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Crafting Chrono gear to be flexible as tank & offtank


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Hello guys, I am about to gear my chronomancer as I've saved up for it, but I am having trouble figuring out what gear to craft in order to be flexible as both an offtank and a tank depending on the situation. Would the firebrand runes + full commander armor and weapon set be more flexible than the leadership variant as I would simply switch out my zerk trinkets for more commander trinkets? Also, I am curious if there is a build that would allow me to save money on food. Thanks for your time!

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Leadership variqnt is more flexible. Goal is to get 100 boon duration. Once you get it other comander gear is worthless and you dont want to remove any of them. There are 2 ways to get 100 boon duration and it is either minstrel or commander gear. I adivice to check snowcrowes or qt guides and decide. My oppinion is that commander setup is more flexible. If you have trouble surviving than you can swap some berserker pieces for more defensive option until you learn. I dont think there is a cheap alternative to get 100 boon duration without sigil of concentration


Sry for mistakes, i am typing on a phone

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If you want to offtank avoid minstrel and go for something glassier; assassin or zerk for armor and weapons, and two sets of trinkets (one for pure offense, one for either minstrel or commander). You'll lose some of the boon duration but you can make up for it, mostly, and you won't be constantly messing with the tank's aggro.


edit: leadership runes are a chore to get but definitely better for this too.


Also sigil of conc is a pain but definitely worth the money.

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You want sigil of concentration and either leadership runes or firebrand runes and concentration food (magnanimous maintenance oil and fried golden dumplings for example) . With firebrand runes you need to get roughly 320 concentration from gear and for leadership runes 395 concentration. Even if you get 75 less concentration than those values you end up with 95% quickness duration which is still enough for perma quickness with room for error.


If you want to tank you just swap some of your rings for thoughness stats like knight rings and your good to go for most bosses. However i wouldn't tank deimos and the new first wing 5 boss with this gear for those i would really recommend something really tanky like full minstrel. All other bosses are easily tankable with just enough thoughness to have the highest amount of thoughness.

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