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > The tooltip is a lie - you don't get it from noxious pods, you get it from the world boss chest at the end of the meta event. Or maybe they fixed it, I don't know. I just know I never got those things from noxious pods.


> If your statement was true then I wouldn't have received any from noxious pods. I received many from noxious pods, therefore your statement is false.


My experience was that I have never recieved these items after opening up noxious pods (and believe me, I tried). However, the end-chest at Dragons Stand seems to be a certain drop. I'm willing to admit I was unlucky, but I don't think my statement was false. I just had better luck with the end chest than noxious pods.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> People complain about the RNG set up for the precursor for PoF but um.... why the skritt does "Machined Staff Shaft" have to be from only the Noxious Pods? Which I usually need a cutlass to cut open (which is fine that I have to use past map currency to get so I can't complain there much anyway as I have a good bit of it) but then as the wiki say "Extremely low drop rate"?

It does not come only from those. The end chest for the DS meta has a 100% guaranteed drop chance of one item for the machined weapon collections (if you have them already unlocked, of course, it won't drop anything for the ones you haven't started yet), so at worst you'd have to do it 7 times to get all of the ones needed for elite spec weapons (7 because staff and shield are used in 2 collections). Noxious pods just offer a chance to finish it faster.

If you do not intend to do DS a lot, just remember to unlock only the machine weapon collections that you need, though, not all of them, or you may end up needing a lot of runs before getting the drop you want. If you aim at the all machined weapons, however, unlock all of them straight away, that will increase the chances you might get a lucky drop from pods (and, again, may help in reducing the total number of runs needed).



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This is a baseless complaint. This doesn't have the drop rate of the stuff from PoF and certainly not the drop rate of a precursor. I made every single HoT ascended item and it never really took me a long time to get what I needed.


Pro Tip: Every time I completed DS, which isn't hard if you use LFG and a timer site, I got the part I needed from the last chest, without ever opening a noxious pod.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> Pro Tip: Every time I completed DS, which isn't hard if you use LFG and a timer site, I got the part I needed from the last chest, without ever opening a noxious pod.


Same here. I think those are a guaranteed drop, pretty much like the mushroom drops from the Treasure Mushroom.


I like the specialization collections from HoT a lot more than those from PoF (as I had said [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/15557/specialization-collections-in-pof-are-worse-than-in-hot)). They feel like they rely a lot less on randomization.

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