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What role should the new elite specialization unlock for Revenant?

Jack Skywalker.5674

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To be fair,it depends on the class. Thiefs and Warrior's elite specs are very straightforward with obvious roles, while Guardian and Mesmer's elite spec's enable the player to fill multiple roles just by themselves,without (much?) aid from core traitlines. I feel that since Hot when I started playing GW2 until now, elite specializations can have enough influence in game to validate such pools.


Also if anyone wants to chose more than 1 answer,just pick either other pve focused role or other pvp focused role then write your combo of roles in a post.

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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> To be fair,it depends on the class. Thiefs and Warrior's elite specs are very straightforward with obvious roles, while Guardian and Mesmer's elite spec's enable the player to fill multiple roles just by themselves,without (much?) aid from core traitlines. I feel that since Hot when I started playing GW2 until now, elite specializations can have enough influence in game to validate such pools.


> Also if anyone wants to chose more than 1 answer,just pick either other pve focused role or other pvp focused role then write your combo of roles in a post.


I would disagree, they can ALL be used in very game mode. Some might be weaker than others but thats balance and thats never going to happen here with a balance team as clueless as Guild Wars 2 has. Every spec of every class CAN be played in every game mode. Some might be better than others but there isnt one that is "oh thats roaming only" or "thats control" only

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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> True,but elite specializations can help further specialize in certain roles. While you could play a healer,with just core Ranger trait, Druid elite spec helped expand the tools available to Ranger healer by 150%. Same for Necromancer healer types.


...and the problem with that is Druid is better than Ranger in EVERY single way. While its "meant" to be a support/heal spec. It still has everything needed to be an insanely good damage or condi spec while ALSO having that insane healing as well. This whole no trinity idea backfired MASSIVELY and i am betting that when Guild Wars 3 comes along. There WILL be a trinity.

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Yeah,but Soulbeast provides better stuff than Druid for damage builds and Druid provides better stuff for support builds.True, in their current forms, elite specs give us a lot of stuff and as more get introduced, the core traits will become more and more weaker in comparison. This is something we have to accept because Arena net wants money for keeping this game alive and f2p players can just stay in Tyria doing fractals.


During HoT my current main was Core Guardian in sPvP. I won more matches as core,than as Dragon Hunter simply due to my playstyle, I prefer to outlast my oponent as a Guardian, rather than burst them down and said elite spec did not give me any tankiness and sustained dps, so I had to use amulets like Paladin's and Berserker's with defensive traitlines to reach the playstyle I wanted.


If I want to make a strong dps focused Ranger,I obviously chose Soulbeast over Druid,because I do not need the healing options from Druid to do my chosen job within a party. Sadly the same did no go for Revenant, where Renegade was supposed to FURTHER open up the support role and condi dps role...but it does it just for PvE,where Herald opened up all roles for all game modes, due to it's simplicity in design.

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Well, Soulbeast can do just as well as a healer, especially with the healer pet in Soul beast mode, add in the stances with the trait for even more group support. It does lose the Staff healing, but i think that is countered by the healing pet heal which can heal for 8k+ with very little healing power needed, add in group support with condi removal, boons and damage.


Statistically, one might be "Better" than the other BUT both can do just as well in all the game modes. Theres no one mode where one is 100% better. One may be taken more in groups and such that are all about the best of the best (which really isnt needed in this game at all...)

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> Well, Soulbeast can do just as well as a healer, especially with the healer pet in Soul beast mode, add in the stances with the trait for even more group support. It does lose the Staff healing, but i think that is countered by the healing pet heal which can heal for 8k+ with very little healing power needed, add in group support with condi removal, boons and damage.


> Statistically, one might be "Better" than the other BUT both can do just as well in all the game modes. Theres no one mode where one is 100% better. One may be taken more in groups and such that are all about the best of the best (which really isnt needed in this game at all...)


But that is how all elite specs are being compared right now and will continue to be with further elite spec releases. Druid is better than Soulbeast at healing because it gives access to more healing spells, Berserker is better than Spellbreaker at dealing damage because it's easier to use.


> @Buran.3796 said:

> Is an optimistic question due takes for granted that GW2 will have future expansions.


> Don't bandage the bear's skin before hunting it.


As long as Arena net keeps making money from this game and fixing the faults does not exceed the budget the devs are given to work with....I think we can afford some optimism.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > True,but elite specializations can help further specialize in certain roles. While you could play a healer,with just core Ranger trait, Druid elite spec helped expand the tools available to Ranger healer by 150%. Same for Necromancer healer types.


> ...and the problem with that is Druid is better than Ranger in EVERY single way. While its "meant" to be a support/heal spec. It still has everything needed to be an insanely good damage or condi spec while ALSO having that insane healing as well. This whole no trinity idea backfired MASSIVELY and i am betting that when Guild Wars 3 comes along. There WILL be a trinity.


But not necessarily tank/heal/DPS. Guild Wars 1 essentially already had the control/support/DPS trinity that they talked about in the development of GW2, although with the low levels of self-healing, you always needed SOME healing in the mix to cover what gets through the damage prevention and reduction. GW2's problem is that it essentially made the trinity TOO soft, making DPS king unless mechanics are put in that force non-DPS skills to be required.

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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:


> But that is how all elite specs are being compared right now and will continue to be with further elite spec releases. Druid is better than Soulbeast at healing because it gives access to more healing spells, Berserker is better than Spellbreaker at dealing damage because it's easier to use.



Berserker is better than Sellbreaker at dealing damage because it unlocks Torch and Primal Bursts...

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> @narcx.3570 said:

> > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:


> > But that is how all elite specs are being compared right now and will continue to be with further elite spec releases. Druid is better than Soulbeast at healing because it gives access to more healing spells, Berserker is better than Spellbreaker at dealing damage because it's easier to use.

> >


> Berserker is better than Sellbreaker at dealing damage because it unlocks Torch and Primal Bursts...


I was trying to make a point,not accurate statements there.

Also I would like to thank everyone for their vote and sharing their opinions.

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Weapon: harpoon gun.

Legend: some unnoticed quaggan.

Skills: scuba dive.

Role: roleplayer; tons of trash lore about how they becomed the endangered pacifist culture of losers they currently are.

Spec mechanic: _Mellagan's Greed_: any time you unsheathe your weapons puts an upkeep debuff of -2 in your energy; when you sheathe them you gain a magic find bonus equal to the energy spent in the last minute of play; your speed with underwater collecting skills is doubled as long as you are out of combat.

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