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Proposed Sword changes to buff power rev


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Power Herald/Rev is in a pretty sad state, getting kicked on sight in raids and even catching flak in t4 fractals. Most recent patch they decided to make some, I guess, sideways changes when what it needs is straight up buffs. I think Assassin stance needs to be reworked into something that actually increases your damage in the long run, but short term I think they could just buff swords to improve the flow of power rev combat.


Sword 1- I got nothing


Sword 2- Cd reduced from 5 to 3 seconds, in line with mace 2


Sword 3- The speed of the initial hop gets increased slightly. Currently it's so slow that you often get interupted or straight up killed before you can even get to the evade part. This skill being mostly a pure pvp skill is fine imo, or something to use to still do some damage to a boss when you otherwise couldn't. It just feels cllunky with how slow the initial jump is.


Sword 4- Cd reduced from 15 to 10 seconds. Why is this even 15 seconds? What's the point of giving you a good damage skill on OH sword if you can rarely use it.


Sword 5- Cd reduced from 20 to 15 seconds. Energy cost reduced form 20 to 15. Speed of the strike greatly increased. Now requires a target. Currently this skill is so clunky and easy to whif due to it's sloppily thrown together animation, and not requiring a target to cast means as soon as someone goes invisible or anything and you lose your target you cast this skill into nothing and burn the long ass cd and ridiculous energy cost for nothing. Ideally they should just give this a whole new animation, with a longer range slash at the end, but for now there's just no reason why it should be so damn slow.


Anyway currently power herald spends so much time just auto'ing due to ridiculous energy costs and cd's on skills, which leaves it both bad and less fun then it should be. I would love some changes that encourage you to use all your skills as much as possible.

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> I vote we instead ignore Sword because of its horrible animations and buff staff to become the main rev power weapon. Long live the Scythe Derv... I mean Revenant!


I think power rev would have a much more interesting rotation if both weapons had solid damage. Having to swap between staff and sword/X to get the max dps. Either that or give us another power mainhand with the next elite.

Ideally it'd be something with a weaker auto than sword, so it it doesn't just replace it altogether, but the other abilities have good damage and utility. So we would use our major dps abilities on our other weapon, then swap to sword and do the 2 and auto spam we currently do until cooldowns are back up.. All while juggling legends.

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> I vote we instead ignore Sword because of its horrible animations and buff staff to become the main rev power weapon. Long live the Scythe Derv... I mean Revenant!


Staff doesn't even make sense as a power weapon, it's use through utility makes it unique and useful in its own way. Only way I'd buff staff is to greatly reduce the cast time on staff 4, currently you take more damage during the long ass cast time than you will actually heal, it's almost never even worth using

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> I vote we instead ignore Sword because of its horrible animations and buff staff to become the main rev power weapon. Long live the Scythe Derv... I mean Revenant!


Lmao, this soo much.


In all seriousness, I do want something that lets us use the Scythe (err, Staff) some more. An ideal rotation involving both weapons would probably be a good compromise.

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > I vote we instead ignore Sword because of its horrible animations and buff staff to become the main rev power weapon. Long live the Scythe Derv... I mean Revenant!


> Lmao, this soo much.


> In all seriousness, I do want something that lets us use the Scythe (err, Staff) some more. An ideal rotation involving both weapons would probably be a good compromise.


They would mess it up like they did sword.Let's just make sword off hand a pure PvE burst aoe weapon by putting the buggy Precision Strike in place of Deathstrike, that way we can have the mobility of axe and the defensive power of sword 3,right next to our faithfull shield.

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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > > I vote we instead ignore Sword because of its horrible animations and buff staff to become the main rev power weapon. Long live the Scythe Derv... I mean Revenant!

> >

> > Lmao, this soo much.

> >

> > In all seriousness, I do want something that lets us use the Scythe (err, Staff) some more. An ideal rotation involving both weapons would probably be a good compromise.


> They would mess it up like they did sword.Let's just make sword off hand a pure PvE burst aoe weapon by putting the buggy Precision Strike in place of Deathstrike, that way we can have the mobility of axe and the defensive power of sword 3,right next to our faithfull shield.


Sword wasn't really messed up though. People are just upset because it ruined their cheese pvp build. You already have a block on Staff and a black on Shield offhand. Why sword also? Why does Revenant need 3 weapons which block?


Granted, I can understand that people would be upset when things are taken away from them. ANET really should've given the Revenant a new offhand entirely instead of taking it away.

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

Why does Revenant need 3 weapons which block?




Revenant only has one weapon with a block: is called staff. Revenant can't wield the shield, neither Renegade; they lack any other blocks outside staff so is not a surprise that power Herald is the only build used in PvP or roaming (also, shield's block roots you in the ground, which in the current condi meta means that if you don't get cleansing support using the shield will seal your fate; that's why shield is stronger in conformed teams and axe better in solo games).


Future (not granted) specs are also in the edge because if they use a main hand axe, main hand dagger, etc. they won't have any off hand block to pair with so probably no one will touch that weapons in PvP and people will stay in sword + axe + staff as from the beguinning of time. The off hand sword had a very small use, but as the only off hand Revenant weapon with a block (by the way: which was nerfed, so not always sucked) provided a defensive alternative to staff to any core Revenant or future spec builds. Current off hand sword has nothing special. Use it if you want, but no one asked for it.

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> @Flauvious.6195 said:


> Sword 3- The speed of the initial hop gets increased slightly. Currently it's so slow that you often get interupted or straight up killed before you can even get to the evade part. This skill being mostly a pure pvp skill is fine imo, or something to use to still do some damage to a boss when you otherwise couldn't. It just feels cllunky with how slow the initial jump is.

Just make sword 3 not bug 50% of time and call it a day. Getting punished for using it with quickness to speed up the initial animation is kinda discouraging. And make it so it wouldn't lock you into a tiny aftercast frame where people can easily time a big hit on you; or just prolong the last evade frame. Cast time reduction or range increase not needed imo, cuz it still should have a counterplay.

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Why is everyone so obssessed with staff damage? It's a freakin staff, it's already really good at what it does; provide utility through cc, mobility and healing. Why does it also need to do the most damage? It's a great weapon to switch to to survive a bit longer while waiting for other cd's or to escape, chase, interupt someone blocking, or even heal/condi cleanse. Just reduce the needless cast time on staff 4 and it's perfect. Sword is supposed to do a lot of damage, and it better, because it does nothing else.



.> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:


> Sword wasn't really messed up though. People are just upset because it ruined their cheese pvp build. You already have a block on Staff and a black on Shield offhand. Why sword also? Why does Revenant need 3 weapons which block?


> Granted, I can understand that people would be upset when things are taken away from them. ANET really should've given the Revenant a new offhand entirely instead of taking it away.


Cheese pvp build? What? it's a cheese build because you have a block? Is spellbreaker dagger/shield a cheese build? Warrior has 3 weapons with block, who cares how many you have you can only use 2 at a time.

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> @Flauvious.6195 said:

> Why is everyone so obssessed with staff damage? It's a freakin staff, it's already really good at what it does; provide utility through cc, mobility and healing. Why does it also need to do the most damage? It's a great weapon to switch to to survive a bit longer while waiting for other cd's or to escape, chase, interupt someone blocking, or even heal/condi cleanse. Just reduce the needless cast time on staff 4 and it's perfect. Sword is supposed to do a lot of damage, and it better, because it does nothing else.


Since they announced a melee staff on Revenant, I was oh so hopeful that it would be the main power weapon. Then it turned out to be the support weapon with sword as the main power dps weapon. This wouldn't have been so bad if swords animations had been good, but they weren't. They were awful, especially the auto attack. And staffs were fantastic. At least that's my reason. And who wouldn't want a melee staff as our main power weapon? I mean you can skin it with a freaking scythe.

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> @TheRealShaunsred.4928 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > I vote we instead ignore Sword because of its horrible animations and buff staff to become the main rev power weapon. Long live the Scythe Derv... I mean Revenant!


> I think power rev would have a much more interesting rotation if both weapons had solid damage. Having to swap between staff and sword/X to get the max dps. Either that or give us another power mainhand with the next elite.

> Ideally it'd be something with a weaker auto than sword, so it it doesn't just replace it altogether, but the other abilities have good damage and utility. So we would use our major dps abilities on our other weapon, then swap to sword and do the 2 and auto spam we currently do until cooldowns are back up.. All while juggling legends.


Main hand axe for sure.


Also, I would like to say it's kind of a bummer that revs don't have a melee 2h worth a damn. One is support, and the other is ranged, which always seemed strange to me. I wouldn't be against a staff buff.

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:


> Since they announced a melee staff on Revenant, I was oh so hopeful that it would be the main power weapon. Then it turned out to be the support weapon with sword as the main power dps weapon. This wouldn't have been so bad if swords animations had been good, but they weren't. They were awful, especially the auto attack. And staffs were fantastic. At least that's my reason. And who wouldn't want a melee staff as our main power weapon? I mean you can skin it with a freaking scythe.


Me, I guess. Why do edgelords love scythes so much? It's a damn farming tool, not a weapon.

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> @Flauvious.6195 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:


> > Since they announced a melee staff on Revenant, I was oh so hopeful that it would be the main power weapon. Then it turned out to be the support weapon with sword as the main power dps weapon. This wouldn't have been so bad if swords animations had been good, but they weren't. They were awful, especially the auto attack. And staffs were fantastic. At least that's my reason. And who wouldn't want a melee staff as our main power weapon? I mean you can skin it with a freaking scythe.


> Me, I guess. Why do edgelords love scythes so much? It's a kitten farming tool, not a weapon.


Fantasy scythe =/= farming scythe. I mean that goes without say. But then I guess you can't tell the difference between popular and edgy, so I have to say it.

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > @Flauvious.6195 said:

> > > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> >

> > > Since they announced a melee staff on Revenant, I was oh so hopeful that it would be the main power weapon. Then it turned out to be the support weapon with sword as the main power dps weapon. This wouldn't have been so bad if swords animations had been good, but they weren't. They were awful, especially the auto attack. And staffs were fantastic. At least that's my reason. And who wouldn't want a melee staff as our main power weapon? I mean you can skin it with a freaking scythe.

> >

> > Me, I guess. Why do edgelords love scythes so much? It's a kitten farming tool, not a weapon.


> Fantasy scythe =/= farming scythe. I mean that goes without say. But then I guess you can't tell the difference between popular and edgy, so I have to say it.


Oh you mean the fantasy scythe, of course. The one based on a farming tool, and popular amongst the edgy. My bad.

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> @Flauvious.6195 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > > @Flauvious.6195 said:

> > > > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > >

> > > > Since they announced a melee staff on Revenant, I was oh so hopeful that it would be the main power weapon. Then it turned out to be the support weapon with sword as the main power dps weapon. This wouldn't have been so bad if swords animations had been good, but they weren't. They were awful, especially the auto attack. And staffs were fantastic. At least that's my reason. And who wouldn't want a melee staff as our main power weapon? I mean you can skin it with a freaking scythe.

> > >

> > > Me, I guess. Why do edgelords love scythes so much? It's a kitten farming tool, not a weapon.

> >

> > Fantasy scythe =/= farming scythe. I mean that goes without say. But then I guess you can't tell the difference between popular and edgy, so I have to say it.


> Oh you mean the fantasy scythe, of course. The one based on a farming tool, and popular amongst the edgy. My bad.


"I don't like a weapon type that's popular so lemme insult the fanbase". I guess you don't realise how many very popular medieval weapons were also based on farming tools. So what exactly is wrong with a fantasy scythe (that is pretty far gone from its farming roots I might add).

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