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[NA] [Mag] LFGuild [PvX, casual]


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I am casual (or semi-hardcore, not sure :) player. Playing GW2 since release from time to time. I'm looking for a big friendly guild with all variety of activities, i would love to do everything - PVE, PVP, WVW. I have mostly played solo, so i really want to learn how to do group PVE properly, want to learn how to do Dungeons, Fractals and all that stuff.


Want to make friends, play the game together, help my guildmates with what i can.


I'm in UTC+7 timezone, but i play at different times - Euro / Asia / USA. I have TS/Vent/Discord, microphone. I have few Level 80s, my main is Holosmith Engi.


Looking for guild! :)

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