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Sous Chef Mastery Point (SPOILER)


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> @Nightshade.5924 said:

> > @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > 3 times is rather low, I tried around 5 plus times over 2 days before getting this. But it was fun. Just a little rng since you gain alot if he asks for ingredients that are beside each other. Even so, it's still better than those mastery points gated behind getting a Griffon to reach.


> So what if they're gated? Get your skimmer up, get your Griffon, "boom", you can go there. Easy. Vice spending WAY too MUCH time trying and Trying And TRYING and not coming close. The whole challenge should have been set up as follows... you start w/ no progress. Your "timer", if even included, starts when you hit the chef w/ your first ingredient. If a "timer" is included, and it does subtract progress, it should be MUCH slower or MUCH less progress lost over time. Raise the necessary progress to eight to ten ingredients worth of hits, boom much better game, no insanity, no people like me who DO NOT HAVE THE POINT AND CANNOT GET IT. I think the most time I've spent on ANY other mastery point in the new zones is about five minutes. One hour. Five minutes. Hhhhhhmmmmmm. Not good. Not good at all.



250g vs a mini game which I completed casually in 5 attempts or so, Boomz! Mind=blown


I spent more time running around levelling my masteries for mounts than the Sous Chef for sure. MY advise is not to get too frustrated, use the skill number 1 (speed boost) and memorise where the ingredients are. Oh, and don't throw when he is running, that is a little off.

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> @"Shena Fu.5792" said:

> I also wish the chef game is replayable daily. Maybe it should get harder after each successful try for an achievement.


I *LOVE* the idea that this could be a mini-game type adventure with increasingly harder “recipes”. Adventures were such a fun addition to the game. This would be a totally fun achievement!

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I like the randomness of this one. Although the throw mechanic is a bit sluggish. You have to wait for him to stop walking or else you may miss your throw.

Also activate the "always show items" thingy in the options.


Would like an adventure like this. It's finally something ELSE to do. Not fighting or running over dots, searching and collecting. Like oldschool stuff ;D

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> @Abakk.9176 said:

> Although i was foaming at the mouth at some point i eventually did it.


> The one that does me in is the MP memory game in the desert.


> I have a wonky short term memory due to a stroke and i can't even get through the second set ...lol :anguished:


What I did was stand with my back to the teleporter and numbered the three on the left 1 to 3 and called the ones on the right A to C so I had to remember 13B2AC, for example, but it's possible to write it down quickly. Might help?

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> @Pifil.5193 said:

> > @Abakk.9176 said:

> > The one that does me in is the MP memory game in the desert.

> > I have a wonky short term memory due to a stroke and i can't even get through the second set ...lol :anguished:

> What I did was stand with my back to the teleporter and numbered the three on the left 1 to 3 and called the ones on the right A to C so I had to remember 13B2AC, for example, but it's possible to write it down quickly. Might help?

That's what I did as well. Another solution would be to just draw the pattern on a piece of paper, or maybe record a video of it.

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> @Pifil.5193 said:

> > @Abakk.9176 said:

> > Although i was foaming at the mouth at some point i eventually did it.

> >

> > The one that does me in is the MP memory game in the desert.

> >

> > I have a wonky short term memory due to a stroke and i can't even get through the second set ...lol :anguished:


> What I did was stand with my back to the teleporter and numbered the three on the left 1 to 3 and called the ones on the right A to C so I had to remember 13B2AC, for example, but it's possible to write it down quickly. Might help?


That is a very good idea... why didn't i think of that :)


Thank you very much :+1:

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Everyone here gobbing off that it was easy probably had to get 2 Apple pies, water, 2 Secret sauces, and some shark with the Chef hardly moving and got to complete it. How about getting tasked to run each side of the room with the Chef running the complete opposite to you every time. Yes I've completed it but it was the most unfun thing I've done in gw2.

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> @Valdor.8142 said:

> Everyone here gobbing off that it was easy probably had to get 2 Apple pies, water, 2 Secret sauces, and some shark with the Chef hardly moving and got to complete it. How about getting tasked to run each side of the room with the Chef running the complete opposite to you every time. Yes I've completed it but it was the most unfun thing I've done in gw2.


I wasn't that lucky, and it took me several tries. But I got to where after every throw, I'd start to run for the center of the room again. Yes, there was a chance I was running away from what I'd need next, but better odds that I was running closer to what he'd want.

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> @Valdor.8142 said:

> Everyone here gobbing off that it was easy probably had to get 2 Apple pies, water, 2 Secret sauces, and some shark with the Chef hardly moving and got to complete it. How about getting tasked to run each side of the room with the Chef running the complete opposite to you every time. Yes I've completed it but it was the most unfun thing I've done in gw2.


I was that lucky with 6 of 10 being the meat and water (near each other and 2 stations that the chef stands at). I can confidently say that I would not have this MP without a lucky call of ingredients. Time trials of any sort have always been hard for me.


If you're getting frustrated, it's typically a downhill slide. I had to take a break after the first set of attempts, but I did get it the next day with my lucky set of ingredients. I hope others will return for 2-3 shots every once in a while. Maybe there will be some luck in the ingredients, or they'll just get better with practice and complete it (practice works for some people - just not me!).

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> @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > @Nightshade.5924 said:

> > > @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > > 3 times is rather low, I tried around 5 plus times over 2 days before getting this. But it was fun. Just a little rng since you gain alot if he asks for ingredients that are beside each other. Even so, it's still better than those mastery points gated behind getting a Griffon to reach.

> >

> > So what if they're gated? Get your skimmer up, get your Griffon, "boom", you can go there. Easy. Vice spending WAY too MUCH time trying and Trying And TRYING and not coming close. The whole challenge should have been set up as follows... you start w/ no progress. Your "timer", if even included, starts when you hit the chef w/ your first ingredient. If a "timer" is included, and it does subtract progress, it should be MUCH slower or MUCH less progress lost over time. Raise the necessary progress to eight to ten ingredients worth of hits, boom much better game, no insanity, no people like me who DO NOT HAVE THE POINT AND CANNOT GET IT. I think the most time I've spent on ANY other mastery point in the new zones is about five minutes. One hour. Five minutes. Hhhhhhmmmmmm. Not good. Not good at all.

> >


> 250g vs a mini game which I completed casually in 5 attempts or so, Boomz! Mind=blown


> I spent more time running around levelling my masteries for mounts than the Sous Chef for sure. MY advise is not to get too frustrated, use the skill number 1 (speed boost) and memorise where the ingredients are. Oh, and don't throw when he is running, that is a little off.


250 gold? What the heck are you talking about? As for running around and getting stuff, that's part of the fun. For ONE miserable Mastery point, the "mini-game" is uber frustrating and super annoying. Haven't gone back to it yet. Finished the teleporter puzzle first try, easy peasy. Five mins if that, and most of that was in transit. Which pretty much sums up all the other mastery points that I've acquired so far. Almost all of them you can think out quickly, or you have to wait because they're gated to better mounts. Getting to them is all you have to do, not having catlike reflexes. The very fact that we have ANYONE complaining about this Mastery point MAKES my point. It's too hard for the relative reward. If it WERE a repeatable point, with increasing ingredients required and maybe only available four more times or something like that, THEN the "mini-game" would make sense. I do maintain that it SHOULD HAVE BEEN DESIGNED as I stated above. I literally CANNOT think of this particular mechanic being used ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE ENTIRE GAME. And that right there is the problem.

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> @Abakk.9176 said:

> Although i was foaming at the mouth at some point i eventually did it.


> The one that does me in is the MP memory game in the desert.


> I have a wonky short term memory due to a stroke and i can't even get through the second set ...lol :anguished:


Have you tried writing down the order the pillars light up? There's only three sets, and the pylons don't repeat, so it'd be easy enough to draw 3 sets, and just write the number as each pylon lights up. If that's still too fast, maybe ask a friend or family member to remember the order they light up.


As for the chef mastery, I initially thought this too hard during the beta weekend. When looking for one more for the springer, I thought this was all I hadn't done (and missed the one in the bay). So when I was doing it, I thought it was mandatory until I could get my bunny-roo. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. I think it took about 4 or 5 tries to figure out the tricks, like waiting until he stops moving, always use the speed boost, and make certain to have interactable objects always on. This definitely would've been a better adventure than the map race quests seem to be.

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> @Abakk.9176 said:

> > @Pifil.5193 said:

> > > @Abakk.9176 said:

> > > Although i was foaming at the mouth at some point i eventually did it.

> > >

> > > The one that does me in is the MP memory game in the desert.

> > >

> > > I have a wonky short term memory due to a stroke and i can't even get through the second set ...lol :anguished:

> >

> > What I did was stand with my back to the teleporter and numbered the three on the left 1 to 3 and called the ones on the right A to C so I had to remember 13B2AC, for example, but it's possible to write it down quickly. Might help?


> That is a very good idea... why didn't i think of that :)


> Thank you very much :+1:


Did it!


Thanks again :)

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Great if he calls for ingredients nearby. I have gotten all instances where he calls for things at opposite ends of the room over and over. There is no way I can do it in time. And it makes no sense for him to be calling for, say, coconuts when he is standing right in front of the barrel of them. All frustrating, no fun. If you enjoy it, I'm happy for you, honest.

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I'm going to post once again. I've tried this MP every day for a dozen or so times each, and haven't completed it. Something is damn wrong with this design. I know what it is --it's to be a hero point, not a MP. Make it happen anet. Some people have a lot of fun with it, and it works for them. They can't redo it if it's a MP, and I can't get the MP if you don't fix its problems. A lot of people have a problem with this and some don't. The whole Tarir HoT arc doesn't take this long. Bad design. Bad implementation. Something's broken, likely relating to something the game needs from my rig or whatever it the hell it is, the solution is hero point transmutation. Turn something else into a MP.


Btw, if Gordon asks for roasted meat one more time while he's standing in front of that meat, so help me my Deadeye is going to have some target practice on his arse.


Please, for all that's holy and good, stop this bad design by not only fixing it, but making it a hero point so those who like it and it works for them can redo it. See how selfless I am? Just like a Asura trader, I am.


Dear god, the dev who designed this needs some other job internally.

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Add me to the list of very frustrated players at this MP. I'm just skipping it. I'm short on MPs but this one is so unlike anything else in GW2 that it seems totally out of place. I understand it was supposed to be comic relief, but the mechanic, pathing, etc. is just not good (as detailed by lots of folks above).

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IDK what people are complaining about. I avoided it until yesterday because people were complaining so loudly about it and I didn't want to waste the little free time I had on it. I spent 3 tries learning where the ingredients where, and then on the fourth I completed it with no problem.


Its not a hard challenge, really. It just takes some spatial awareness on your part, and knowing where to run for the next ingredient as soon as he yells it at you.

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Some advice for people seriously struggling with this.


The way I did it was to turn on object names in the options menu so you can see from across the room where each ingredient is. You can't see the ingredients before starting the mastery challenge, but after a few goes, you can learn which side of the kitchen each ingredient is.


It helps a ton to identify where to go and how best to reach it, and i wouldnt have been able to do it otherwise. Also remember you have a swiftness ability, something i ignored the first few times because i was just in a hurry to hand over the ingredients. And if anyone has an issue with their mouse/touchpad randomly not working (as I do, temporarily), having auto-target helps a lot. Also waiting until he stops to check on things helped reduce the stress because if he's not moving, it's a guaranteed hit.


I hope this helps, it's an infuriating mastery point, but thankfully there are other, easier mastery points to get out there and quite a surplus of mastery points too.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> IDK what people are complaining about. I avoided it until yesterday because people were complaining so loudly about it and I didn't want to waste the little free time I had on it. I spent 3 tries learning where the ingredients where, and then on the fourth I completed it with no problem.


> Its not a hard challenge, really. It just takes some spatial awareness on your part, and knowing where to run for the next ingredient as soon as he yells it at you.


Typical "I can get it so everyone who can't is lame." I know where the ingredients are, I know the chef's path, and I know how to play it. But every time I've tried it he asks for ingredients on opposite sides of the room, back and forth, back and forth, and I run out of time. You got it? Good for you. It's frustrating for many players posting here and for who knows how many that don't post. I agree with the above suggestion to make it a hero point instead of a mastery point.


P.S. There's a reason the other sous chef is off crying in a corner in the kitchen.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > IDK what people are complaining about. I avoided it until yesterday because people were complaining so loudly about it and I didn't want to waste the little free time I had on it. I spent 3 tries learning where the ingredients where, and then on the fourth I completed it with no problem.

> >

> > Its not a hard challenge, really. It just takes some spatial awareness on your part, and knowing where to run for the next ingredient as soon as he yells it at you.


> Typical "I can get it so everyone who can't is lame." I know where the ingredients are, I know the chef's path, and I know how to play it. But every time I've tried it he asks for ingredients on opposite sides of the room, back and forth, back and forth, and I run out of time. You got it? Good for you. It's frustrating for many players posting here and for who knows how many that don't post. I agree with the above suggestion to make it a hero point instead of a mastery point.


> P.S. There's a reason the other sous chef is off crying in a corner in the kitchen.


Last bit was my thought as soon as I spotted her too. I’ve tried this a few times and I wouldn’t mind, it’s a fun idea, but I’m sick of hearing his opening speech and obnoxious demands. I don’t think my hands’ constant need for stretching and joint-clicking is getting in the way, though it doesn’t help (if they were that bad, I’d have to not use the PC, but it’s interesting to see where devs and designers have no clue). It would be nice if those who find it all so easy had any empathy, there’s room for that even in online gaming.

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