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Mist Attunement 1 not rewarding Bags of Fractal Relics

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I mentioned this in the bug section, but since it replied to here... can you confirm we are suppose to get a "Bag of Fractal Relics". Was disappointed to see I was getting "Handful of Fractal Relics", when I did (3 relics vs 15 is a pretty large discrepancy in the description in something that costs this much).

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I've been having this problem both with the Bags of Fractal Relics and the karma consumables. Sometimes it works just fine, and sometimes it doesn't work at all. I've yet to figure out what the differentiator is between the two cases, but it would be great to have it fixed given how bloody expensive those augmentations are. Thanks for looking into it!

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> Also for clarity, at T1 and T2 you get 3 extra relics per mist attunement, at T3 and T4 it is 5 extra relics. Definitely make sure you can see both stacks of items. These are not auto consume. Karma works the same way.

It might actually be nice if the karma were auto-consume so that we can benefit from Karma Boosters and other karma buffs. It'd probably also be nice to auto-consume the Fractal Relic bags, too. Fewer things to double-click after every run is always good.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> I found the bugs. Snowblind and Swamp aren't hooked up right, and you get EITHER relics OR matrices, when you should be getting both. Fix incoming for wintersday!


I guess I have to be "that guy." This doesn't seem accurate. I just did 99, 92, 93 (Nightmare, Volcano, Snowblind, in that order). I got relics for one fractal and karma potions for two. Nightmare gave me credit for all of them, so more is messed up than just Snowblind.

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