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How I see the raids of GW2


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> @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> It always comes down to resources. WoW has a vast amount of resources and a playerbase that is receptive to the idea of raiding as a focal point for the PvE game. They can afford to develop far more raid content while incorporating the story into it and making it available to all players via a tiered difficulty system and easy process for forming groups. I just don't see this happening in GW2.


That is not really true. WoW was designed around having raids as the big end game goal (story and character progression) since day 1 while Gw2 added raids much later as **optional** content. Pretty massive difference there.


Basically WoW is about tiered character progression while Gw2 is more about tiered content with little to no effect on character progression.



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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> Better solution, and probably one they might be headed in based on the AMA, is the make the mechanics of the encounters REQUIRE all classes to succeed, that would mean that everyone would be needed, not just those that fit the current roles. Does it sound difficult to do, yes, but then again that's what any developer should be striving for, make something difficult that can please ALMOST everyone(because you will NEVER please everyone).


> P.S. - for the person that said raids would be released only 2 - 3 a year that was also covered with the statement they want to release more raids on a faster schedule.


A raid that needs every class to succeed to an extent, why not ? we have 9 classes and a raid requires 10.

I think that would work.

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> @Daffan.8924 said:

> I don't know a single person who thinks LFR is fun in WoW. It's like, killing mobs that don't even fight back except they look like raid bosses.


Probably because LFR is basically put autofollow on a healer, go afk for 20 minutes and get rewards.

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> @Daffan.8924 said:

> I don't know a single person who thinks LFR is fun in WoW. It's like, killing mobs that don't even fight back except they look like raid bosses.


Back when I was progression raiding in Cata, I did LFR purely because it was the fastest way to get your set bonuses. Did i enjoy it? Not really. It was pretty much raiding on autopilot and the only time I found it challenging was when I accidentally went in there on my druid tank with Rez sickness. I main tanked the first 2 bosses before I even realised I was sick and was popping all my defensice cds to stay alive. LFR is definitely not the solution here.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > And after some wipes, you will achieve time after time more victories... and probably start to make a simil elite group, rejecting those who didn't manage to do the proper escalation.

> > >

> > > Ok, but couldn't that happen automatically?

> > >

> > > An automated LFG feature in which players state their profession and intended role, and the system assigns a group for them. With the caveat that those who have killed a boss are only assigned to groups made of people who have killed that same boss. An experienced player would not be automatically grouped with players who lacked experience, although people would be free to manually make their own groups (if, for example, someone wants to help their friends, and so on).

> > >

> > > Of course there are ways to bypass that (buying runs, for example), but it would prevent new players from finding themselves in groups in which everyone has ran through the content a dozen times and expect everyone to know their roles.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > It won't change a thing.

> > Elites will use LFG, and those who will be put together by AUTOMATED LFG will suffer because of the fact they suck.

> >

> > Let's make it simple.

> > Elites do only want Elites. Which means they do it through guild rooster or checking only Elites with determined stats.

> >

> > Ok, now what about the others?

> >

> > You will be stuck in a group of non elites, which includes

> >

> > * Noobs

> > * Those who get carried but have equip.

> > * Those who don't have a meta build/class/equip and want to play the content with the spec they want.

> >

> > The party will be formed by these players, and the result will also be the same.

> >


> This happens only because classes are too different. There is always one class that rules and one that suck. In WoW, when you needed a tank you could have pick from at least 3 classes. Here all you can hope for is a chrono.


That is why no one takes raiding seriously in this particular game except for the people raiding in this game, those of us in the know that have raided in other games marvel with other MMO players on the outside of GW2 at what's happening currently in GW2 as some window into a dark past before games like FF14, WoW, even SWTOR finally got it right; and for what just to say you're different with a plume of feathers like some Peacock Raptor in a sea of functional looking Raptors.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> Idk if my opinion would say make raids better but able for everyone to play. When you buy a game you want to be able to play all content. But when you have gw2 and you want to raid, the average player won’t be able to. As much as we would want everyone to raid. We can’t because how much grind there is to do before you can raid.


> If making people want to raid more, I think you would have to kinda make it like fractals. Make easier raids for everyone to develope to be doing the regular raids and harder. I know it’s a challenge but I think that arenanet should develope easier ones. Then the easier ones give the right loot for going into higher raids.


> I could be wrong. But knowing I’m those people who can’t find people who would let me do raids because no one will train. I think arenanet has to go to a different approach on it. The grind is real even when you have all crafting tiers to 500. I’m not saying tune down the crafting. But maybe make mini raids and give ascended crafting materials for the loot. To craft for the bigger raids. Then I think it would probably make it better. I could be wrong though.


That's not even true, my Power Reaper is in Full Ascended Gear from Armor, to Weapons, to Non Armor pieces; how ever despite the fact all classes are viable a Raid would probably take a Weaver in nothing but Yellow gear over me while mumbling a chant about Meta while following around a guy carrying a written out text from QTFY like some religious artifact.

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> That's not even true, my Power Reaper is in Full Ascended Gear from Armor, to Weapons, to Non Armor pieces; how ever despite the fact all classes are viable a Raid would probably take a Weaver in nothing but Yellow gear over me while mumbling a chant about Meta while following around a guy carrying a written out text from QTFY like some religious artifact.


And things like this happens because classes are no echilibrated and build swapping is very expensive. You need a lot of last tier leather for example, plus a lot of new runes and sigils.



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