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Help on static orbs -- Final boss fight (spoiler) in LWS4E1 (solved)

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STORY SPOILERS: I was fighting Scruffy 2.0 in the final chapter of the Living World Season 4 Episode 1 story, and was throwing those static charges at the orbs to dissipate them, but one charge either went wild or just didn't work, and then I had no more charges to gather to kill the final orb. I panicked thinking I was going to have to restart the entire instance and fight its bajillion mobs.

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> @Seera.5916 said:

> Maybe next time leave the question/problem up along with your answer/solution in case someone else has the same question/problem but isn't as lucky as you and can't find the answer/solution in game.


You're right; I will re-edit my post. To be honest, I was kinda embarrassed that the fix was so easy!

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