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Arkk in CM still seems to have major bug issues


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I remember a reference about improving the robustness of the scripts in Arkk with the next fractal release. Unfortunately issues with the bomb/Temporal anomaly remains.


At least for CM. In our case it seems that the issue was triggered because we phased Arkk into the Archdiviner while an anomaly was present. We killed the anomaly, the dome appeared but the bomb never went off since Arkk left and the Archdiviner appeared. Although i cannot be sure with the chaos the fight has, i think that is what triggered the issue. But do not quote me on that.


After that point the bomb/anomaly/dome in a sense de-synqed having constantly either the bomb never appearing even though there is an anomaly and someone getting the message or the other way around having the bomb without an anomaly. It is different than previously that the anomaly just stopped appearing. And this was retained for the whole instance and not only the current fight. This whole thing (if triggered) makes CM runs really problematic at this point.

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Ye, dunno about reproducing but I think we had the same issue: Bomb/skull over the head but no anomaly and so no dome resulting in damaging the whole team. Additionally the green circle was not visible. We could salvage this with Spirit of Nature on a very tanky druid (other things are possible as well) but this isn't the intended way. A fast fix is appreciated!

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@"Benjamin Arnold.3457" In the last 2 days my group also went into trouble with having the skull and explosion of it without having an anomaly spawned. I cant tell yet how this happens but i think its either we get the skull and the anomaly despawnes or also the unsync of spawning skull without spawning of anomaly. I actually rather prefer not having explosive skull with anomaly than the other way roung x)

2nd thing which i noticed is that sometimes also the green aoe is not spawning while the people get the messages of stacking up. (cant reproduce it yet either though).

Its possible through that my group is a kinda mediocre to highdps group, its a possible issue.

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In our run today we only had a few anomalies that we could kill, but we had no doom and no green circles at all. I saw that there should have been a fix today, but it looks like it only fixed that we have no longer any text announcing doom or green circles to the player. At least no one mentioned that they got doom or green. Feels unsatisfying to kill Arkk like this. :/

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> Seriously though, clearly something else is wrong and I'm sorry that this mechanic still isn't fixed. I take full responsibility for this mess-up.

We know you're doing your best, no worries. :) Fractal team is doing an absolutely amazing job, bugs are something that just kinda happens. Worst part is that pieces of code that are not yours can easily mess everything up. I hope you'll be able to find the problem soon. In the meantime, if you need help replicating the bugs, I'm sure the community will gladly lend a hand. :)



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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> So.. uh.. the bug here is that I was supposed to delete one subroutine, and I deleted the OTHER subroutine, which resulted in me breaking corporeal reassignment in CM completely. Good news is regular T4 should work great. The fix will be out for December. This is embarrassing and I'm sorry.


What about cm?

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> So.. uh.. the bug here is that I was supposed to delete one subroutine, and I deleted the OTHER subroutine, which resulted in me breaking corporeal reassignment in CM completely. Good news is regular T4 should work great. The fix will be out for December. This is embarrassing and I'm sorry.

Don't be so hard on yourself! More than anything I think everyone here is just happy that you both look into stuff and communicate with us; it's much appreciated.


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His attacks are slower and further apart, generally much easier to avoid. No anomaly spawns, you get shield immediately without any effort. Everything is less punishing and failing critical mechanics probably doesn't even instawipe you. Also I believe he gets breakbar more often, allowing you to interrupt his attacks and get extra DPS.

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> @Tarasicodissa.7084 said:

> His attacks are slower and further apart, generally much easier to avoid. No anomaly spawns, you get shield immediately without any effort. Everything is less punishing and failing critical mechanics probably doesn't even instawipe you. Also I believe he gets breakbar more often, allowing you to interrupt his attacks and get extra DPS.


Ahh cool because i did normal tonight and i was suprised by the breakbars and the bubbles thought it shouldnt have them xD

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> So.. uh.. the bug here is that I was supposed to delete one subroutine, and I deleted the OTHER subroutine, which resulted in me breaking corporeal reassignment in CM completely. Good news is regular T4 should work great. The fix will be out for December. This is embarrassing and I'm sorry.


Its cool. I think everyone that has ever worked with code knows the feeling very well...Happens to the best of us. Thanks for the effort.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> So.. uh.. the bug here is that I was supposed to delete one subroutine, and I deleted the OTHER subroutine, which resulted in me breaking corporeal reassignment in CM completely. Good news is regular T4 should work great. The fix will be out for December. This is embarrassing and I'm sorry.


Ben.. apology accepted :p but you shouldn't need to. Imo it's much better to leave it as is ... It's easier and more ppl able to get in and get daily clear done without screaming at one another :p

I'd say lets vote for current 100cm to stay as it is lol less salt for players, less toxic spread.. better daily and game experience when you don't need to deal with frustrated toxic players all the time. I hv to admit sometimes I'm tht toxic player lol :p


taken this video after the latest patch. tbh :P i don't think many people will mind keeping it as it is hehehee.. \o/

(excuse me my dodgy game play..)



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To be honest the fight is a bit more fun as it is now...I cannot say that Arkk is my favorite boss with all the things happening all the time...There is so much visual noise it gets a bit tiring after a while... An effect I do not feel in the other bosses or nightmare CM. If this damn script is so unreliable that cannot be fixed leaving Arkk without the bomb or keeping the mechanic as it is in the normal mode, that works correctly, would not be the end of the world.

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> @"miku.3025" said:

> > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> > So.. uh.. the bug here is that I was supposed to delete one subroutine, and I deleted the OTHER subroutine, which resulted in me breaking corporeal reassignment in CM completely. Good news is regular T4 should work great. The fix will be out for December. This is embarrassing and I'm sorry.


> Ben.. apology accepted :p but you shouldn't need to. Imo it's much better to leave it as is ... It's easier and more ppl able to get in and get daily clear done without screaming at one another :p

> I'd say lets vote for current 100cm to stay as it is lol less salt for players, less toxic spread.. better daily and game experience when you don't need to deal with frustrated toxic players all the time. I hv to admit sometimes I'm tht toxic player lol :p


> taken this video after the latest patch. tbh :P i don't think many people will mind keeping it as it is hehehee.. \o/

> (excuse me my dodgy game play..)


> https://youtu.be/0MFlXK6mrRE


No? Its the cm if you dont want to deal with its mechanics, dont do it.

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