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Critical Role Easter Egg in Daybreak


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Not sure if this should be posted in lore but wasn't sure where else. If there is a better place for it please move it there.


So LITTLE SPOILER, not very big in my opinion but if you haven't done the latest episode Daybreak yet, don't read this.


Critical Role is an online show on geekandsundry.com where some nerdy voice actors get together and play dungeons and Dragons. They just recently wrapped up their first series.


So playing the latest episode, you end up in a prison cell/dungeon. As I was escaping I noticed a cell with a big red chair facing away from the door. I checked and was able to open it. Going around to look at the front of the chair there was skeleton chained to a post. Upon interacting with it I got this text:


(Sorry was trying to post the image but couldn't so i'll just have to settle for the link, sorry :/)








https://i.imgur.com/t4RfrPu.jpg <-- direct references to each persons character






Thought it was pretty cool. Anyone out there watch?

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