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No more fractals, it's time for the dungeons


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> @"PacoXI.7690" said:

> No one played the last dungeon they made, meanwhile fractals are booming. Why would they make more dungeons?

Maybe it had something to do with that last dungeon being (at the time of the release) way too overdone on special mechanics and gimmick encounters, significantly longer than most of other dungeons, and having mediocre rewards on top of it.

It's not like people didnt like dungeons. They didn't like _this specific one_. And for good reasons. And as for booming fractals... i'm not so sure that the number of people running fractals now is even close to the dungeon population at its peak. I strongly suspect that it's not. Even if fractals are now more profitable than dungeons were then.



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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > If the content was that great, it would still be played. See how the metas in HoT are still played even after the ridiculously profitable Istan runs? The damage to dungeons is a fact because the new content which was intended to replace them is actually better.

> Fractals aren't "better", they're _more profitable_ (and only because Anet buffed their rewards as the other half of their plan to kill dungeons), and if that changed they'd suffer the same fate as dungeons.


Nope, they are better. They take less time and (the new ones) are more engaging. Both are strict advantages.

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> @"Verthurnax.2784" said:

> Fractals are dead now, casuals don't play t4s anymore after the new 100 observatory. They made fractals into raids and doing dailys is not worth the time anymore since the most you spend into looking for a party wich get rekt once inside.


Strange, I have zero issues to find a party. Both for full runs and for t4 only. Must be some meaning of the word "dead" I'm not familiar with.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Verthurnax.2784" said:

> > Fractals are dead now, casuals don't play t4s anymore after the new 100 observatory. They made fractals into raids and doing dailys is not worth the time anymore since the most you spend into looking for a party wich get rekt once inside.


> Strange, I have zero issues to find a party. Both for full runs and for t4 only. Must be some meaning of the word "dead" I'm not familiar with.


That's because necros are not welcome in elitist groups.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > Anet already has tools to create new, modern, better dungeons. How? Well, what are raids if not 10-man, buffed dungeons. Now what they need to do is actually remember who funded this whole raiding whim and give us some sweet, oldschool in atmosphere, yet modern in mechanics dungeons. Medium difficulty for 5 man, relaxed groups with cool story connected to present events, not yet another fractal being somewhere in time and space that by definition of mists is never a representation of what happened 100%.

> >

> > Yeah, but look at the time it takes to create a raid, now double that and that's how long it would take to keep dungeons relevant while also releasing new raids.

> > Also there's your answer too: Raids = the new dungeons.

> >

> > What's worse is having a 2018 dungeon release would probably require also reworking all the 2012 dungeons to be on par with the new one.

> > As sad as it makes me, Arena Net won't ever touch dungeons again.

> > Also i'd rather see more Mini-Dungeons like Zomorros lair popping up in other maps.

> >


> Raids are not dungeons. In terms of gameplay, because technically they are indeed dungeons. That's why they already have tools to make new ones. Point being **new** as going back and fixing old ones again would be a waste of time.


Problem is doing new ones with current systems, and that would be competitive in terms of rewards vs Fractals or Raids, would make old Dungeons even more obsolete.

Also Dungeon rewards are standardized, if they follow the same model for a new dungeon, it will likely become irrelevant quickly because dungeons are simply not rewarding enough.

Just the dungeon on itself would be equivalent to at least 2-3 fractals, but then there's also all the associated work like a new Exotic armor and weapon sets (which is in keeping with standardized rewards), all that for the dungeon to become incipient because standard dungeon rewards are crap, or simply a broken farm that would eventually have to be nerfed, and be made incepient.

Truth is, with Fractals they have a more flexible and easy way to add pve instanced content. I would prefer dungeons, but i have to admit that system is much easier for them to add new content because everything is already set for the rewards to be standardized no "in-world" entrances need to be designed, it's just a matter of adding the thing, a couple achievements, and if it's a really good one, a few unique items.


So no, due to how the game developed to this point, i'd rather have 3+ new Fractals than a new dungeon, as much as that hurts me.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Verthurnax.2784" said:

> > > Fractals are dead now, casuals don't play t4s anymore after the new 100 observatory. They made fractals into raids and doing dailys is not worth the time anymore since the most you spend into looking for a party wich get rekt once inside.

> >

> > Strange, I have zero issues to find a party. Both for full runs and for t4 only. Must be some meaning of the word "dead" I'm not familiar with.


> That's because necros are not welcome in elitist groups.


So either play meta or make your own group. In either case it doesn't make fractals dead.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:


> So either play meta or make your own group. In either case it doesn't make fractals dead.


This is not helpful. His statement was that fractals a dead for casual people.


A better, and more true, argument is to say that people do accept necros, and he is just being salty without confirming truth.

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> @"Ultimatepwr.9562" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> >

> > So either play meta or make your own group. In either case it doesn't make fractals dead.


> This is not helpful. His statement was that fractals a dead for casual people.


> A better, and more true, argument is to say that people do accept necros, and he is just being salty without confirming truth.


No, his statement was that fractals are dead, which is demonstrably false.

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Yes, reviving old content on dungeons would be great! Fractals and dungeons should be at the same level of profit, then people will start to walk into the dungeons and into fractals!


I constantly go to daily fractals, it starts to bore :(

It would be great if there was an alternative in the form of dungeons! :)


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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Ultimatepwr.9562" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > >

> > > So either play meta or make your own group. In either case it doesn't make fractals dead.

> >

> > This is not helpful. His statement was that fractals a dead for casual people.

> >

> > A better, and more true, argument is to say that people do accept necros, and he is just being salty without confirming truth.


> No, his statement was that fractals are dead, which is demonstrably false.


My experience is vastly different. And my experience is the most important thing to me, because that's what I'm receiving for my money spent on the game. There is literally no reason for me to know or respect your personal experience with the game as it has no consequences for me in any way.


Also, your interpretation of my previous post is wrong but it's not the first time.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Ultimatepwr.9562" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > >

> > > > So either play meta or make your own group. In either case it doesn't make fractals dead.

> > >

> > > This is not helpful. His statement was that fractals a dead for casual people.

> > >

> > > A better, and more true, argument is to say that people do accept necros, and he is just being salty without confirming truth.

> >

> > No, his statement was that fractals are dead, which is demonstrably false.


> My experience is vastly different. And my experience is the most important thing to me, because that's what I'm receiving for my money spent on the game. There is literally no reason for me to know or respect your personal experience with the game as it has no consequences for me in any way.


> Also, your interpretation of my previous post is wrong but it's not the first time.


Your experience is more important to you, but it is not an universal truth. It's just a subjective perception.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Ultimatepwr.9562" said:

> > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > So either play meta or make your own group. In either case it doesn't make fractals dead.

> > > >

> > > > This is not helpful. His statement was that fractals a dead for casual people.

> > > >

> > > > A better, and more true, argument is to say that people do accept necros, and he is just being salty without confirming truth.

> > >

> > > No, his statement was that fractals are dead, which is demonstrably false.

> >

> > My experience is vastly different. And my experience is the most important thing to me, because that's what I'm receiving for my money spent on the game. There is literally no reason for me to know or respect your personal experience with the game as it has no consequences for me in any way.

> >

> > Also, your interpretation of my previous post is wrong but it's not the first time.


> Your experience is more important to you, but it is not an universal truth. It's just a subjective perception.


And it's the most important thing for me, just like everyone else expects their satisfaction of the game they paid for to be the best in the world :)

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Good morning, I have seen this thread, and I would like to participate in this public opinion. I do not know much English, but I will try to communicate as best I can.


Let's start:


Fractals: Fractals are the new dungeons v2.0. Why do people make fractals and not dungeons? Because fractals give better rewards, you get a good amount of gold, and you can get ascended items and you can also get objects that you can not get in dungeons. But it's not the only reason, why people make fractals. If not also, because of the challenge involved in the highest fractals. That's the reason why people only do the Challenge Mode 100 and 99, the T4 and the recommended, which gives you an extra reward. The rest, it is not done.


Dungeons: Currently he is very careless, and they said that they dismissed the team that dealt with the dungeons, and that they were not going to do anything about it.

That is the reason, why a tiny part only makes dungeons. Reasons why they do it? Some who are new to the game to get the achievements, others to be able to become the legendary first generation, which is why they ask for the corresponding dungeon coins. And some for doing it for fun. The only way to be able to make a dungeon is to be in a guild that is dedicated to the content of PvE, which includes making the dungeons. But on the other hand, if you do it through the group search engine, you will not only take a long time to find a group or members.


My personal opinion:


From my point of view: People only concentrate on fractals and incursions, for the good rewards they give, instead the dungeons are not worth it, because the rewards are somewhat poor and in addition, to exchange something for the coins that you get at the end of a dungeon and defeat the heads of the instance. They are not good: exotic, runes, and gifts. For a new player, it suits him. But for the rest that already has legendaries or ascended, that's basically trash.


Honestly, I would like to play the dungeons again, I find them quite entertaining and breaks the monotomy of doing the same raids and fractals. On the other hand, the dungeons do not show much monotomy.


They could update the contents of the dungeons by putting some or one of the following things:


- Put a Challenge mode or Heroic mode in dungeons, making it even more difficult for dungeons. And like all games, the harder it is, the better rewards or better quantities


You can stay somewhat old-fashioned with the normal difficulty in the dungeons, making it more difficult for new ones, to join in the dungeons.


- Update the rewards: exchange more things with dungeon coins such as a sack of materials to choose 1xT6, T5, T4, T3, T2 or T1 or other things they think is convenient, improve a bit the drop of enemies .


What you are looking for, is to attract something that most of the users are interested in or want to get something in that aspect that otherwise is not achieved in fractals. And at least do it from time to time. And get reactivate a little the activity of the dungeons.


- Put Dungeons Daily, it would work like daily fractals. (ATTENTION: I do not mean the daily achievement that sometimes comes out that tells you "complete any route of" x "dungeon." Because the reward is a bit ahem, I better not say it in case I offend someone.) Even with unique rewards. An example, so that you can see it from a point of view: If you do the daily ones, from route 1 Ascalonian Catacombs, CoF route 3, Twilight Arbor route 2. You win 3 chest, with different rewards. All the chest have a reward of Karma, little chance to get an armor or weapon of the dungeon (If you do CoF daily, you only get armor or weapon from CoF), T6 materials, depending on the dungeon you have made. If you have done Ascalonian Catacombs, you receive an amount of Pyle of Crystalline Dust. Remember that this is just an example, an idea that can be done.


I had other ideas, thought. But it is very sure that they will not take it into account, how to change the final rewards by killing the final boss of each route, or even put an amulet, accessory, legendary ring.


If in the raids, there are the legendary armors.s

Fractals, the legendary backpack

They could put the dungeons, a legendary object that would be pretty good. That could motivate people to get it.


My sincere opinion with some ideas.


And I vote for more dungeons, I would not like it to remain a very forgotten content.


Greetings to all the users

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