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Do raids need easy/normal/hard difficulty mode? [merged]


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Arah was hard back then and even to this day, I couldn't find a group to play it. Luckily there was PvP that lets me get all the weapons and armor. If Arah had an easier mode, I could learn how to play Arah.


Fractals had difficulty tiers and it let me learned the Fractal. If T4 was the only mode, I would probably could never get into fractals because no one would let me join. They would demand that I have 10,000 Pristine Fractal relic before I could join a normal run.

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I was thinking maybe we can have 'easy' mods for raids, with less damage and less rewards, where people can go actually try and learn. To have that progress in end-game content. Like any other game i played so far, there were 'normal' mods and 'hard' mods. Don't get me wrong I'm not asking for one shot bosses.

** I would like to see something else in LFG for raid but 'raid clearance' sellers. **I wan't to log and go do the content with pugs from LFG. Learn the mech and decide if i ever wanna see the full version of the raid or not. I don't have that amount of free time to dedicate for planning and preparation and signing in for raids training 3rd part discords etc.

This isn't only me. I'm in a big guild 2k members and event being in that guild there aren't many that have the time.

No need to make 4 tiers like fractals. This shouldn't be much work (as afar as i understand in programming) several 'if' functions would get it done.


Forgive my english.




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> @"belognom.3685" said:

> I was thinking maybe we can have 'easy' mods for raids, with less damage and less rewards, where people can go actually try and learn. To have that progress in end-game content. Like any other game i played so far, there were 'normal' mods and 'hard' mods. Don't get me wrong I'm not asking for one shot bosses.

> ** I would like to see something else in LFG for raid but 'raid clearance' sellers. **I wan't to log and go do the content with pugs from LFG. Learn the mech and decide if i ever wanna see the full version of the raid or not. I don't have that amount of free time to dedicate for planning and preparation and signing in for raids training 3rd part discords etc.

> This isn't only me. I'm in a big guild 2k members and event being in that guild there aren't many that have the time.

> No need to make 4 tiers like fractals. This shouldn't be much work (as afar as i understand in programming) several 'if' functions would get it done.


> Forgive my english.



The topic has been brought before, and the official statement was more or less "no". The thing is, on an easy mode all you can learn is basics - dodging, teamplay, making yourself efficient under pressure. All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > It's very unlikely to happen howevere the more people ask for this the bigger chance you can change ANet's ideas about raid content :)


> And the bigger the chance GW2 turns into a raid centric game.


Without gear treadmill it's impossible. Also, the raiding community here makes it even easier to stop GW2 becoming raid centric game.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:


> All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.


I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.


But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?


P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.


I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.






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> @"belognom.3685" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:


> > All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.


> I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

> I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.


> But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?


> P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.


> I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.


If you want to raid, just go raid. Nothing is stopping you, I posted the difficulty list up above. Start with escort work your way up. Look for lfg or make your own.


Have you even tried escort? Mursaat overseer?


Anet intentionally made many easy bosses, but every week or so we get complaints about how pug players can not even begin raiding. Raids are not stopping you from raiding, it is your own preconceived notions. Just because Anet didn't write in words, 'easy' at the start of escort mo and the like, doesn't mean they are equivalent to dhuum. Go try the easy raids, they are there for you right now.


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> @"belognom.3685" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:


> > All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.


> I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

> I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.


> But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?


> P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.


> I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.







That's like asking "why are dungeons 5-man, I want to see the content solo". Because that's was the original idea. The game gives exactly the same requirement for anyone. If you're not doing the content, seek the problem in yourself, not the game.

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> @"belognom.3685" said:

> ....This shouldn't be much work (as afar as i understand in programming) several 'if' functions would get it done.

I wish somebody said that sooner. Here was Arenanet, spending months to develop even the tiniest features of their game, taking weeks to fix seemingly simple bugs, when all along, they could have just used several 'if' functions. Game development was never so easy. Bravo, sir, bravo.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> escort (wing 3) <-------- easy mode raid

> trio

> mursaat overseer

> gorseval

> samarog

> cairn

> keep construct

> sloth

> vale guardian

> escort wing 5

> statues wing 5

> xera

> sabetha

> matthias

> deimos

> soulless horor

> dhuum <-------- hard mode raid


Id say for me easy (1) to hard (5)


1) Trio w2, Escort w3

2) Mursaat, cairns, samarog

3) Gorse, KC, sloth, w5 statues

4) VG, Sabetha, Deimos, w5 escort.

5) Xera, Matthias, w5 SH, Dhuum


Honestly i hate SH.. Usually need at least two or three pull. this week we spent more than 20 mins or half hour on it.. Really frustrating. The only time I like it was at the cm..we done it with more than 3 mins left.. And was only three pulls with that group xD (lucky). I don't really understand how the size of wall works. We (everyone) stack pretty much in mid all the time and our dps was not bad. I don't know .. I don't like it that much. When it was new yeah.. Now just annoying :p and so many effects too happen together maybe because of me lagging. Not saying its a bad map/boss. Just not my fav.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"belognom.3685" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> >

> > > All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.

> >

> > I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

> > I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.

> >

> > But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?

> >

> > P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.

> >

> > I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> That's like asking "why are dungeons 5-man, I want to see the content solo". Because that's was the original idea. The game gives exactly the same requirement for anyone. If you're not doing the content, seek the problem in yourself, not the game.


You need to take into consideration that biggest gate for raiding is its "community" :)


Game puts requirement in terms of content mechanics and timer however it's the "community" that stricts the content beyond proportions.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"belognom.3685" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > >

> > > > All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.

> > >

> > > I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

> > > I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.

> > >

> > > But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?

> > >

> > > P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.

> > >

> > > I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > That's like asking "why are dungeons 5-man, I want to see the content solo". Because that's was the original idea. The game gives exactly the same requirement for anyone. If you're not doing the content, seek the problem in yourself, not the game.


> You need to take into consideration that biggest gate for raiding is its "community" :)


> Game puts requirement in terms of content mechanics and timer however it's the "community" that stricts the content beyond proportions.


The community is truely an issue here. Don't forget about those who actually gate themselves from raids by not even trying them once or by completely refusing to listen to the many helpful voices I see on a regular basis. It is indeed so much easier to just blame everyone but yourself for your problems.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"belognom.3685" said:

> > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > >

> > > > > All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.

> > > >

> > > > I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

> > > > I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.

> > > >

> > > > But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?

> > > >

> > > > P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.

> > > >

> > > > I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > That's like asking "why are dungeons 5-man, I want to see the content solo". Because that's was the original idea. The game gives exactly the same requirement for anyone. If you're not doing the content, seek the problem in yourself, not the game.

> >

> > You need to take into consideration that biggest gate for raiding is its "community" :)

> >

> > Game puts requirement in terms of content mechanics and timer however it's the "community" that stricts the content beyond proportions.


> The community is truely an issue here. Don't forget about those who actually gate themselves from raids by not even trying them once or by completely refusing to listen to the many helpful voices I see on a regular basis. It is indeed so much easier to just blame everyone but yourself for your problems.


I think we can agree both sides of the coin are to blame here.

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> @"belognom.3685" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:


> > All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.


> I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

> I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.


> But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?


> P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.


> I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.







If you done all fractal achievements and cm. I say you are pretty much ready to start raid in current form not easy mode. They can't make raid easier than fractal. Try fractal 99 and fractal 100 normal mode. That two fractal is raid like but super easy mode.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"belognom.3685" said:

> > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

> > > > > I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.

> > > > >

> > > > > But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?

> > > > >

> > > > > P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > That's like asking "why are dungeons 5-man, I want to see the content solo". Because that's was the original idea. The game gives exactly the same requirement for anyone. If you're not doing the content, seek the problem in yourself, not the game.

> > >

> > > You need to take into consideration that biggest gate for raiding is its "community" :)

> > >

> > > Game puts requirement in terms of content mechanics and timer however it's the "community" that stricts the content beyond proportions.

> >

> > The community is truely an issue here. Don't forget about those who actually gate themselves from raids by not even trying them once or by completely refusing to listen to the many helpful voices I see on a regular basis. It is indeed so much easier to just blame everyone but yourself for your problems.


> I think we can agree both sides of the coin are to blame here.


Hardly imo. Noone is obliged to train those who are inexperienced, yet many people are using their time to teach in trainingruns, trainingguilds, create discordchannels with many of interessted player which want to get into raids while accepting criticism. Those who dont do it, being it cause they dont have the time, interessted or nerves to do it, are not to blame when others dont work towards getting themself into raids like everyone else did by release of w1. By now, there are so many guides in many languages, being it in texts or videos, that nearly everyone can get a good amount of knowledge of how to handle bosses, and i see every evening multiple traingsruns in the lfg and on the discordservers which have 0 LI requirement.

Most people are just to lazy, or dont want/cant invest the amount of time needed to get into raids. For those who cant its a shame, but that arent as many as that the game mode itself needs a rework for those few. The bigger amount of players who cant get into are rather those who dont want to adapt to the game mode. But then they should just not play it. I dont like PvP or WvW, like a good amount of other players. Should those 2 now be reworked as well? No, cause its a mode for those very players who like PvP and bigger scaled PvP. Some goes to raids.


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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > @"belognom.3685" said:

> > > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.

> > > > > > I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > That's like asking "why are dungeons 5-man, I want to see the content solo". Because that's was the original idea. The game gives exactly the same requirement for anyone. If you're not doing the content, seek the problem in yourself, not the game.

> > > >

> > > > You need to take into consideration that biggest gate for raiding is its "community" :)

> > > >

> > > > Game puts requirement in terms of content mechanics and timer however it's the "community" that stricts the content beyond proportions.

> > >

> > > The community is truely an issue here. Don't forget about those who actually gate themselves from raids by not even trying them once or by completely refusing to listen to the many helpful voices I see on a regular basis. It is indeed so much easier to just blame everyone but yourself for your problems.

> >

> > I think we can agree both sides of the coin are to blame here.


> Hardly imo.



That's not the point. The point is that while some players are indeed lazy and unwilling to cooperate, there are also many raid snobs who create artificial gates for raiding even though game mechanics never require the group to be 100% optimal.

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