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Reputation Tiers for gems purchased

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> @fizzypetal.7936 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > The reward was a joke, how ever the idea is perfectly sound, later on any one that bothered following could have seen I was referring to the quality of the appearance since I mentioned'looking cool', it's obvious to any one with a passing familiarity with Legendary equipment that they are massive sinks for top tier materials. Notice I also referenced the achievement skins before as well, they are clearly not Legendary equipment and do not offer stats, they happen to look good and carry some prestige. I understand that people think it's funny to mock the people that cover the overhead of this game, how ever for those of us that do spend a ton of our money on cosmetic items we do so knowing that we are supporting the game financially far above the norm of just buying the box. I'm just saying a little appreciation or prestige is not unwarranted since when speaking of the bottom line dropping Dollars into the game does more to help it than gaining Legendary Insights.


> If I'm understanding this correctly...you want status items to show you've dropped what is to you a ton of money into the game to 'cover the overhead of this game' for the rest of us who my not have dropped as much as you think you have? You want recognition for having the resources available to you to make what you think is the greater contribution compared to those of us who have other financial priorities? That just smacks of elitism to me and again, just further creates a divide within the game.


> All I can say is wow, just wow. You are so not selling me the virtues of your proposal...if anything you just sound like you have a massive chip on your shoulder because you are not getting the recognition or prestige you think you deserve in game. Your school of thought that you've written comes across as you thinking players should appreciate you for dropping money into the game for the rest of us 'little poor people'. That is how you sound. Is that really what you think or is that just a really bad case of foot in mouth ram hard? Or are you just trolling again?


> While I may not drop $100s of dollars into the gemstore for the same philanthropic reasons you think you do, I contribute to this game in other ways. For example I play it. Nearly daily. I contribute to the active population in this game. I when I can, try to help other players.


> A true philanthropist doesn't need or desire prestige for doing what they do. A true philanthropist is happy in their own mind knowing they've helped other people.


w/e dude, I sure as hell would have paid more for it then being LEET

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> I have a new idea for ANet to encourage gem purchases.


> Rift has different Tiers associated with cash shop purchase amounts, these come with exclusive rewards.


> Why not an exclusive legendary armor set, then I could work my way towards it without dealing with rejection from Raiders because I play a Power Reaper, then you guys get more financial support right?


Legendary armor is a terrible idea. But have tiers on how much you spend to get discounts on future purchases would be good for us who do support the cash shop. It would make me want to buy more.

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I am torn, I feel like I should somehow feel something about this idea, but to be honest, much like raids, and locking content behind them where you realize that your progress in the game is dead ended,, you just get to the point where you care a whole lot less about what happens. If people quit over this idea, meh, I wouldn't. I wouldn't buy the armor either, but.. I would not get upset by it.


I guess to coin a phrase I hear from raiders about locking content behind a skill wall, "If you would quit over this, then you never really liked the game to start with" I guess the same could be said for a paywall.


But to be fair, I think I would rather buy a legendary armor "unlock" that I could complete in PvE without needing to raid, (like a Legendary Armor Journey for OW players)That way, I still feel like I played the game for it, as opposed to just buying it.


In either case, nothing would change for me if this was put in or not.

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