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Dhuum Raid Boss Mecanics Help PLS

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So, today I've tried to do the energy balls, to get 5, I fail always at 3-4 . What am I doing wrong?! I tried to avoid mid, I die there, but the most balls are already inside mid. How do I control the energy ball (myself) going faster, down or up to get the balls better?! I really don't want to waste my squads time by death at start! I tried to go down to get 3, they were literally near me, I couldn't , I tried to go up, I couldn't! I know it's my first try with this mechanic, that I'm a newbie virgin with that, so help me out!

And can possibly someone confirm that when u go up at start that the energy balls, most of them are already in mid, so is that a bug?! Or is that Anet Raid team devs trolling us?!

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I often had orb duty and the thing is that you have to "hover" a bit to collect an orb. And to be really honest, it is very possible to collect all 5 in 15s, you just have to train the mechanic (no bugs there and noone trolling you).

On the other hand, i understand your problems with the mechanic and it is indeed not easy. But the orbs have a special pattern, try to go clockwise when you shoot up into the air, collect the big one (collection 1 will prevent skeleton, 2 will prevent dhuum's messenger) and then flying clockwise. Do not risk it by getting 2 big orbs, but if there is one in front of you better collect that one.

Again, just try floating in the path of the orbs instead of flying through them.

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And how you handle that when you can't fly up or down, you barely can control your energy ball... All I see on training, that the fuck -ing commander can't do it, he makes his squad, and expects to do it right away, or kick... Anet did a terrible job here, the orbs are harder then the boss it self!

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> And how you handle that when you can't fly up or down, you barely can control your energy ball... All I see on training, that the kitten -ing commander can't do it, he makes his squad, and expects to do it right away, or kick... Anet did a terrible job here, the orbs are harder then the boss it self!


There is no need to go up or down, those orbs are simply there to add an additional level of difficulty by giving the player the impression that you should go up/down - and evidently it worked :)

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with the green.. it is not hard.. :)

stay around the inner circle path and face your character outward looking at the incoming orbs. the orb spawn from outer and move to inner. so you want to keep your character near the center and collect incoming orbs. find a nice cluster esp that from the outer zone and move there.. there is no need to go up and down. while collecting incoming orbs u have 1 sec or 2 to keep eyes on spawning orbs in case you need to move quickly

keep your character in between red and orange zone like the sketch below xD



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> @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> And how you handle that when you can't fly up or down, you barely can control your energy ball... All I see on training, that the kitten -ing commander can't do it, he makes his squad, and expects to do it right away, or kick... Anet did a terrible job here, the orbs are harder then the boss it self!


I'm so glad I was on orb duty because I could easily see myself being that commander and getting so mad at people since it sounds like the easiest thing in the world to do... Until you actually try yourself and see how BS/RNG/Buggy it is, hahaha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

doing orbs, well as chris mcswag said it is only one plane where the orbs are. I had originally thought there were 3 planes and thus kept messing up greens. So basically know when to go up, whichever method u use, i usually have a timer that lets me know (90 second timer). When u go up head straight to the left(clockwise) to get the big orb, try to collect one little orb. Then all u need is 3-4 small orbs, go around clockwise DO NOT STOP and check there is a delay before they "pop' so just keep going and getting them. Run them over as a wisp (ball of energy) and run to the next one don't stop don't count how many you need or how many you have just keep going and running them over avoid middle it's too dangerous.

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you only need 5 orbs in total. you need to get at least 1 large orb, so the skeleton/enforcer will not spawn. if you missed a large orb, you need to tell the group so they can expect for the skeleton. two large orb stop the enforcer and golem. :P

do not rush clock wise like headless chicken. bcos to collect the orb successfully, you need to hit the orb the direction they move to the centre. i made mistake in the early days to rush clockwise like a racing car and couldn't catch the orb properly. Kairos' video up there and his sketch the really helps..


he said, do red or orange path or better the pink path.

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