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Legendary Ring. Why is there no outrage?

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > > According to the logic that the hardest reward should be locked behind an epic quest, there are a few things I find strange with that:

> > > *I have yet to see an epic quest in GW2. All I see is a bunch of people with too much time and the will to theorycraft butt their heads against the same wall over and over again until it breaks.

> > > *Someone mentioned pirates and the open sea. This comparision is plain ridiculous. Given the choice, a classic pirate would always attack an unarmed merchant ship over a galleon which is armed to the teeth. You would also be hard pressed to find a modern Somalia pirate trying to attack a destroyer out to hunt them instead of an oil tanker.

> > > *If it somehow were an epic quest to raid, only one chosen should get anything. I can´t think of one anime, novel, TV or other story where a group of 10 people defeated a big monster/undertook an epic quest in which one was not the boss and the rest his henchmen. Not even in the probably closest story the Hobbit where Thorin was king, Gandalf was in for the lulz and Bilbo because he was basically dragged kicking and screaming into it, Thorin would have gained everything in the end.

> > > Or the King Arthur saga where there is only one Excalibur, one grail and a very limited space for knights at the round table.

> > > So effort and training does not equal success in classic or modern literature, history, sociological study or art, that is a total American pipedream in a world filled with lobbies, millon making managers and members only clubs. This would be the case if you would get something for your failed efforts too but that is not the case in GW2 raids.

> > > *What worth has your bragging right when someone else can buy it? I would very much enjoy the story of the "not as brave as Sir Lancelot" Sir Robin buying his way to the court of the green Knight and see how epic Sir Gawain wins his honor back.

> > >

> > > What is left for me personally is the feeble attempt to justify producing more raids. Someone said how dare Anet to urge people to play their stuff. Let me ask you a counterquestion then: How does Anet dare to make stuff only for a minority, no matter how big or small, wvw, pvp or raid and hide something with a qol feature behind it?

> >

> > > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > > According to the logic that the hardest reward should be locked behind an epic quest, there are a few things I find strange with that:

> > > *I have yet to see an epic quest in GW2. All I see is a bunch of people with too much time and the will to theorycraft butt their heads against the same wall over and over again until it breaks.

> > > *Someone mentioned pirates and the open sea. This comparision is plain ridiculous. Given the choice, a classic pirate would always attack an unarmed merchant ship over a galleon which is armed to the teeth. You would also be hard pressed to find a modern Somalia pirate trying to attack a destroyer out to hunt them instead of an oil tanker.

> > > *If it somehow were an epic quest to raid, only one chosen should get anything. I can´t think of one anime, novel, TV or other story where a group of 10 people defeated a big monster/undertook an epic quest in which one was not the boss and the rest his henchmen. Not even in the probably closest story the Hobbit where Thorin was king, Gandalf was in for the lulz and Bilbo because he was basically dragged kicking and screaming into it, Thorin would have gained everything in the end.

> > > Or the King Arthur saga where there is only one Excalibur, one grail and a very limited space for knights at the round table.

> > > So effort and training does not equal success in classic or modern literature, history, sociological study or art, that is a total American pipedream in a world filled with lobbies, millon making managers and members only clubs. This would be the case if you would get something for your failed efforts too but that is not the case in GW2 raids.

> > > *What worth has your bragging right when someone else can buy it? I would very much enjoy the story of the "not as brave as Sir Lancelot" Sir Robin buying his way to the court of the green Knight and see how epic Sir Gawain wins his honor back.

> > >

> > > What is left for me personally is the feeble attempt to justify producing more raids. Someone said how dare Anet to urge people to play their stuff. Let me ask you a counterquestion then: How does Anet dare to make stuff only for a minority, no matter how big or small, wvw, pvp or raid and hide something with a qol feature behind it?

> >

> > "If you want something, work for it.", thats basically what i meant with the pirate thing. Raids are not hard.


> And I already answered you that working hard equals success is a pipe dream in modern society so it should not count as argument.


Working "for", because it's not hard at all. I changed my post anyways, wasnt supposed to send that.

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I also find it odd that they allowed the raid mastery to be hidden so you can earn spirit shards once your mastery is maxed out. But, people will have to unlock the raid mastery now in order to get this. Even if they pay for the kill, no more shards for XP because of the raid masteries now needed. Clever, Anet.

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> @Alehin.3746 said:


> > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > According to the logic that the hardest reward should be locked behind an epic quest, there are a few things I find strange with that:

> > *I have yet to see an epic quest in GW2. All I see is a bunch of people with too much time and the will to theorycraft butt their heads against the same wall over and over again until it breaks.

> > *Someone mentioned pirates and the open sea. This comparision is plain ridiculous. Given the choice, a classic pirate would always attack an unarmed merchant ship over a galleon which is armed to the teeth. You would also be hard pressed to find a modern Somalia pirate trying to attack a destroyer out to hunt them instead of an oil tanker.

> > What is left for me personally is the feeble attempt to justify producing more raids. Someone said how dare Anet to urge people to play their stuff. Let me ask you a counterquestion then: How does Anet dare to make stuff only for a minority, no matter how big or small, wvw, pvp or raid and hide something with a qol feature behind it?


> It's not about difficulty. It's not about who the pirates are going after. It's about going to the seas and getting things done instead of staying on land complaining because you dont have shinnies.


> Raids aren't hard as people think, but they are pretty challenging and entertaining when you get into it. Their level of "epicness" is pretty good imo, specially in the first times or when playing with newbies.


> "Why give rewards/QoL to the minority?"

> 1 - It's a legendary item. It's prestige+cool skin+qol. Doesn't matter if you only want the QoL, the requirements will be the same.


> 2 - They didn't "make it for the minority". If people want it, they can join other people and do what you need for it, just like "heroes in an epic quest" would do. If they don't, it's fine, but they're not getting the item either.


> 3 - Nothing wrong with "locking" it behind specific content. If someone tell you "HEY DO YOU WANT AN EPIC SHINY? DEFEAT THE LICH IN HIS DOMAIN AND TAKE IT FROM HIM!", you go fight the lich in his domain, not the dragon in a cave or the troll in the forest, unless you want different shinnies. Also it gives people one more reason to play different game modes.


> I wish carebears stopped to complaing in LA/forums and tried to do something else than dailies. I had so much fun trying new things when making my legendaries, was 10/10, totally worth my time and effort.


1. As someone who tried raids for some time I can safely say that I found nothing entertaining in raids. If I want to hang out with my gaming buddies I just do it, no need for us to go raiding. If I am looking for exciting and challenging content, I roam in wvw. A subjective opinion of course, but it also breaks up a major argumet for raiding. It is not fun for everyone. The ring does not even have a skin beside the aura and it surely is not that prestigeous as you can already show you raided with your armor.

2. It is theoretically available is not a good argument for your cause. Thereoretically I also could be the chancellor of my country, but you won´t see me running around joining a party and distributing propaganda. Experience from other games shows that raiders stay a minority, I don´t see why GW2 should be the exception to this, and Anet also knew this when they introduced raids.

3. Artificially created demand for gamemodes lets them look weak. To me it says "oh hey, you and me know that I am a minority and maybe even a vanity project of some devs. But I have this shiny ring I would give you if you just farm me hard enough." Of course you can also say this about any other game mode. But that does not make raiding immune to that reasoning. Coming from your example, the lich has the prestigeous items while the dragon has only rather common goods. How does that make sense?

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> If you're THAT interested in the ring, go do raids, you'll learn them easy if you put all that feeling into it. No need to be triggered.

Learning raids was never a problem (for me, at least, i know people for whom it's way, way harder, and not for lack of trying). They still remain a content only a minority of players actually _like_. Not even all _raiders_ like it.


Are you seriously suggesting that people should be incentivized to do the content they dislike? Wouldn't that diminish the fun they get out of the game? What design goal is that...


> @Alehin.3746 said:

> "If you want something, work for it.", thats basically what i meant with the pirate thing.

You do realize pirates were doing what they did because they did _not_ want to "work for it" and hoped for an easy loot?


In this case, Raiders defend the exclusives because those are in the content they like - and they _do not want to be bothered to do any other content_. And yet when someone asks for basically the same (having the reward accessible through a content _they_ like), raiders suddenly go up in flames as if raids (and raiders) were the only part of the game deserving that.

It's quite hypocritical, if you ask me.



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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > According to the logic that the hardest reward should be locked behind an epic quest, there are a few things I find strange with that:

> > *I have yet to see an epic quest in GW2. All I see is a bunch of people with too much time and the will to theorycraft butt their heads against the same wall over and over again until it breaks.

> > *Someone mentioned pirates and the open sea. This comparision is plain ridiculous. Given the choice, a classic pirate would always attack an unarmed merchant ship over a galleon which is armed to the teeth. You would also be hard pressed to find a modern Somalia pirate trying to attack a destroyer out to hunt them instead of an oil tanker.

> > What is left for me personally is the feeble attempt to justify producing more raids. Someone said how dare Anet to urge people to play their stuff. Let me ask you a counterquestion then: How does Anet dare to make stuff only for a minority, no matter how big or small, wvw, pvp or raid and hide something with a qol feature behind it?


> It's not about difficulty. It's not about who the pirates are going after. It's about going to the seas and getting things done instead of staying on land complaining because you dont have shinnies.


> Raids aren't hard as people think, but they are pretty challenging and entertaining when you get into it. Their level of "epicness" is pretty good imo, specially in the first times or when playing with newbies.


> "Why give rewards/QoL to the minority?"

> 1 - It's a legendary item. It's prestige+cool skin+qol. Doesn't matter if you only want the QoL, the requirements will be the same.


> 2 - They didn't "make it for the minority". If people want it, they can join other people and do what you need for it, just like "heroes in an epic quest" would do. If they don't, it's fine, but they're not getting the item either.


> 3 - Nothing wrong with "locking" it behind specific content. If someone tell you "HEY DO YOU WANT AN EPIC SHINY? DEFEAT THE LICH IN HIS DOMAIN AND TAKE IT FROM HIM!", you go fight the lich in his domain, not the dragon in a cave or the troll in the forest, unless you want different shinnies. Also it gives people one more reason to play different game modes.


> I wish carebears stopped complaing in LA/forums and tried to do something else than dailies. I had so much fun trying new things when making my legendaries, was 10/10, totally worth my time and effort.



>! Legendary armor was blown in the first batch. People had it within ten minutes of it coming out. That's the raiders end game. What will be the next item in the next expansion raids.

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> @usnedward.9023 said:

> Legendary items are for Legendary people IMO.


> What does this mean? It means that people put time and effort into grinding whatever they have to grind to get the Legendary shinies. Simple as that or we would all be running around with legendary items.


If that's your thought on it then why can't it be earned in WvW? There's allot to grind in there. You could put a req 2,500 rank if you want it to be grindy.

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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> So more and more good stuff locked behind Raid, looks like the game is no longer the original GW2.


It's called change, adaptation, and more content.


You'd probably be the one to complain to about Ad Infinium being 'locked' behind fractals. The raids are very much open to anyone who plays this game enough.


So 'no' it's not 'locked'. It is just the fact you want easier access, when open world PVE had more legendaries available than any other mode.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > So more and more good stuff locked behind Raid, looks like the game is no longer the original GW2.


> It's called change, adaptation, and more content.


> You'd probably be the one to complain to about Ad Infinium being 'locked' behind fractals. The raids are very much open to anyone who plays this game enough.


> So 'no' it's not 'locked'. It is just the fact you want easier access, when open world PVE had more legendaries available than any other mode.


I love these arguments. “Get gud” Yet when we tell people to “Get richer” to buy the 2k gemstone skin, the sky falls lol



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> @Cyninja.2954 said:


> Yet after over 2 years you still frequent this games forums. No luck so far? Need some recommendations?


Actually I left for over a year after HoT, only came back because of PoF, and while I am going to bet we don't remotely have the same taste in games.. yah.. go for it.


What ya got.

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> @Rysdude.3824 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > > So more and more good stuff locked behind Raid, looks like the game is no longer the original GW2.

> >

> > It's called change, adaptation, and more content.

> >

> > You'd probably be the one to complain to about Ad Infinium being 'locked' behind fractals. The raids are very much open to anyone who plays this game enough.

> >

> > So 'no' it's not 'locked'. It is just the fact you want easier access, when open world PVE had more legendaries available than any other mode.


> I love these arguments. “Get gud” Yet when we tell people to “Get richer” to buy the 2k gemstone skin, the sky falls lol




And I have the money for mounts, so this argument does not apply here.


Try again champ. :^]


You tend to not complain or moan about what you can't get because:


A. You can put the effort to do it

B. Can buy it


See how it doesn't matter to me?

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> 1. As someone who tried raids for some time I can safely say that I found nothing entertaining in raids. If I want to hang out with my gaming buddies I just do it, no need for us to go raiding. If I am looking for exciting and challenging content, I roam in wvw. A subjective opinion of course, but it also breaks up a major argumet for raiding. It is not fun for everyone. The ring does not even have a skin beside the aura and it surely is not that prestigeous as you can already show you raided with your armor.

Yeah this is more of a "my taste =/= your taste" thing, can't really say much. The ring still have prestige tho, it adds to the look just like aurora, legendary weapons and backpacks.

> 2. It is theoretically available is not a good argument for your cause. Thereoretically I also could be the chancellor of my country, but you won´t see me running around joining a party and distributing propaganda. Experience from other games shows that raiders stay a minority, I don´t see why GW2 should be the exception to this, and Anet also knew this when they introduced raids.

So raids can't have valuable rewards because non raiders don't enjoy it? I don't see the logic in this. 100% of the raiders contributed to the game, because you can't raid without the expansion, so why can't we have nice things? At the end of the day is more content for the game, it doesn't hurt to have.

> 3. Artificially created demand for gamemodes lets them look weak. To me it says "oh hey, you and me know that I am a minority and maybe even a vanity project of some devs. But I have this shiny ring I would give you if you just farm me hard enough." Of course you can also say this about any other game mode. But that does not make raiding immune to that reasoning. Coming from your example, the lich has the prestigeous items while the dragon has only rather common goods. How does that make sense?

Not sure if i agree with that, i feel like its completely okay to play a gamemode until you get what you want from it. I raided nonstop to get a legendary set + 2 refined envoy armor, now i'm taking a break and enjoying other stuff, just like people from other gamemodes could do with raids. The "natural" demand is weak by default, because the game is """"dead"""", raiding is pretty scary for newbies and the elitists doesn't really help. Not sure "what would be better for business" tho, but i *feel* that just leaving gamemodes withtout any exclusive content wouldnt be help much.


Also, the dragon would have the same rarity items of the lich, but different items. Every game mode have some legendary stuff, and raids have nothing but legendary armor +ring now, while OWPvE have weapons + aurora, sPvP have armor+wing, WvW have armor + wing. Idk, raids getting the ring seems pretty acceptable to me.



>! (ill read this again later and correct my grammar later, too tired rn)

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> @Alehin.3746 said:


> Every game mode have some legendary stuff, and raids have nothing but legendary armor +ring now, while OWPvE have weapons + aurora, sPvP have armor+wing, WvW have armor + wing. Idk, raids getting the ring seems pretty acceptable to me.


Note: Nobody cares about the skins. Stat swap is whats important.



Backpack : PvE / WvW / PvP

Armor : PvE(Raid) / WvW / PvP

Weapons : Open for everyone (Just Money)

Trinket: Open for everyone (Just Money + some Achievments everyone can do)

Ring : Raid


How it should be:

Backpack : PvE / WvW / PvP

Armor : PvE(Raid) / WvW / PvP

Weapons : Open for everyone (Just Money)

Trinket (a): Open for everyone (Just Money + some Achievments everyone can do) Lw3

Trinket (b):Open for everyone (Just Money + some Achievments everyone can do) Lw4

Ring (a) : Raid locked only Raider can get it

Ring (b) : WvW Locked only WvW Player can get it

Amulett: PvP Locked only Pvp Player can get it


Only Fair this way. If you want the FULL set you have to player ALL gamemodes.





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Of course raids can have valuable items. Give them 10 gold per run, an exklusive skin and a title, I don´t mind. For me personally the fun stops when stats and the ability to fix them come into play, and I also very much dislike the message this sends about raids as the crown of all things in GW2. My outrage about the legendary armor was much greater though, an ascended ring is so easy to come by and so cheap compared to an armor therefore i don´t mind too much about the item itself.


And if the natural demand for raids is weak, why advertise them? It´s like you advertise for a butt kicking given to you before you obtain anything.

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Premium Pve skins (raid or donjon) are locks behind parties, donjon was bad but doable, but raid requirements are a pain.

Most people don't have unlimited play time and can't afford to spend nights after nights in raid lobby waiting for a nice party accepting newb with low LI or no KP for the boss needed for their collection progress.

Premium pvp and Wvw skins are only timegated, when you are good you have shortcuts, you are bad or not dedicated it just take a lot of time but you still have a small progress each time you play the content.

Raid party "open to all" often can't carry one or 2 bad players and therefore progress is blocked for all the party.

A quest Aurora like with maybe one or 2 items raid related might be ok for most players and would have limited the impact on raid and "help me for my collection" runs would have been possible like mesmers are helping for jumping puzzle or escort runs are done to unlock spirit shard but when pve content means raid only then yes people who don't want to raid but want the swapable stat armor for their rerolls for their other activities (fractales for example) are moving to pvp and wvw to have it.


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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> Of course raids can have valuable items. Give them 10 gold per run, an exklusive skin and a title, I don´t mind.


People will still come to the forums to whine, cry and moan about that. There is no winning here.

Every time there is a Legendary added to a specific game mode people complain because they do not want to do the content. It is really sad to be honest.


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Yeah well, I would except Anet to pay me having to endure raiding, so I am not sure what to say about that.

Maybe like this:

I am with anyone who says that for all the effort of dying against the same mob over and over again, raiders deserve a reward when they make it and it can and maybe should be very generous the first time and then pendle in after some time. What they, along with wvwer, pvper and openworld pvers do not deserve is exclusive stuff with changeable stats to make the content a duty instead of a joy.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> I also love that people are complaining here about raids, but in WoW they would shove over 15 bucks in the company's throat and just raid for everything.


> Story.

> End tier.


> Anything. Guess the gw2 community has quite the attitude and stuck up nose.


Try not attacking people for the way they feel about something, it's okay to disagree but not attack them for how they feel.

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