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Trait change ideas - Soul Reaping traitline


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Just a quick thought on a change to mainly the master traits in the Soul Reaping trailine

Spectral Mastery - first thought would be to move the +180 Vitality bonus from Vital Persistance to this trait since Spectral skills benefit more from Vitality (they restore Life force based on % so more Vitality equals more effective health from life force), and maybe increase life force on use to 10% so it would be possible to enter shroud from 0% with one spectral skill if that isn't too overtuned.


Vital Persistance - My change to this would be to make this feel more "persistant" than static, and the change would be

"whenever you take direct damage while in shroud (not condition damage ticks) you regain 1-2%? life force." or "you recieve healing at - 25-50% effectiveness while in shroud but healing you do recieve in shroud is converted into life force"


Fear of Death - this trait feels more like a trait fit for Curse traitline since it doesn't interact at all with Shroud with the exception of the 1 skill while in any form of shroud. so let's make it Fear _OF_ Death, give back the 20% shroud _form_

recharge reduction and add "whenever you enter shroud fear all enemies within 600 units for 1½ seconds"


those are just my ideas if anyone has anything else that would be a nice addition or just something cool that would be interesting to see added one day.

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Most of those changes would be bad, especially the change to Vital Persistence. For the simple reason that taking damage wile in should will defiantly do more than 1-2% Life force in damage. So that would be SO meaningless a change


The 25/50% healing in Shroud would also be SO situational and/or VERY pointless for those of us that roam. Could make it like a Shroud version of the Condition heal trait. You heal for 10% of your HEALTH for 10% of your direct damage. Something like that wouldnt be too bad.


Fear of Death - Decrease Shroud cool down by 20% You gain bonus Toughness the lower your Life Force bar is. 100-75% Gain 100Toughness, 74-50% 150Toughness, 49-25% 200Toughness and 24-0% 250Toughness

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