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Please do not use real-world names for items

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> "Hello huehksjun, I just got a kdjieldir from a flying kkeurkdall. The iqiuw was rough but I pieiudur and lininkurh the kkeurkdall and he vurron. I asked Bob what he thought I should do with it and he suggested I kiningling in olippunusy for some urp. " -- What the OP wants.


I don't think that's quite right. You're still including some things from our world, like English words, spaces and punctuation. Not to mention our human alphabet. Can't have that.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> okay... one more time.... A game that takes place in an imaginary world where characters do imaginary things is quite different from a real world where people attempt to do evil things. So why associate a game item with a real item that represents evil?


This game uses many things named from Earth sources. You are singling out THIS ONE, so your "it's not original" argument falls flat.

Some other of those references (Zhaitan, Abaddon) have demonic connotations. But they never stopped you from playing.


If you were fine with playing Dungeons & Dragons back in the age when everyone and their mother thought it was Satanist 101, then this should not be an issue. This is /literally the same thing/ - or did you forget that Asmodeus, Pazuzu, and many other demons were in D&D lore? Fiend Folio, anyone? Those were fantasy, this is fantasy. Those weren't corrupting people, this isn't corrupting people.


More likely than not, most people are going to look at the name and have no idea what it's a reference to, and just think "cool name" or something. Of the people who *get* the reference, I really doubt any of them are going to start summoning demons.


Sometimes a name is just a name.

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> @Shadowpeixera.2918 said:

> Dude, it's just the Ars Goetia, not the Mein Kampf.


> Save your outrage for something useful.


I would like to have a Mein Kampf reference item in game written by Joko.


> @Zeefa.3915 said:

> If games cannot use names from real world mythos, history etc. the names would become much more generic... like raven staff, flower bow, glowing staff, tiger bow...

> Oh yeah Chuka Champawat might actually be worse... since it shares its name with 2 real tigers that killed and ate real people back in the 1900s.


In my opinion they are worse, but I have no problem with it. Most people wouldn't know it anyway.


Anet isn't encouraging you to go out and torture, rape and kill people.

It is the context and surrounding that matters. You can show people what people have done to each other like the evil dark kitty worshipers that want to rot out all white fluffy kitties and tell them that is the right way to go or you can show it to people and tell them that is the wrong way to go. Anet doesn't even show something like that, they dropped a subtile hint to something. If you follow it and how you interpret it, depends on you. If you believe in demon summoning you most likely believed in it before and not because Anet named a item after an obscure old book.


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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> you have some real world evil


No. No you don't. Demons aren't real. The occult isn't real. People like Alisteir Crowley weren't evil, nor did they actually do evil things. If anything they were showmen who sold the public an image of them as such.


Now let this stupid thread die.



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An amazing number of people aren't getting the complaint of the OP. He's not complaining that it is 'fantasy', but that it is not fantasy that belongs in the same 'universe' as the rest of GW2. It's like having King Arthur show up in the storyline. It doesn't belong to the same mythos.

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> @Biff.5312 said:

> An amazing number of people aren't getting the complaint of the OP. He's not complaining that it is 'fantasy', but that it is not fantasy that belongs in the same 'universe' as the rest of GW2. It's like having King Arthur show up in the storyline. It doesn't belong to the same mythos.


No that was his thinly-vieled excuse. Read his replies to this thread beyond the opening post:


> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

>In the case of the Ars Goetia, you have some real world evil that is portrayed as beneficial for the players(legendary weapon).


His actual argument is that he thinks the real-life book is evil because apparently he thinks the occult and demons actually exists and as such GW2 should not be allowed to reference it in the game.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> I never said it should not be allowed. I asked for more imagination from Anet in the future. Why not invent a unique name for items instead of dropping earth references?



I personally like subtitle reference to real things, games, books or other stuff. It is nice for people who know them but doesn't affect people who don't. I also like in game lore items like the shining blade, but that doesn't exclude each other. Caladbolg is a reference and has in game lore. There can be both at the same time.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> I never said it should not be allowed. I asked for more imagination from Anet in the future. Why not invent a unique name for items instead of dropping earth references?



Because we all live on earth and it makes the item more interesting with a reference than just random name that means nothing.

There's plenty of reference to other myths and legends in the game.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> I never said it should not be allowed. I asked for more imagination from Anet in the future. Why not invent a unique name for items instead of dropping earth references?



The name they imaginatively picked just coincidentally the same name as a real book which is also coincidentally about demon summoning and in no way a reference or homage to the real thing. Ever thought of that?

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> I believe those that pursue dark forces are evil. Alister Crowly who revised this book in the 20th century was known as the most wicked man alive. Just because this book doesn't do what it claims to do doesn't make it any less evil. So why name something after it?


> Unless you are a relativist and don't believe that good and evil exist. In that case there is nothing I can say to convince you.


Really, because apparently you believe all those stories about Alistair Crowley as well...you see, it turns out he wasn't as bad as people made him out to be, just very misunderstood. I know people would say that Jimmy Page is not a reliable source, but I do know he did extensive research on Alistair Crowley and could probably tell you everything you needed to know, if he remembers, but he wasn't as wicked as people make him out to be...completely misunderstood though.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> okay... one more time.... A game that takes place in an imaginary world where characters do imaginary things is quite different from a real world where people attempt to do evil things. So why associate a game item with a real item that represents evil?


As mentioned by another poster in this thread: this game has swords, guns, rifles, ... several different kinds of weapons ->all named the same as in the real world. Many people have been hurt or killed in the past with these types of weapons (and in case of guns, rifles, etc. still are). So by your logic, by using the same names for these weapons (which are being used for evil purposes more often than not), this game promotes being evil...? Uhm... OK...


To also answer your question, why ANet (or also other companies) decide to include references (like the Ars Goetia) in their games:

Because it's a smart reference and some players will feel smart for "getting it". It also gives players an association to the real world, things they know from somewhere else, etc. I could go deeper into how similarities/associations to the real world in games also help achieve something called "willing suspension of disbelief" - but something tells me that would be a waste of time...

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Anet, please quit naming unique items after historical items from the real world. Tyria is supposed to be its own unique world and should have no connection with planet Earth. The new legendary focus titled Ars Goetia is actually a 17th century book about summoning demons. It was later revised by Alister Crowley in the 20th century. Why do you have to connect Tyria with this kind of crap? I prefer fantasy pretend world.


> just google ars goetia and you will see what I am talking about


The New legendary focus' name is not ars goetia, that's the precursor. The name of the legendary is the binding of ipos. Get your patch note reading straight :P

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