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Renegade in PvP a chance ?


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Well i am not a renegade or revenant player. Just my doughter started to like it using herald with a condi/hybrid full melee. I wonder if renegade can be made useful. She just said loosing shield and the glint heal block would be serious for her ...


Her build:



And i agree that the renegade stance looks poor with hitable legends.

But how about something like this ?




Can noticeable poke from range and strike hard in melee to finish. In skillful hands this might be serious. I thought using mace but the melee set is not for long fights close up and the whirl finisher is a bit faster and gives better combos. I think this build has lot´s of synergies but i am a theocrafter ^^.

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I'll just have to say neither of those builds is very good. What's the worst is that Abyssal Chill could be an amazing trait if it didn't have a 10 sec cooldown, and if you don't pick that trait, MH Sword is useless on a condi build. That's why it's not picked for that purpose in PvP.


If anything, here's my suggestion for PvP Renegade:


PS. Never pick condi duration sigils for PvP, they do nothing as most condis are cleansed before even their normal duration expires.

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> @Yannir.4132 said:

> I'll just have to say neither of those builds is very good. What's the worst is that Abyssal Chill could be an amazing trait if it didn't have a 10 sec cooldown, and if you don't pick that trait, MH Sword is useless on a condi build. That's why it's not picked for that purpose in PvP.


> If anything, here's my suggestion for PvP Renegade:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAV5snXNuNSqJ7JR/kVlsgyrS4QZWJYrcskFUl6PEPxYkNJWioINAOgGA-jZRHQBqsMAAuIAB8BAkm9HY4RAAA

> PS. Never pick condi duration sigils for PvP, they do nothing as most condis are cleansed before even their normal duration expires.

Abyssal Chill DOES NOT have 10 seconds CD. Neither in spvp, nor wvw (pve).

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You're better off sticking to power herald for PvP. Renegade is just all around bad for PvP for a variety of reasons and shouldn't be used under any circumstance. If they want to play condi herald, which I do not recommend in any way shape or form, then you'll want something like this.


Be advised your only defense against condi's is resistance, which can and will be immediately stripped from you when scourges or mesmers are present on the field.



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You're daughter is definitely right that losing Facet of Light would be devastating... Losing shield's not such a big deal with how many unblockable cc's are flying around in the game now, but it does still have some uses in decapping and dealing with druids/fb's/mirages/non-sd thiefs 1v1. But without Infused Light, you won't be able to engage in a single team fight without being condi bombed into oblivion. Even in a 1v1 situation, without it, your only condi defense is to not get hit (and renegade brings zero i-frames to the table) or to hope that resistance doesn't get stripped away (and without herald you won't have as many boons to blanket it with for the RNG game.)


If you'e absolutely hell bent on playing Renegade, your best bet is to probably play as a Shiro Hammer ranged assassin type (Dev/Invo/Ren) and leverage the extra ferocity from Kalla and the new % dmg stacking traits in Invo with all your old modifiers to try to burst people (especially scourges/mirages) down from 1200 while dropping Darkrazor on the team fight to secure kills... And the second somebody decides to come stop you, just preemptively Riposte/Quickness run away. Herald still probably works better for this though because it has more disengage power and the pulsing fury to easily cheese Incensed Response. But yeah, shortbow/condi renegade doesn't apply enough damage or pressure to justify the complete lack of defense your bringing--especially with how much team cleanse everyone puts into their kits these days to deal with the sea of scourge/mirage/firebrands.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Not sure about spvp, but tried in wvw with -168% condition damage and still managed to die fast vs a single condi dealer.


Those percentage reductions stack multiplicatively, not additively. You are correct, however, that condi damage is just ridiculous at this point; the only way I can actually attempt to deal with it is by using pain absorption. Not exactly the best solution.

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> @Arkaile.5604 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > Not sure about spvp, but tried in wvw with -168% condition damage and still managed to die fast vs a single condi dealer.


> Those percentage reductions stack multiplicatively, not additively. You are correct, however, that condi damage is just ridiculous at this point; the only way I can actually attempt to deal with it is by using pain absorption. Not exactly the best solution.


Yeah i know.

The real problem is there is no main stat to reduce condi.


Toughness and armor starts with a high number then they can have a slightly improvement from protection or other traits. Conditions have no high base value ( maybe on vitality ), and their dmg as you stated is ridicolo us.


To begin with they should make rev summons invulnerable. I would like to see necro shaDes with a health pool.

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