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[NA] Returning player looking for a Casual group of friends

o freedom o.9028

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Hey All-


I played GW2 pretty hardcore the first two years it was out. Since then I've played pretty casually off and on, more off then on. Everyone I played with in the past no longer plays so I'm looking for a guild that does a bit of everything. Would prefer a smaller group of people/friends who use discord and what not. My gaming schedule varies but would like to find a chill group of people who are always talking on discord.


I keep trying to get back into gw2 but seem to be having a difficult time going at it alone. I think what made me enjoy it so much in the past was playing with the same group of people! Let's join wolfpacks!

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> @"o freedom o.9028" said:

> Hey All-


> I played GW2 pretty hardcore the first two years it was out. Since then I've played pretty casually off and on, more off then on. Everyone I played with in the past no longer plays so I'm looking for a guild that does a bit of everything. Would prefer a smaller group of people/friends who use discord and what not. My gaming schedule varies but would like to find a chill group of people who are always talking on discord.


> I keep trying to get back into gw2 but seem to be having a difficult time going at it alone. I think what made me enjoy it so much in the past was playing with the same group of people! Let's join wolfpacks!


What time zone do you play? :3 What server? Are you willing to transfer?

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Hello, it's me

I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet

To go over everything

They say that time's supposed to heal ya

But I ain't done much healing


LOL i like Adele, heya! How are you? Im from The Mystic Crusaders [TMC] a new guild made by friends for friends, we enjoy all types of content, goes from the shinny achievement hunter, the pvp maniac and myself who enjoy to smash people in WvW laugh like a mad man and eat some chips... hmmmmm chips..... and the rest of us who mix pve, pvp and wvw lul we are from Sorrow's Furnace server and we encourage people to transfer to run whit us, if not well for pve content theres no need to be on the same server so we still have many things to do togheter, the only req is to have fun, respect each other, have more fun and send me food, no rep req outside WvW so you have 5 guild slots to join, why dont give us a try? Like a said we are a new guild, small onr but we like it that way, and know slowly our members, join, you wont regret it and you wont leave us, for real, or we will hunt you down... lol pm me inside game or send me a discord msg to add you tou our discord channel and the guild XxlocuraxX.1356 (Sin)#5444 all speak english, some chinese and im from argentina so i speak spanish to lul have a nice day mate <3

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