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Please do not use real-world names for items

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Anet, please quit naming unique items after historical items from the real world. Tyria is supposed to be its own unique world and should have no connection with planet Earth. The new legendary focus titled Ars Goetia is actually a 17th century book about summoning demons. It was later revised by Alister Crowley in the 20th century. Why do you have to connect Tyria with this kind of crap? I prefer fantasy pretend world.


> just google ars goetia and you will see what I am talking about



Using this logic of “don’t name stuff in Tyria after things from real history/myth” Anet needs to rename a lot of stuff...


I’m not seeing any problem with the names, they tie into the visuals of the items themselves. They truly fit.


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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Yes, there is a spelling difference. Otherwise they wouldn't be Asurans they would be Asuras.



It is a sp00ky book that literally possesses your character, in return giving them a huge spectral demon claw.




Literal demon claw.


It is not rocket surgery to see how the legendary item fits the name of the actual book.


Can we let this incredibly stupid topic die already?

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> There is a spelling difference between Asuras and Asurans.


Are you even reading what is being written?

Asura - one Taimi

Asuras - lots of Taimis

Asuran - of the Asura race.


Still, by your logic they would also need renaming. Along with Humans, because they are of the planet Earth also.




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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Do the Asura of Tyria in anyway resemble the Hindu myths? The Tyrian Ars Goetia more closely associates with its earth counterpart.



Does it really though? Does the real world Ars Goetia REALLY float, glow, and give you a demon hand? Is it even really purple? Because I'm willing to bet money the ONLY similarity is that it's a book.

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> @Squee.7829 said:

> Does it really though? Does the real world Ars Goetia REALLY float, glow, and give you a demon hand? Is it even really purple? Because I'm willing to bet money the ONLY similarity is that it's a book.


Nah, as I said, the demon theme is there. The final in-game item is a sp00ky book that possesses your character. The reference makes perfect sense.


What I want to know is why this is a bad thing, apparently.


Because unless you're some kind of loony who thinks ~~Dungeons & Dragons~~ Guild Wars II will teach your kids to summon real demons or something, I don't see how it is in any shape or form.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Well yes they are both books and apparently both focuses for summoning bad things(that was the Ars Goetia's intended purpose not saying that it actually works)


Stop dodging my question.


Explain why it is a bad thing.


Because you're coming off as someone who actually believes demons are real at this point. You truly do.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Anet, please quit naming unique items after historical items from the real world. Tyria is supposed to be its own unique world and should have no connection with planet Earth. The new legendary focus titled Ars Goetia is actually a 17th century book about summoning demons. It was later revised by Alister Crowley in the 20th century. Why do you have to connect Tyria with this kind of crap? I prefer fantasy pretend world.


> just google ars goetia and you will see what I am talking about


You know there's at least two items related to Full Metal Alchemist ?


I like references like that a lot.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Squee.7829 said:

> > Does it really though? Does the real world Ars Goetia REALLY float, glow, and give you a demon hand? Is it even really purple? Because I'm willing to bet money the ONLY similarity is that it's a book.


> Nah, as I said, the demon theme is there. The final in-game item is a sp00ky book that possesses your character. The reference makes perfect sense.


> What I want to know is why this is a bad thing, apparently.


> Because unless you're some kind of loony who thinks ~~Dungeons & Dragons~~ Guild Wars II will teach your kids to summon real demons or something, I don't see how it is in any shape or form.


That's fair. But he already relented that "because it's not real, it doesn't really matter" then moved on to "well it's not original ". Now he's switching back and forth between already debunked arguments to see which one sticks.

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I believe those that pursue dark forces are evil. Alister Crowly who revised this book in the 20th century was known as the most wicked man alive. Just because this book doesn't do what it claims to do doesn't make it any less evil. So why name something after it?


Unless you are a relativist and don't believe that good and evil exist. In that case there is nothing I can say to convince you.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> I believe those that pursue dark forces are evil. Alister Crowly who revised this book in the 20th century was known as the most wicked man alive. Just because this book doesn't do what it claims to do doesn't make it any less evil. So why name something after it?


> Unless you are a relativist and don't believe that good and evil exist. In that case there is nothing I can say to convince you.


What exactly are the dark forces here? This is a book for summoning demons, which in GW, is totally just an everyday thing for necromancers. Demons arent even inherently evil there. Revenants can channel the spirit of one of the biggest villains in Tyria (Shiro ). In Tyria, these aren't dark paths. Just part of life.

Unlike the real world, where such magic doesn't exist.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Well, the Ars Geotia is real and exists. Excalibur and Mjolnir are only referred to in myth and legend.


I think you misunderstood what I posted.


Many also claim that the Excalibur and Mjolnir exist that they are as real as the Arc of the Covenant. Ars Goetia is a mythological artifact to those who believe that God is a myth and the Bible is just a mythological artifact. As long as they believe that, there's no amount of evidence would persuade them otherwise.


I would find it inappropriate and insensitive if I am a Catholic since that religion believes heavily in the existence of holy and unholy artifacts and places, but I'm not Catholic. It's just a name of an ancient book. However, I understand the concern of those who are superstitious.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> I believe those that pursue dark forces are evil. Alister Crowly who revised this book in the 20th century was known as the most wicked man alive. Just because this book doesn't do what it claims to do doesn't make it any less evil. So why name something after it?


> Unless you are a relativist and don't believe that good and evil exist. In that case there is nothing I can say to convince you.


So **now** it’s because you don’t like the fact it’s named for something that is related to Dark Arts? Lol, just lol. I hope you don’t play Necromancer.

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