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WING 5 tactics!!

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First boss


All melee will have a really rough time trying to stay alive due to the sheer volume of AOEs. Spreading out is a good way to keep your sanity.

You can probably put a Might Stacking Deadeye and Druids further back where they won't have to worry about watching out for the bosses personal AOEs.


The two designated tanks will want to keep the boss away from the main group while the group works on killing the wurms. This isn't to speed run anything. This is to make sure people stay alive because there is so much shit to look out for.


You can do this with one druid. But it'd mean that everyone would need to bring some amount of healing power to keep themselves alive (Bullshit Chilling Aura procs forces you to keep healing at all times).


The Wurms may have the name elite on them... but they are extremely squishy and will die pretty quickly. However they hurt, and need to be delt with ASAP.


Things to watch out for...


Wurm Volleys. Each worm sprays out a projectile volley of 3. Which seems to target where the most players are standing. Spreading out is the best way to avoid taking damage from them as just one hit can flatten anyone who does not have tougness in their build.


Moving Scythes with red Circle. I don't know what they do, nor do I want to. I'm not sure what causes them, I think they are caused by enemies running to the outer circle and dying.


Rectangle field of death. These things are slow moving, they are large but you can avoid them. You can not dodge through them, but you can blink past them safely. The are completely random in how they spawn, and they make it so lingering near the edge is a seriously bad idea. A guranteed one shot. But from what I can see... there can be no more than 4 on the field at a time.


Unhighlighted AOE from Souless Hunter. This is just a red ring as far as I can tell. It is extremely hard to see coming and it hurts. You're only given about a second and a half to get out of the way.


Yellow AOE from Souless Hunter. This one is a double attack. First it strikes near her. The second is a donut that's outside of the first You're not given a lot of time on the second one to get out of the way. I think the range for the outer most one is about 900 units. Anyone with access to rifle and longbow will be able to stand comfortably outside of this range.


It may not be a bad idea to ask all melee users to put either Magi, Marshal or Cleric trinkets on for the healing power boost.

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As far as the first boss is concerned:

Try to position the golems (they look like necromancer golems) properly before they explode which causes the red circles. Call them out when they spawn. We used druid pushes, chrono pulls and necro fears to get them right into the middle and finished them off with immobilizes and Epidemics. Other spots might work or even be better, we finished too quickly to try. Properly stacking reds gives you a lot of room to work with even after the size of the platform starts decreasing.

Bad RNG with the incoming walls will not screw you over as much if you have all of that room to move around.

Add more healing if needed such as going back to the old double druid squad. Even if the fight doesn't require too much healing as everyone is able to stay together in melee mostly but using two druids (or a single druid and any other healer) is safer as well as provides you with another glyph push in case you run two druids.


Other than that, mostly comes down to wall RNG and people paying attention to everything that is going on. Condition damage heavy squads synergize well with scourges and Epidemics to clear golems and wurms.


A bug happened afterwards (NPC didn't spawn so we went up without her) that prevented us from continuing. Wasted half of our time there while we were trying to figure out what we had to do and was the reason why we didn't get to try the last boss as we ran out of time. Seems fun so far, though.

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the demon lady slippery bridge escort -


Rift: we get pull by rift that spawn and theres 10 stack of the buff, you need to remove the buff by hitting it (guardian scepter skill remove it in 3 sec) and it will stop your char gliding around.


Bombers: they walk towards the beautiful demon lady.. and will plant bomb near it. we need to CC the bomber as soon as his cc bar is up or he will successfully plant the bomb.


Enervator - this dude shoot holy laser at the demon lady and she looses the shield. we need to kill this enervator so demon lady will get the shield back up.


approximately half way thru... when you passes the first bump (not bum)... u think u are safe... ... wait till u get hit by the wall.. theres Tetris wall raining down slowly . if you get hit by the wall, you will not die instantly like in b1 but... you will go down. ressing you in this phase is challenging. while having walls raining down, we also have rifts spawning that will pull players and make mobility difficult. we need to remove rift buff almost immediately. theres few sneaky rift that will spawn and make it difficult for players to move away from incoming walls.

next stage of wall coming from the side .. another walls from the front then i think that's done with walls.


if. u.. go down stage and die, you will transform into spirit or wisp.. you can come back to life again after eating i think 5 red orbs that scattered around. there was a stage.... whole party was wisps ..


thats all i know lol gl and hf !!!! XD

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I haven't seen that much of the first boss yet, but I would like your opinion on this:


This relies a lot on a scourge though xD


1 scourge, 1 druid and the 2 tanks could be something different to the chronos (like revs). For the rest to have better alacrity uptime.



First pull the boss to one side and epidemic the wurms there, proceeding to the other side, epidemic again and the Wurms are finished fast.


The scourge also spams f2 to clear the conditions which werde most of the damage we received. So we were able to go melee too.


For the walls you can mostly coordinate your group and tank and as last resort solution your scourge could take sand dwell with him. It roughly has 27cd with some alacrity, u also get a shield which is nice, I guess.


Golems can be epidemiced and then pulled/knocked to the side or mid. Shall you try to stack all golem deaths in the mid it hinders your movability a bit so I would recommend to stack them on the side.

For wall safety you should try to avoind pushing them to 2 opposing sides so mark a spot on one quarter of the platform and stack the golems there.


Because of the debuff the boss applies to the tank they should try to switch on cooldown of their special action key. There the first should wait approx. 25 sec for their special action be equally timed.



What do you think?

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> Talindra, I've heard the statues boss event is pretty easy but I cannot find any video or guide. Did you complete it?


i done 2/3 with a team and the other 1/3 with another, but never competed all with 1 team. i had to leave group for rl stuff. anyway.. it isn't hard .. need coordination. i think the 3 statues event is actually my fav of all i like boss 1 too.. i don't really like second event but i saw my partner did with a different group they found an easy way to do it. at the wall phase the chrono blink away and portal the entire group to the mob ahead .. while druid out heal the team (well its easy to heal when everyone is on one spot) and just let the npc walk towards to group. much easier teamwork i think than how our group did it.

i can share how the group i was in did the second boss later.. its 1.50 am now :) i need to go to bed! hehe. laterz

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For the final boss, you need 1 or 2 guys to kite the Messengers (aka the Golems) out of the group and the reapers. Their fixation works like this: The first striker (aka the guy who hit it first) gets the fixation for like 10sec, after that the Golem will die and others will spawn in each corners.


To prevent the Reapers from instantly dying, one has to get inside the green circle which spawns inside the one that needs help to play a "minigame" in which you gotta gather 5 little orbs in the sky, there's also a big light "spiral/column" in the middle during it that will kill you if you get inside. Collect the orbs very fast and you'll be alive.


If you get afflicted (aka the special action), drop it far away from the group and the reapers, it does a lot of damage otherwise.


Final thing you gotta do is killing the skelettons as fast as possible because they spawn endlessly and will kill the reapers extremely fast.


After some time, the boss will come and you have to deal with him (you need a tank like VG, Gorseval, KC, Xera and Deimos) while doing all the stuff above.

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> It's not called wing 5. Technically it is the 3rd raid and it's the Underworld. Wings ended with the first raid with wing three. I absolutely hate this nomenclature and just shows the unimaginative way many people think.


Ooh, so you kill the boss by boring him to death? ;) /s


On a serious note. Keep em coming. The new raid (wing 5 /jk) is quite fun :)


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**For Desmina** you should decide beforehand, to either stack the red fields in the middle or on the side. Use Glyph of Tides from druid, wild blow from warrior, or Focus from Chronos to position it correctly. We used to kick it out with glyph of tides since you dont have to Focus him directly and then the chronos would use Focus to position it correctly. It died from the conditions easily. Just take care if you push them to the side, dont stand directly in the middle, so the Mobs doenst die instantly. Also the mob runs to the Person not tanking at the current moment. (the Person who took the Symbol in the beginning)

Be carefull at 66% when she gets her CC-bar she will also make the Plattform smaller, so dont stand on the outside. After 66% she will do the big Pizza aoe (get a bit away from here and you can stand between the fields) from time to time. And when does it the second time, she will always get a CC- bar afterwards. (So 66% Pizza aoe/cc-bar - then just big Pizza aoe, then big Pizza aoe and CC-bar and so on) Also when she gets the CC-bar all current moving walls will disappear.

With the fourth red field spawning, the first will disappear - so there are always three fields present. Try not to split them up too much, so you have enough place to move.



For the **escort Event** it is usefull to get Dragonhunters and Tempests in, since they can kill the Bombers/Everators quickly with burst, aswell as one Guardian can put down traps around Desmina to kill the small adds, since those dont have much life, but there are many of them.

Also for the rifts, which pull you in - be careful since after taking down all 10 stacks, they slowly regenerate the stacks again. Best is to leave a staff phantasm of the chronos on it, which holds it closed. Can be especially annoying when you get the Everators, which take down her shield and makes her stop moving.

Also in the end when the last Everator comes up, there will be a bomber coming from behind Desmina. Make sure to hold him cced.

We used a Warrior with Mace/Shield and full CC utilities, who was able to perma CC all Bombers, so people could kill the Everator first. (Even works if there are two Bombers, since CC-bars are small)



The **three Golem Event** is bugged at the moment.

- Soul Eater dies randomly sometimes without doing the proper mechanic.

- On the ice-golem just take green fields and slowly DPS him down. Be careful at 1% he becomes immune to DMG till his stacks are gone. So just stay alive till you can do the final hit.

> @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

> The amount of green fields depens on you squads DPS. You can make a full damage stop every 20% and wait until the stacks from the green fields run out.

> Also you dont die with the 4th stack. You get frozen for like 10seconds, cant move and take damage. You can be healed tho.


- The eye event is/was bugged, which had us to redo the instance multiple times till we could finally get it down. For now it is usefull to start with this event, so you dont have to redo the other two if it bugs out. For the event itself, split up your squad into two Groups, one on each side with two people on top throwing down light balls. You have to find the eye, have a light ball around (either in one Hands, or laying on the ground) so you can DPS it. At a point the eye will teleport to a new position. Our people on top (one for each side) marked the new Location and threw a light ball there so it is easy to find them. Be careful if you dont hit the eye for a certain amount of time, the entire Group will get a big damage hit. So make sure to be quick and hit it. Also there will be Minotaurs spawning, which you can either run away or kill. They die quick, can be CCed, but hurt a lot if left alone. You can use the "2" skill when picking up a light ball to stun enemies around. This way you can burst on the eye for longer before it teleports and also stun the Minotaur and run to the next Location.



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> @bugverwirrt.7351 said:


> - On the ice-golem just take green fields and slowly DPS him down. Be careful at 1% he becomes immune to DMG till his stacks are gone. So just stay alive till you can do the final hit. Also the amount of green fields spawning seem to depend on the amount of people alive/present. So even if some day, it is still doable. Be carefull taking a green field gives you a stack and the 4th stack will kill you. Those stacks will tick down throughout the fight, so just take a break for a few seconds if you are at 3 stacks.


The amount of green fields depens on you squads DPS. You can make a full damage stop every 20% and wait until the stacks from the green fields run out.

Also you dont die with the 4th stack. You get frozen for like 10seconds, cant move and take damage. You can be healed tho.



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> @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

> The amount of green fields depens on you squads DPS. You can make a full damage stop every 20% and wait until the stacks from the green fields run out.

> Also you dont die with the 4th stack. You get frozen for like 10seconds, cant move and take damage. You can be healed tho.




Good to know, thank you! I edited my Statement with your part, if that is ok for you. So I am not spreading wrong informations.



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> @bugverwirrt.7351 said:

> > @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

> > The amount of green fields depens on you squads DPS. You can make a full damage stop every 20% and wait until the stacks from the green fields run out.

> > Also you dont die with the 4th stack. You get frozen for like 10seconds, cant move and take damage. You can be healed tho.

> >

> >


> Good to know, thank you! I edited my Statement with your part, if that is ok for you. So I am not spreading wrong informations.




I'm fine with that. Technically the DPS Part is wrong too. He spawns a green field every ~1% of his health. Which is why at the end you can just keep on auto attacking him, collect the last greens to remove his stacks and kill him. Since he doesn't lose more health, he won't spawn new greens. Practically you make it harder if you just try to burst it down.

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> @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

> I'm fine with that. Technically the DPS Part is wrong too. He spawns a green field every ~1% of his health. Which is why at the end you can just keep on auto attacking him, collect the last greens to remove his stacks and kill him. Since he doesn't lose more health, he won't spawn new greens. Practically you make it harder if you just try to burst it down.


That would Support my initial thought, when we first entered that part of the wing - that you split up in 2x5man Groups and do the Soul eater and ice Golem simultaneously and then regroup for the eye/lightball Event. (Might help with the 5 Minute achievement)

Since less People equals less fields and therefore making it neither harder or easier. (Since even if you have 10 People present and burst it, you can manage the greens without much hassle)

This only leaves the question of Soul eater and how exactly his mechanic works. (e.g. do you have to light up all 4 paddles, or just 1. Etc.) All three times we killed him, it seemed to happen randomly.

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> @bugverwirrt.7351 said:

> > @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

> > I'm fine with that. Technically the DPS Part is wrong too. He spawns a green field every ~1% of his health. Which is why at the end you can just keep on auto attacking him, collect the last greens to remove his stacks and kill him. Since he doesn't lose more health, he won't spawn new greens. Practically you make it harder if you just try to burst it down.


> That would Support my initial thought, when we first entered that part of the wing - that you split up in 2x5man Groups and do the Soul eater and ice Golem simultaneously and then regroup for the eye/lightball Event. (Might help with the 5 Minute achievement)

> Since less People equals less fields and therefore making it neither harder or easier. (Since even if you have 10 People present and burst it, you can manage the greens without much hassle)

> This only leaves the question of Soul eater and how exactly his mechanic works. (e.g. do you have to light up all 4 paddles, or just 1. Etc.) All three times we killed him, it seemed to happen randomly.


We tried to kill the Broken King with 5 Members since we first thought that the number of greens depends on the number of players. As explained, this was wrong.

We would have run out of time. (We aren't a speedclear guild, but our dps is above average) Provided we only tried with 3cDPS, Druid and a Chrono with Phantasmal Disenchater to strip his Resistance. Power comps may or may not be able to do it.


For the Eater of Souls:

Start the fight attacking it and wait for a spider (Twisted Spirit) to spawn. The Spider will drop 5 orbs in the middle of the arena. One of the Rune symbols near the center will light up. Throw all 5 Orbs onto that field and kill the Eater of Souls while he stands on it. A Lost Spirit will appear. Get one person to stand near it. That person will become an Orb and has to collect Orbs. Repeat until the second Bar in the event panel is full. Once the bar is full you can kill the Eater of Souls.

We haven't figured it out completely because it looks like the Lost Spirits spawn at random time intervals.

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Wing 5 Boss 1 safe strat (well sort of safe):


- 2 minstrel chrono tanks (WoEternity, WoPrecognition, Blink, SoI, TW)

- 2 druids (1 harrier, 1 minstrel)

- 1-2 warriors for wildblow and easy add management

- 2+ scourge for epi, barrier, damage

- 2+ mirage phantasm build with focus instead of torch(exchange Crystal Shards for Blink, take Moa)



- add positioning and killing is top priority. We pushed them towards the outside

- tanks move inside the inner circle and share boss attention on cooldown

- walls get called out if on voice chat

- the cc check is not hard, but needs to be made


Warriors bring very reliable long range push cc with wild blow. Their damage on boss should be okay and their movement with Sword 2 can help. Headbut helps with the small boss breakbar which has to be broken though.


Mirage damage is not as reliant on quickness or alacrity since your up-time will be atrocious and they are super safe with their blink. Moa for breakbar, Jaunt for extra damage and positioning


Scourge can reduce raid damage with barrier as well as remove stray conditions, epi helps on getting damage on the adds. If absolutely need be, scourges can take portal for movement (usually their own as last resort on a bad wall). Plague Signet for condi removal on raid helps.


Druids are quite pressured with party healing, ccing adds, rooting adds and a lot of movement.


Chrono tanks are all about positioning, reducing damage with WoP and moving in a way which does not confuse the squad (blinking past a wall might keep you safe, but rest assured, people might run into it while following you). Save cooldowns for when there is a lot of movement due do big walls. Blink keeps you safe a lot.


This fight lives and dies off of 3 things:

- positioning of tanks

- the add control and the area it dies on (this is a the big one, especially when things get messy starting around 50%)

- wall spawns. Honestly, the difference between a successful and unsuccessful run can be how screwed you get with wall spawns (until people get more used to them)


EDIT: minor additions

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> Talindra, I've heard the statues boss event is pretty easy but I cannot find any video or guide. Did you complete it?


Uploaded our first guild kill if you´re still searching for a video. It´s kind of Clown Fiesta at some parts, cause we didn´t really know the bosses. But it´s enough to see the mechanics ;-)


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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> Wing 5 Boss 1 safe strat (well sort of safe):


> - 2 minstrel chrono tanks (WoEternity, WoPrecognition, Blink, SoI, TW)

> - 2 druids (1 harrier, 1 minstrel)

> - 1-2 warriors for wildblow and easy add management

> - 2+ scourge for epi, barrier, damage

> - 2+ mirage phantasm build with focus instead of torch(exchange Crystal Shards for Blink, take Moa)



Would a renegade be any good? Have aoe heal and elite that's a lifesteal, but not the best energy management. Also Icerazor does some decent condi aoe damage as well, worms and golems maybe? Or support Rene? Also have cc with staff and axe and summon as well? Just wondering as would hate to see this wing get pigeon-holed into only a select view classes.



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> @Joxer.6024 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > Wing 5 Boss 1 safe strat (well sort of safe):

> >

> > - 2 minstrel chrono tanks (WoEternity, WoPrecognition, Blink, SoI, TW)

> > - 2 druids (1 harrier, 1 minstrel)

> > - 1-2 warriors for wildblow and easy add management

> > - 2+ scourge for epi, barrier, damage

> > - 2+ mirage phantasm build with focus instead of torch(exchange Crystal Shards for Blink, take Moa)



> Would a renegade be any good? Have aoe heal and elite that's a lifesteal, but not the best energy management. Also Icerazor does some decent condi aoe damage as well, worms and golems maybe? Or support Rene? Also have cc with staff and axe and summon as well? Just wondering as would hate to see this wing get pigeon-holed into only a select view classes.




We had a damage renegade with us on some tries (it was me as mesmer tank and 2 friends on harrier/minstrel druid and scourge, rest PUGs). The damage was okay but not stellar but I really can't extrapolate based on 1 performance of someone I don't know how good the class is.


Think Matthias fight. Most things that work well there will work well here too. The fight has a lot of movement both for the squad as well as for the boss. The cc check is really not hard, worst case both chrono take Moa and you can pass it. Mirage works so well because just as with Matthias the phantasms will do damage while the player runs around. Firebrand might also be a okay pick due to their condi burst.

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