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Help us achieve balance


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I just created a topic on the discussion forum regarding the dps boosts we got since game launch and how that affected game modes such as spvp and wvw. We didnt get defensive stats boosts to compensate that.

Plz help us by commenting on the topic with your opinions, but try to remain constructive, even if you disagree. There is no need to derail the topic or start harrassing each other.


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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> If I understand this correctly, this thread serves no purpose other than to tell us that you opened another thread?


its more like.. wvw community barely vote on polls and post comments on wvw forum.. mostly..

they come here,, check 1st page for some announce or post from dev, and then just close forum and go back to w/e they were doing.


few visit the general discussion section..

so i decided to give a heads up to try and reach more ppl..

sorry if that affected your ego so much..


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It was quite courteous of you to point out your thread on profession balance here. Not everyone frequents the entire forum.

I happen to agree with Shirlias. It's a difficult balance, we don't want bunker builds to take over (like eles & druids did in pvp after HoT's launch), but on the flipside of the coin we don't want single attacks connecting for 15k+. (Certainly not from stealth.)


~ Kovu

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i think the issue of balance is the AoE capacity differences of classes.

There are stacking classes that able to bring a lot of large area short CD AoE that are very unhealthy to combat. And there is even more condition cancer spam within these AoE... These AoE should work like scourge shade, all overlap aoe from whoever caster, only hit 5 different players, if 1st stacking AoE hit A B C D E, the other AoE should hit F G H I J etc... It is very terrible to have 5 AoE stack together and A B C D E got hit 5 times....


Or give player a short duration of invulnerable to stacking AoE damage after the first one hit.

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