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Let’s Talk About Marketing...

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I really appreciate this attempt to dialogue with the community on this.

A couple of ideas from me as well.


**First**: you need to communicate clearly the kind and amount of content you offer. I watched the Path of Fire launch event and, despite the fact that I liked a lot what I saw, I was in utter disbelief that the long video NEVER pointed out clearly all the post-launch content that was going to be released for PoF owners, especially fractals and raids. It was all about "PoF has 5 new maps and mounts". _For a game that has a bad reputation (after its original launch) about having "no endgame content", not mentioning that you now regularly release raids and fractals dungeons is plainly absurd_. I mean, really?


**Second**: more in general, never lose a chance to make clear lists of all the content you add. New maps, new fractal dungeons, new raids, mounts, specializations, maps, etc. Seriously, people need to get specifically that you release all kinds of content, regularly and for free. _Each time you plan to release something, it should be clearly spelled out_. When WoW or Final Fantasy XIV release a new content patch they have long videos detailing and showing what they are releasing, and people say things like "well, they really support their game with a steady stream of content". Why GW2 does not? You do the same WITHOUT asking for a sub fee and you don't push this?


**Third**: There are some things that GW2 does so amazingly that you can take the luxury of just showing it and it will market itself. Take the way GW2 does flying mounts. In other MMOs nothing compares even remotely to the coolness of flying a griffon. Show how cool it is. A good example is this phenomenal video:

How on earth this absolute marvel has only about 28.000 views on YouTube is beyond me. Other MMOs would dream to have something so cool to show, it speaks for itself. But any crappy video released by some WoW youtuber gets more views. Seriously, push something cool like this and at the end simply have a one-liner selling PoF mounts. _Of all the videos you did for PoF launch, nothing was remotely as cool as this video is._


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> @Alesthes.4287 said:

> I really appreciate this attempt to dialogue with the community on this.

> A couple of ideas from me as well.


> **First**: you need to communicate clearly the kind and amount of content you offer. I watched the Path of Fire launch event and, despite the fact that I liked a lot what I saw, I was in utter disbelief that the long video NEVER pointed out clearly all the post-launch content that was going to be released for PoF owners, especially fractals and raids. It was all about "PoF has 5 new maps and mounts". _For a game that has a bad reputation (after its original launch) about having "no endgame content", not mentioning that you now regularly release raids and fractals dungeons is plainly absurd_. I mean, really?


> **Second**: more in general, never lose a chance to make clear lists of all the content you add. New maps, new fractal dungeons, new raids, mounts, specializations, maps, etc. Seriously, people need to get specifically that you release all kinds of content, regularly and for free. _Each time you plan to release something, it should be clearly spelled out_. When WoW or Final Fantasy XIV release a new content patch they have long videos detailing and showing what they are releasing, and people say things like "well, they really support their game with a steady stream of content". Why GW2 does not? You do the same WITHOUT asking for a sub fee and you don't push this?


> **Third**: There are some things that GW2 does so amazingly that you can take the luxury of just showing it and it will market itself. Take the way GW2 does flying mounts. In other MMOs nothing compares even remotely to the coolness of flying a griffon. Show how cool it is. A good example is this phenomenal video:


> How on earth this absolute marvel has only about 28.000 views on YouTube is beyond me. Other MMOs would dream to have something so cool to show, it speaks for itself. But any crappy video released by some WoW youtuber gets more views. Seriously, push something cool like this and at the end simply have a one-liner selling PoF mounts. _Of all the videos you did for PoF launch, nothing was remotely as cool as this video is._



Oh wow imagine if they made a better version of that flight video. Man I would be a sucker for that.

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It's quite thematically beautiful and the soundtrack is good. As with the other posts, I don't know if the random quotes add that much to it.


I love the sweeping shots of the desert and mounts, however my main critique would be the lack of action. Lots of people play this type of game for the combat, not just story or role-playing. I would include some shots of character combat and maybe a boss or two.


I'm no professional though, I'm just sharing my gut reaction.

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My god that video is terrible, its like a badly made fan video, it's 1 minute long with cheap looking floating text quoted from players, which will hold no weight with people that have not played the game, if it was quotes from MMORPG or IGN it would be better. Anyway you need to look at rewards in this game if you want to attract and hold people, the rewards in this game are terrible, the game needs a rewards 2.0 pass and then you could market that.

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> My name is Mike Silbowitz and I am the Head of Global Marketing here at ArenaNet. I got the opportunity to chat with some of you this week during our Reddit Dev Celebration and really enjoyed the discussions and feedback on how to best create assets to support our Guild Wars 2 releases. I’ve met with our Marketing Team to discuss your feedback and we look forward to implementing many of your constructive and insightful suggestions over the course of the next few months.


> Because of the positive experience I had chatting with you all this week, I wanted to continue to test the waters and include you in the feedback process for one of our unreleased marketing assets. You have a lot of knowledge about and experience with Guild Wars 2, so why not tap your expertise and passion in reviewing a video we plan to use to engage potential new players? This unreleased video features positive accolades from our loyal fans while displaying gameplay in a way that will hopefully resonate with a new audience who may not have the rich history and knowledge you already possess. This would go live this month, targeting views by people who have never played our game, or those who may have stepped away from GW2. Any constructive feedback you can provide about this video, either positive or negative, will help us present GW2 in the best light possible.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM-bf1sBeT0


> I really hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the video and look forward to incorporating as much of your constructive feedback as possible in making something we all can be proud to share with our friends as an example of why they need to play GW2.


> Thank you and Happy Wintersday


> Mike Silbowitz a.k.a "Sibs"

> Head of Global Marketing @ ArenaNet

> Reddit: AnetHoGM



I gotta say this , showing the quotes is not pleasing as showing off the game play.

what i mean by it ... words are words but implementing those words into an adventure / action such as footage would be much better.

showing off players playing the new classes in the new areas , showing off bosses / bounties , events , the map design , the race tracks with the mounts ! these assets are amazing and has such potential and will have a larger impact .


since this is targeted towards new players , game play would be the deal breaker showing off in real world what they can expect is better than showing off a story character that they might not know or know , my personal opinion is that when i watch i do care for the story but i want to experience expectation that could be offered in game play , imagination is a strong thing !


Thank you for addressing our feedback


Much love !






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I really like the video a lot. There are really beautiful and breathtaking details in it but I would have some suggestions. Firstly I see that many people comment on the recommendation by people/players thing... I think it's not really necessary to have it in the video. I've seen some video on HoT hype and I have goosembumps after watching it even now after seeing it countless times.. That video was epic in a matter that it simply dragged the viewer inside, because the NPC (I think it's Canach?) is talking directly to us - asking us for help - which really brings a need to hop in the game and be part of this epic story. That video also very briefly showed dates of events that have happened so far which is something that I miss in the video you are making now. Because you are basically telling people to go play your game and you show them content which comes WAY after they get in as level 1.

You are aiming for new players - but you show them the latest content. They won't start as level 1 in Elon Riverlands or Highlands etc... They will start from Kryta and those players should know it before they hop in. They should also know that there is Maguuma jungle which is rich on gorgeous sights and challenging monsters... I think it's clear that all veterans or people who continually play the game WILL buy expansion (heck I bought it as prelease cause I love your game, it's my favorite MMO) so you are basically truly aiming for people who have no experience with GW2 yet and who deserve to know that there is lot more than just mounts and desert. They need to know about amazing Seasonal events, they should know that there were many things that happened before Balthazar and Joko (Praise Joko!) like living season 2, 3 ... They should know there is even possibility to go in Maguuma and use awesome gliders, they should know that you offer both pve and pvp, wvw and raids because people are tired of MMOs that offer same content over and over again which is not the case of Guild Wars2. You should let them see that even if they get tired of questing they can engage into world vs world battles or that they can have the joy of discovering new recipes for their proffessions, tell them that they can go on Achievement hunt that gives them good prizes, go do dungeons, fractals, kill World bosses, go on hunt for Legendary equipment... Tell them that the game does not necessarily need to be a grind fest that is way too common for MMOs and that they can have fun and yet relax. I find it amazing how NPC change they way they address as we grow. It brings dynamic feel in the game. Makes it more real. Show them that there are such things as SAB, Wintersday, Halloween... tell them that they can have so much fun experimenting with various builds - it's not THAT common for MMOs to let their players change traits as freely as it's in GW.

The way I'd do this video - start from Kryta... I know that what I am going to suggest is questionable a lot as it gives many spoilers, but I just want to give you the idea. Show the starting player who just popped into game, let the viewer see how the character grows, how he finds allies, becomes pact commander, show them how he fights in maguuma, glides through jungle... Show that character in the city chatting with other people, attending seasonal event... change the gear look of the character, make a shoot of some epic battle with some world boss, make a shoot of wvw battle and promote the character as commander. Show that character in raid and how he obtains legendary armor, show the character flying on the ship to Crystal Oasis, let the viewer see that there are mounts , new mobs...Show flying across canyon with a griffin, Balthazar, then end the video with buffed Kralkatorik closing in on the poor people who call for help and say something like : "Elona needs you..." you know, something emotional that will leave impact on the viewer. Talk to your viewers through whole video... Something like: "You have always felt there was inner drive to make you better. You would never turn back on those in need and that's why you have gone to this quest to become someone important, someone who could protect the land and it's people. You are the adventure that looks monsters in the eye and who leaves the battle victorious. Together with your comrades you have decided to make Kryta a safer place. .... " etc etc something in such emotional tone. I am leaving here the link for the video that was very emotional (and still is) and that'd make me buy even 10 copies if I had to :

Well sorry for the long response, hope it helps. Keep doing awesome work!

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> I really hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the video and look forward to incorporating as much of your constructive feedback as possible in making something we all can be proud to share with our friends as an example of why they need to play GW2.


To be honest: I think the video is bad. I personally have played GW1 and GW2 + Hot, but not PoF. To me the video is boring. It doesn't cause some kind of emotions, no "wow" effect and I don't care what player XY thinks about the game. People who like the game will always say something positive.


Good examples are imho:


Imho a video should cause a "I want to play this game" athmosphere. Those 3 videos do. Good choice of music , good action scenes - and they don't even show anything about the game. The vagrant story intro could easily be used as a GW2 intro, it just roughly 20 years old - but still good.

If you want to add informations about the game go for known sources, as example: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/guild-wars-2

No one cares what fanboy unknown.3526 says about GW2. Advertise with reputable, well known, sources.

Present the content GW2 has to offer. No "new specialisations" "new events". No one knows what this means. Go for "new maps" "new dungeons/raids" "X unique mounts" standard terms for people which don't know GW2.

GW2 got dragons. You could show them, similar as in vagrant story or as the FF10 attack on zanarkand. Dragons are impressive and deliver a good show. See Tequatl. Add maybe "Tyria calls for help, fight tequal". "explore 5 new huge maps". I also wouldn't use voice for these messages, to avoid it destroying the athmosphere of music+video.

Another, more modern example of a trailer:

They advertise their strengths. What are GW2 strengths? I wouldn't advertise it as a teamplay game, obviously. But maybe as an open world game. Huge zerg action? Singleplayer friendly. Casual friendly. "Play each day, once a week - or once a month. No geargrind, don't worry about it just play the game".


But: GW2 is 5 years old. I don't think there are many players interested in such old games. Improved advertising is more important for a new game.

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Is it too cost prohibitive for you to make a slate of videos that each highlight a certain bit of whats new and good about GW2? In marketing repetition is king. I think the issue I have with the video you posted is that as a new player it doesn't tell me much about features and why GW2 is different and worth my time. The trailer seems made in the echo chamber of current development which your target is not a part of. In marketing, repetition is king. Perhaps 3-5 short trailers highlighting different features but all connected with the same single thread narrative of "if you haven't played GW2, you are missing out."


Also, repetition is king.

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I sincerely doubt you'll get any new players by just slapping quotes from complete unknowns on a trailer. My friends may trust my opinion, but why would a stranger be impressed by seeing praise from some StringOfCharactersDotStringOfNumbers person? Regardless of what one individually thinks of big websites or big-name youtubers, their opinion _would_ carry more weight. For example, I've heard various people claim that AngryJoe's GW2 video back in the day was one of the best bits of publicity GW2 ever got. And frankly, right now I think a lot of these people, if GW2 is on the radar for them at all, are more likely to be burned by the mount lootbox BS you pulled.


Other than that, I'm sorry that I don't have much feedback because I'm generally advertisement-shy and tend to be cynical about trailers and whatnot due to too many disappointments.

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> @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

> One thing I have learned from quotes for promotional items is that if they don't come from actual well known critics, they are usually cherry picked because of that. Even when from an established critic still often cherry picked but at least have a little more weight. Movies do this all the time when they don't get decent reviews from established critics, "Best action movie I ever watched - Movie238Guy@twitter.whatever", "So glad I watched this movie! - Amazon review from Someperson"


> Trying to view this as a potential new customer I don't really care what name.7852 has to say as I have no idea who they are where they stand in the gaming community.


I agree.


And the text was really distracting. As a potential new customer I would stop watching this video after seeing the first quote pop up and search for a video without it. I don't mind text in a video that has something to do with the story...but quotes from random people are just distracting and I don't care about them very much. I like to form my own opinion. The video material looks great but something is missing...a fight scene...gameplay...something like that maybe?

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In short, I think the video is terrible, especially for a new player, or a person who you want to draw in to atleast trial the game. Here's why;

* The quotes come from unknown, untrusted sources.

* One of the biggest selling points of the game is hidden behind these quotes. The gameplay and content, should be your full focus. Not what Randomplayer.7890 said.

* If a person has never played gw2 before, you want to show them the raw beauty of the game (The combat, the story, instil a sense to rise to a challenge, fight against evil, and triumph over darkness.)


I know it is an accolade video, but you should not be using that to pull new players in.

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> @"The Last Hobbit.6492" said:

> MMOs are about communities. If you want to show how players enjoy the game, you need to include gameplay and players discussing the game.


> Nothing made me more excited about an MMO than this video for EVE:


> There's videos of streamers and content creators talking about the game and it gets people excited.


> I mean, hell, what did Leeroy Jenkins do for WoW. xD


> Examples: Organized World Bosses (TT usually), WvW raids, Raids like the Musician Guild that shows how fun it is to fail.


> If you want to show how, we the players, enjoy the game then just SHOW us enjoying the game. (And yeah, edit out all the swearing xD)


Yeah that's one epic video for sure, but then again, EVE is on another level when it comes to these things. Still, worth getting some inspiration from!

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For me, quotes never really did much where it comes to game trailers. Either they do nothing for me or they actually look distracting or even negative if they are from some random source and quote is nothing special.

I don't even know what the video was about because I was focusing on quotes, which, despite being positive, didn't provide me with any hype or interest.

I'd say GW2 is a beautiful game, so there is nothing to hide. You can freely show beautiful landscape, awesome mounts, cool combat animations, good voice acting and much more. I think that would be better to convince potential players, that this is what they are missing by not playing. That's the way they will get hyped. Seeing heroes in action and think "Woah, I can do that? Take my money!".

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Dethh.4620 said:

> First of all I'd like to say how great it is that you guys are taking community feedback on this, please continue doing this for all aspects of the game :) I agree with what most people are saying here, the quotes don't really add any value. Guild Wars 2 is one of the best MMOs out there by far. You don't need quotes saying how great it is, you should show that with the amazing content and visuals the game has to offer instead. As someone else mentioned in this thread, the Gamescom trailer is a perfect example. The music, artwork, and game play blends in really nicely to show off some great aspects of the game. The trailer you've shown here is decent enough to get old players back, but there's nothing there to lure new players.

> Here are some of the biggest selling points in the game that I've used to convince a lot of players to join:

> * The dragons. Guild Wars 2 probably has the most amazing looking dragons I've ever seen, and frankly gamers love dragons. I loved peoples reaction when I showed them the video of the shatterer for the first time.

> * Legendaries. I showed a friend Sunrise/Twilight once and he join the game, no questions asked.

> * Fractals and Raids. Most of my friends who played at launch then quit have no idea fractals or raids even exist. They were pretty amazed at the quality of our raids and fractals when I showed them.

> * Mounts. We have the most unique mounts I've ever seen in an MMO, they actually have a purpose other than simply speed boosting. Not to mention the amazing animations for these mounts ( it was good enough to get on the front page of reddit gaming at one point! )


> These are just a few points. Overall, as a community we really want a video we can share with friends and make them go "WOW". Something that will get the attention of new players and make them want to play. Unfortunately, I don't think this is it. The game has so much potential to bring in new players with the right marketing. Best of luck!













Thank you for your honest and thoughtful feedback. We have a lot of plans that are being formulated for future assets thanks to amazing feedback like this. We are taking a long hard look at our future videos and the GW2 website in order to give you and the community the right content to share with your friends so they can see what we all see in GW2. Stay tuned and please continue to give feedback while we test and try new things.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > > > > @Ricky.4706 said:

> > > > > anyone see the new Deadpool 2 movie trailer ? [https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU](https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU "https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU")

> > > > >

> > > > > I'd love to see something like that for gw2, because the game itself does have a great sense of humor thats part of what makes GW2 a fun place to be. "you ran from skrittt!!" ......something like a skritt narrating about life in tyria as a pirate lol! ...with random cut scenes of action packed fights from different parts of the game, filled with footage of users having fun.......and a funny script - those kinds of things have viral power, and the humor itself is a selling point that sets the tone of the environment we want you to have fun in! Plus the video script itself is memorable

> > > >

> > > > Infuse and highlight the funny...I LIKE IT! This one makes it to the idea board for future videos. :-)

> > >

> > > I hope you don't make a video just like that one. It seemed offensive to me; perhaps, I'm just too old-school.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I like the idea of playing into the fun and funny within the confines of what GW2 is as a game. It would not be exactly like the Deadpool video. That funny works for Deadpool. We would find a funny that works for GW2 and lean into that. :-)


> Cool. As long as it's not taxi-cab funny.


> Good luck.


Now Now ;-)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

> > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > > > > @Ricky.4706 said:

> > > > > anyone see the new Deadpool 2 movie trailer ? [https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU](https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU "https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU")

> > > > >

> > > > > I'd love to see something like that for gw2, because the game itself does have a great sense of humor thats part of what makes GW2 a fun place to be. "you ran from skrittt!!" ......something like a skritt narrating about life in tyria as a pirate lol! ...with random cut scenes of action packed fights from different parts of the game, filled with footage of users having fun.......and a funny script - those kinds of things have viral power, and the humor itself is a selling point that sets the tone of the environment we want you to have fun in! Plus the video script itself is memorable

> > > >

> > > > Infuse and highlight the funny...I LIKE IT! This one makes it to the idea board for future videos. :-)

> > >

> > > I hope you don't make a video just like that one. It seemed offensive to me; perhaps, I'm just too old-school.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I like the idea of playing into the fun and funny within the confines of what GW2 is as a game. It would not be exactly like the Deadpool video. That funny works for Deadpool. We would find a funny that works for GW2 and lean into that. :-)


> If you want to see types of "funny" or attempts to go viral videos that didn't work for GW2 look at the old GW2 Taxi Cab and GW2 Oath videos. Please don't go there. Please stick to videos that actually show what the game is and what it is like to play it.


> Gahh.. So bad I don't think it is even on the GW2 Youtube page anymore and quote from Colin before he left.


> > And let's be honest, it beats spending marketing funds on taxi confession ads or people spray painting wall cinematics if you ask me.




Anything we attempt will be within the confines of what GW2 is now and promote it in the best light possible. We will have our “homeruns”. We may also “strike out”. My hope is the community will continue to work with us in both cases to foster our collaboration in driving more players into GW2. We want to do you proud! :-)

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > > > > > @Ricky.4706 said:

> > > > > > anyone see the new Deadpool 2 movie trailer ? [https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU](https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU "https://youtu.be/8-Cjsnq8kVU")

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'd love to see something like that for gw2, because the game itself does have a great sense of humor thats part of what makes GW2 a fun place to be. "you ran from skrittt!!" ......something like a skritt narrating about life in tyria as a pirate lol! ...with random cut scenes of action packed fights from different parts of the game, filled with footage of users having fun.......and a funny script - those kinds of things have viral power, and the humor itself is a selling point that sets the tone of the environment we want you to have fun in! Plus the video script itself is memorable

> > > > >

> > > > > Infuse and highlight the funny...I LIKE IT! This one makes it to the idea board for future videos. :-)

> > > >

> > > > I hope you don't make a video just like that one. It seemed offensive to me; perhaps, I'm just too old-school.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I like the idea of playing into the fun and funny within the confines of what GW2 is as a game. It would not be exactly like the Deadpool video. That funny works for Deadpool. We would find a funny that works for GW2 and lean into that. :-)

> >

> > Cool. As long as it's not taxi-cab funny.

> >

> > Good luck.


> Now Now ;-)


Well, I had occasion to re-watch that advertisement recently, and I have to admit, it was not as bad as I remembered. It's actually kind of funny, now. But, I think it was ahead of its time, and could really only appeal, mostly, to current long-time players.

If you decide to go the funny route, which I would not recommend, unless you plan on releasing many, many videos, the Rytlock-Canach banter, or Skritt shenanigans, or similar is probably the best bet.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Chiltonium.7643 said:

> From a purely marketing perspective? Looks good, will attract players initially.


> From a player retention perspective? The end game activities in GW2 completely negate what a player may have come to learn or enjoy over their time playing. For instance I've never, ever, EVER liked glass cannon builds. Ever. Yet if you want to participate in end game content, this will be required of you. So definitely don't mention that 75% or more of your stat sets like soldiers, knights, etc is absolutely useless.


> Also don't mention that despite being guild wars in name, pvp is not only a side note, the balance is terrible. Not in that class X is better than Y, that will always happen, but in that TTK is ridiculously low for a pvp game, and fights typically last under 10 seconds. Attributed mostly to the above glass cannon is the norm meta that's dominated the game since release.


> I would worry less about attracting new players, and more about keeping the ones you have, THEN attracting new players and keeping THEM. Instead of getting an influx of new players who will quit. Agian, unless your goal is simply to sell more copies of the game/expansion, then this video is perfect, it will get some people.


Hi! For clarity this 1 particular video is to attract new players but we are working on numerous videos and marketing activations intended for our existing player and players who left GW2. Retaining our existing fans is one of our top priorities!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > First, I would not use quotes from the forum, use narration with a Gaelic/Celtic voice (It is just perfect for narrating). This makes it look like you are only cherry picking and showing the stuff that's favorable to you. It's why I never watch videos that people post of themselves from youtube, they are always edited to make themselves look good. Use lines from the game, many of your trailers have great narration, use that instead.

> > >

> > > Second, I never see GW2 advertised anywhere except for the occasional online link. If you had the resources to produce a television ad, it could bring in a lot of interest and new players. Maybe try hooking up with Steam, that can connect a ton of potential customers to GW2, and other Anet/NcSoft games.

> > >

> > > Third, marketing needs to focus on changing consumer emotions and thoughts. That music is good, but you need to add something stronger that makes the blood flow. Music is a powerful tool that can affect how people feel and think, and more importantly how they associate those feelings with a product. The visual aspect needs to display what a player can do. You can be sexy, heroic, and embark on great adventures in a huge world. Showing some npc's walking around does not do that. Showing a player exploring a beautiful map, and suddenly getting attacked by an enormous beast ambushing them while the music shifts from peaceful to heart pounding and combative, does that. It makes people more interested.

> >


> > Thank you for this. I agree that we need to go broader with our advertising. TV and Out of Home is something we need to consider, particularly to engage new players.

> >

> > Music is key to tap into the emotional connection and leaning on our beautiful content is key, particularly when we show to player experience.


> I would like to say thank you for this thread. I always appreciate it when staff are engaged in a discussion with players and interested in feedback on how to improve something.


> I'd also like to add that it should not be focused solely on PoF. I don't mean to sound like PoF does not have a lot of great things to show off, but so does the rest of the game. The Mouth of Mordremoth for example, kitten amazing. If you show a shot of that thing coming up behind a player who then slowly turns around for example. Show off the diverse scenery. I personally love the Shiverpeaks areas, the majestic snow capped mountains are just beautiful.


> Guild Wars 2 also has the absolute best combat system of any MMO out there. It needs to be showcased.


I should be the one thanking you and the rest of the GW2 community. I NEVER expected to recieve so many responders...much less such thoughtful and constructive feedback. I am so proud to be working at ArenaNet, on GW2 with this amazing group of gamers.


You’re absolutly right that we need to show off all of GW2 in order to engage new players. The ArenaNet marketing team is discussing how we do exactly this with new content and the GW2.com website. Stay tuned as we move forward and reach out for more insights from the community. :-)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Kooki.6074 said:

> Clips of streamers responding to the game as things happen. Even though that can be staged, and it is still cherry picked, I have more faith in my ability to spot the

>genuine reactions, therefore, more likely to believe that this game that would elicit similar reactions as I played it.


Excellent suggestion!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Kibbinz.4572 said:

> All right, first things first, I'm just gonna apologize for my bad writing, I kind of rushed this statement, sorry. :P Second, I want to say that this promo video is definitely a step up in quality from some of the earlier promo videos, which is awesome, I mean GJ. But it still feels hollow, almost.

> Putting myself in the perspective of a potential player looking for an mmo to play, I just can't feel myself thinking something along the lines of "Oh, this looks pretty cool, i'm gonna go try this game out now." Or something along those lines. I'm just not getting hooked in and i'll get into that in the following paragraphs


> My biggest problem with this advert is that if I were a potential player, I'd have no idea who these people are. Are they players? Critics? Bribed hobos? Some way of knowing who they are through a mention like "- GW2 Player Jojomemester.69420" being placed just underneath the quotes or "The following comments are from GW2 Players." Being placed just before the advert starts would be cool or anything along those lines would be quite nice, especially if ANet are insistent on using community feedback, although I personally don't think using community praise is the best way to get people to buy your game, but i'll get more into that in my next point.

> I feel that using exclusively community given praise (Which btw I wouldn't know they were members of the community if i'd never played the game before) isn't exactly optimal. The main reason is that, the opinions of nobodies(no offense to anyone featured in this advert) don't really hold any real value, especially in such a small quantity and from an advert from the developers in which case the replies are basically 100% cherry picked to make their product seem good. Ofc as a GW2 player ik that the POF is pretty 8/8 would r8 m8 but, naturally, someone who isn't wouldn't. I would recommend getting praise from professional critics since those statements will hold more weight. Of course if that's not an option then stick with the community praise but if it's available i'd say go from praise from critics or bribed hobos. Bribed hobos are most credible, 10/10 would have help me study for finals again.

> Although I find the editing to be pretty good overall, I think the shot selection is slightly inaccurate. e.g. In the first quote which says something along the lines of "The Crystal Desert is beautiful." Why not show me a beautiful shot of the crystal desert instead of Balthazar? On the other hand, I think there's a lack of gameplay footage, while there are some exciting and beautiful shots, I don't have any idea how this game plays. Maybe showing some players doing bounties or fighting a boss in the open world would help.

> Otherwise, I believe the font could be more sand themed, especially since the fade in and fade out animations resemble sand being blown away or burying something, which is lovely, btw.


> Anyways, before I end this message I guess i'll just say this. Seriously ANet, you've been doing a great job lately, you've had your little hiccups here and there but overall you've been doing great and been getting even better, so keep up the good work.


> Well, that's it. Thanks for reading. :DD Hopefully my suggestions were unique and good.

> -Yours truly, some random nerd on the internet.


> EDIT2: nvm fixed


Thank you for taking the time to write this. I do think adding clarity around who the quotes are from will help. Great suggestion. You are right to believe that quotes are cherry picked and these absolutly were. What is nice about the GW2 community is the abundance of positive quotes we had to choose from. It’s amazing to see a gaming community that loves and supports as strongly as this community supports GW2, which is a big part of why we wanted to include your quotes AND your direct feedback on the trailer. Your constructive feedback will not only help us with the video but all of our assets moving forward. Keep it coming!


P.S. - Only one of the quotes came from a hobo but I promise he was NOT bribed. ;-)

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