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Nerf the mesmer already, the relentless clone spam is extremely overpowered.


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The relentless clone spam is enough to make the mesmer an extremely overpowered class, combined with stealth, evades, blocks, dodges that break stun, blur (more evades), enemy targeting break, and extreme mobility. The mesmer is currently in a god mode tier, this is over the top and extremely overpowered! It needs to be nerfed hard to bring it back to the mortal tier.


* Remove dodge stun break

* Remove enemy Target break

* Tone down clone spam


At this point I prefer to fight scourges with all their condition spam than mesmers.

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> @Majic.4801 said:

> Wait... which Mesmer was it?


> Was it that one? Nope, gone. How about that one over there? Nope...


This is a new Player issue. Nobody playing the Game longer then 1 year has Problems with targeting the real Mesmer withing 1 second.

Stop saying it's OP, when u dont even try to adapt.> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > XD oh dude you Made my day :D

> >

> > Well now on a serious note ; what to nerf exactly? Make suggestions instead of whining only.


> * Remove dodge stun break

> * Remove enemy Target break

> * Tone down clone spam


Clones are Killed with one auto attack from any zerker Class - Do it ; this is called COUNTERPLAY, since there are no clone death traits anymore

Stunbreak on dodge is NEEDED, because otherwise u'd just die. Most classes have like 4 or 5 Stuns avaible. Instead of using em all in Line, time em better.


Enemy Target Break ; I agree that this can be annoying, but calling the real Mesmer out in the begining of the fight really helps.


Overall, yeah nothing to see here.


Especially with the Change to Elusive Mind, Mirage would be useless in every part of the Game.

Some people, even some Mesmer's say Elusive Mind is OP, but Power Creep of the Game is calling for it.


Without vigour, or endurance food, EM, is a Stunbreak every 10 seconds + removes a condition. Remember it's a Master Trait, so u cant go IH or DC.


Lets take a look at another ability...







What's "OP" at clone spamming on a POWER Build?

Clones don't deal damage, they'd only stack Condis, but again it's a power Build.


Those clones have only 1 purpose, which is shatter.


Is clone spamming (which dont do anything), or Shatters the Problem for u?


Please remember, when specced into ELUSIVE MIND, you don't have acces to IH. So Clones won't even perform Ambushes.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @Majic.4801 said:

> > Wait... which Mesmer was it?

> >

> > Was it that one? Nope, gone. How about that one over there? Nope...


> This is a new Player issue. Nobody playing the Game longer then 1 year has Problems with targeting the real Mesmer withing 1 second.

> Stop saying it's OP, when u dont even try to adapt.>


You know Majic.4801 was being sarcastic on this post.

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> @Jasonbdj.4021 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > @Majic.4801 said:

> > > Wait... which Mesmer was it?

> > >

> > > Was it that one? Nope, gone. How about that one over there? Nope...

> >

> > This is a new Player issue. Nobody playing the Game longer then 1 year has Problems with targeting the real Mesmer withing 1 second.

> > Stop saying it's OP, when u dont even try to adapt.>


> You know Majic.4801 was being sarcastic on this post.


Whops , my bad then. Sorry Majic !

It's just; so many people REALLY think that way, it's hard to differentiate new Players and sarcastic Players :D

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Let's be honest here - the real problem are warriors. Those are the ones that need to be nerfed. Mesmers are perfectly fine as they are, it's just a "learn to play" issue.


That's just mean. You know OP is a warrior main.

Try staying a little bit constructive at least.


Marking "learn to play" - indicates u're sarcastic on this one, so could you just say what you're really thinking?

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> XD oh dude you Made my day :D


> Well now on a serious note ; what to nerf exactly? Make suggestions instead of whining only.


* Add an ICD to Elusive Mind (10 seconds)

* Vigor generation nerf across the board

* Mirage Thrust range reduced to 400

* Jaunt _doesn't_ need to inflict 3 stacks of confusion. Reduce them to 1 or 2. It's already good for a mobility spell.



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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> The relentless clone spam is enough to make the mesmer an extremely overpowered class, combined with stealth, evades, blocks, dodges that break stun, blur (more evades), enemy targeting break, and extreme mobility. The mesmer is currently in a god mode tier, this is over the top and extremely overpowered! It needs to be nerfed hard to bring it back to the mortal tier.


> * Remove dodge stun break


Bruh, most mesmers know and admit this trait is currently too powerful. I don't know who you are trying to convince here


> * Remove enemy Target break


This is Mirage's MO...... Might as well remove mirage from the game entirely


> * Tone down clone spam


I seriously wonder how you ever dealt with Chronomancer before IR was gutted if you're complaining about mirage and clone spam. It can generate them quickly sure, but not by shattering. Chrono generates clones while shattering their current illusions, significantly more powerful than the clone spam that mirage can put out


> At this point I prefer to fight scourges with all their condition spam than mesmers.


Duh, you play War, you have shittons of resistance. Of course you wouldn't mind fighting a scourge

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > The relentless clone spam is enough to make the mesmer an extremely overpowered class, combined with stealth, evades, blocks, dodges that break stun, blur (more evades), enemy targeting break, and extreme mobility. The mesmer is currently in a god mode tier, this is over the top and extremely overpowered! It needs to be nerfed hard to bring it back to the mortal tier.

> >

> > * Remove dodge stun break


> Bruh, most mesmers know and admit this trait is currently too powerful. I don't know who you are trying to convince here


> > * Remove enemy Target break


> This is Mirage's MO...... Might as well remove mirage from the game entirely


> > * Tone down clone spam


> I seriously wonder how you ever dealt with Chronomancer before IR was gutted if you're complaining about mirage and clone spam. It can generate them quickly sure, but not by shattering. Chrono generates clones while shattering their current illusions, significantly more powerful than the clone spam that mirage can put out


> > At this point I prefer to fight scourges with all their condition spam than mesmers.


> Duh, you play War, you have shittons of resistance. Of course you wouldn't mind fighting a scourge


Not everyone thinks EM is op right now.


It's needed.

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You can easily identity the real Mesmer just by looking at the movements, example you will never see a clone move sidewards or backwards.


Mesmer usually win against a warrior as we can just kite until your immune to damage buffs expires.


Each class has its strength and weakness, you can take down Nercos while we have a hard time with them.


Melees build should just avoid Mesmers.


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> @Razor.6392 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > XD oh dude you Made my day :D

> >

> > Well now on a serious note ; what to nerf exactly? Make suggestions instead of whining only.


> * Add an ICD to Elusive Mind (10 seconds)

> * Vigor generation nerf across the board

> * Mirage Thrust range reduced to 400

> * Jaunt _doesn't_ need to inflict 3 stacks of confusion. Reduce them to 1 or 2. It's already good for a mobility spell.




1. 5 seconds, 2 condis cleared and we have a deal

2. no reason too, almost every class can have perma vigour, dodge classes SHOULD have perma Vigour

3. 400 Range puts it into the meele category in my opinion, therefore Cast time has to be reduced ; 0,75 s -> 0,25 s and i will try it at least.

4. Jaunt is our elite, it needs to do cool things. Look at other Elites SB or Scourge; they mark a "no - living" - zone, which you can't enter for at least 5 seconds, i think 450 range, 1,5k crits + 3 stacks of confusion is ok. Nobody would be mad if this was a weapon skill or something. Skill is actually pretty balanced in my opinion. It has a a very straight theme for the Mirage ; You can spam teleports and dashes in the first 20 seconds, but after that u are DRASTICALLY weaker.

-> u start with 2 dodges, once both used, u're waiting for endurance generation

-> u start with 3 Jaunts, once used 1 Jaunt has a 20 second Cooldown.


Basically ; Survive the first 20 - 25 seconds vs a Mirage, and u're probably in the winning spot afterwards.


At least for Pvp, cause PvP is about Points.

In WvW for example often 1 blink + 1 stealth is enough for the Mirage to disengage after those 20-25 seconds.

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> @rwolf.9571 said:

> If Mes was op, I'd be past Gold T3 by now.

> A smart player will burst down clones before the Mes can shatter them. w/o them Mes is defenseless.


> I mean if you just search the forums, there is a whole thread on how to counter them.


Now I know nothing about you or your skills, but I could use similar logic to conclude if mes wasn't op you would be lower than Gold t3.

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> @rwolf.9571 said:

> If Mes was op, I'd be past Gold T3 by now.

> A smart player will burst down clones before the Mes can shatter them. w/o them Mes is defenseless.


> I mean if you just search the forums, there is a whole thread on how to counter them.


Number one way to lose vs mesmer: Focus attacking the clones and phantasms instead of him.



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