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New Thief, why the love for Shortbow over Double pistols?


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> @"DoctorOverlord.8620" said:

> I tried S/P + SB but I just wasn't enjoying it that much. I have been considering going the kiting maniac route in open world/Story with P/P + SB, but perhaps P/P + Rifle as a DeadEye would make more sense? (I have PoF but not HoT, don't ask it's a long story).


Rifle Deadeye became a solid choice for single targets after the recent balance patch. People get really high dps with it (for thief anyway). Without access to staff, maybe dagger/sword works well for the other set, if you need to cleave down a bunch of mobs. Since I love my staff so much, I haven't tested another cleave set since D/D before I got the Daredevil elite. Without Daredevil, you definitely want to trait Deadeye, no matter if you use pistols or rifle.


I was quite disappointed with power D/D and switching to staff was a new game for me. But maybe it's because I was less experienced then. Test what works better for you against multiple targets, D/S or D/D. It is quite possible to take on one after the other with pistols or rifle, but it gets tiresome.

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I think P/P is great in WvW even with all the reflects going around. I used to pair it with S/D before Deadeye's release and nobody ever expected you to whip out an Unload at zero range to burst them down from half health.


It's kind of a weird set that I don't like enough to build around but needed at the time for an extra kick.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> Because Thief is about the only profession that can not afford to be selfish and has to be of as much use as possible or nobody would ever want it for anything these days.

> In this case P/P would be purely for single target DMG which you already have with main Set.


This rips my heart out.... RIP assasin class. All we are is a dodgy acrobat class. We arent even a true stealth class anymore, just a teleporty nip at the enemies heals autos and mobility trash tier, +1 and cap/decap right?



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