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Returning Player LF Guild, [NA,EST,PVX]


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Long time solo player looking to start doing some organized group content with some friendly people, currently on YB but would transfer if needed to for WvW, EST timezone but mostly play mornings or late nights because third shift. Also have a GF that is much newer to the game but is learning quickly and I'd like to bring her in as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me

Is there anyone home?


Come on


I hear you're looking for a guild

I can ease your pain

Get you on to Sorrow´s Furnace


I hope you like Pink Floyd if not this joke dont have any sense, well i normally dont make any sense so, sorry in advance lmao, im from The Mystic Crusaders [TMC] as i said from Sorrow´s Furnace guild, a NEW guild, small one and we like it that way, grow slowly to get to know each others, we are many hours togheter so know each others is important lol i meant i talk more in chat than to my gf and we live togheter lmao... im such a bad bf... damm... lol, nevermind, we dont want that people got lost in the crowd, or sense that they dont have a place whit us, we encourage them all to chat, we have our own discord where we talk in voice chat meanwhile we play or SMASH HEADS IN WvW!!! i cant get enough from WvW lul and i dragged people into it and they like it, i meant who wouldnt? smash... heads... laugh like a mad person and eat chips... or its just me? idk, well we do all kind of content, PvP, collections, WvW, fractals whatever, we are now getting inside raids to, coz some of us are farming legendary armors from WvW and Raids, we like funny people, dont be shy we dont bite, if you look for a highly social guild whit many people we are not that one, but if you like to chill, play whit friends, share music, chat and meet people from around the world, north america, asia, argentina, poland, talk nonsense, and most important SMASH PEOPLE IN WvW then we are you people! the only rules are have fun, respect the others, have more fun, send me food to keep my tummy happy, we dont ask for representation at all outside WvW, inside of it if you are running whit us as a squad then we like you to brandish our flag, the [TMC] proudly, we would love that you use it all the time but meh, we like to make friends, not advertise

you have 5 guild slots so, why dont give us a try? you would never leave us... for real... i will hunt you guys down... lmao

I hope you and your gf have a nice day, love each other, feed your pets and use sitbelts! you Have my ID to send me a text inside game and you can found more ways to reach me here ↓

hope i see you <3

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