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Making Soulbeast's adept tier a little better


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**Fresh Reinforcement**: _Entering beastmode grants you the boons affecting your pet._

The only problem with this trait is that it gives me nothing when I start a fight already in beastmode. Would be nice to see this also working backwards.

- So... **Entering beastmode grants you the boons affecting your pet. Leaving beastmode grants your pet the boons affecting you.**


**Unstoppable Union**: _Entering beastmode breaks stun and causes your attacks to be temporarily unblockable._

Same problem as above. Sometimes I enter beasmode before getting stunned, and the trait becomes useless while merged. In fact, having this trait causes my mindset to want to delay the merge, almost like wanting to be stunned, and this is weird. Would be nice if also working when leaving beastmode. And of course add a cooldown to prevent abuse.

- So... **Entering beastmode breaks stun and causes your attacks to be temporarily unblockable. Leaving beastmode breaks stun and causes your pet's next attacks to be unblockable. (10s cooldown)**

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> @Wondrouswall.7169 said:

> > @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > But i would give the unblockable attack to the pet when unmerging for better mechanical interactions.


> Would be too similar to Clarion Bond. Though, categorizing _just_ exiting Beastmode as pet activation - which also counts as pet swap - would be neat.


I would sacrifice normal petswap for this honestly. I mean i never use the secondary pet except i need the heal from my jacaranda, but i swap back to my BB asap.

With this change it would actually insentify people to swap in and out of beastmode.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The thing that irratates me about soul beast is almost none of the traits (save for union) encourage you to weave in and out of soul beast. It would be cool if they had a line dedicated to interactions of hopping in and out of beast form. Take a look at spellbreaker the lines are so much more cleaner and thought out around the professions mechanics. Top deals with boon rip, middle deals with counter, and bottom deals with CC/control.

While Soul-beast top is kinda boons and does a little bit with protection (only really comes in to its own with nature magic) middle is more boons between stances and the quickness maybe they were trying to think of synergy with the skirmishing line? and bottom is dps however unstoppable union could be argued as a defensive trait and that's only meant for pvp/wvw. While i love soul beast its just feels really messy and unorganized, a lot of traits do have some room for improvement and they should really take a look at improving the interaction.


sorry of the rant text but i really do like your idea about the fresh reinforcement

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